Need graphics program assistance


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5 April 2006
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I have a number of drawings and illustrations that were photographed at an angle or are otherwise "warped" from their original configuration. I use Paint Shop Pro for my image tinkering, but it doesn't seem to have an ability to, say, grab a corner of a rectangle and move it up or down to fix this. Does anyone know of a cheap - or, better, free - program that would allow me to do this? Everything else I need, PSP seems to do, so I don't need a whole new expensive graphics program... just this *one* function.



  • warp.gif
    7.6 KB · Views: 14
You can download Photoshop and use it for free for 30 days and it will do exactly what you're looking for. (yeah, it's only 30 days but better than nothin' and maybe long enough to knock out what you're doing. The process is extremely simple in PS).
you can with photoshop.....

load your image...

selecta all........./transformation/ torsion (in french) ...i don't know if it accurate..
gery said:
you can with photoshop.....

load your image...

selecta all........./transformation/ torsion (in french) ...i don't know if it accurate..

Select all, then go to Edit/transformation/ Skew or Distort (english Version)

one moment
Paint Shop Pro has no transformation tools ?!

alternative to Photoshop (for those who don't wana pay $1000)
Free Software :
I downloaded Gimp, then immediately regretted it...

Unless you are experienced with building software from source, *
* you should not attempt to build all these libraries yourself! *
* We suggest that you check if your distributor has development *
* packages of them and use these instead. *

1. You need to have installed a recent version of pkg-config available

2. You need intltool (at least 0.36.3, but preferably a newer version).
Intltool can be downloaded from

3. You need to have GEGL version 0.0.18 or newer and babl version
0.0.22 or newer. You can get it from or check
it out from the subversion repository:

4. You need to have installed GTK+ version 2.12.5 or newer. GIMP
also need a recent versions of GLib (>= 2.16.1) and Pango (>= 1.18.0).
Sources for these can be grabbed from

5. We require PangoFT2, a Pango backend that uses FreeType2. Make
sure you have FreeType2 and fontconfig installed before you
compile Pango. FreeType2 can be downloaded from Fontconfig from GIMP depends on freetype2
being newer than version 2.1.7 and fontconfig 2.2.0 or newer.
Older versions are known to have bugs that seriously affect the
stability of GIMP.

6. We use cairo, which is hosted at

7. We use dbus-glib if available. Grab it from

8. Access of remote files is implemented in the URI plug-in. There
are several possible implementations for this. The implementation
used is determined when you configure GIMP. By default the
GIO/GVfs backend is used. If you don't have GVfs support on your
target platform, you should pass the '--without-gvfs' option to
configure. The configure script will then try to detect another
method for accessing remote files.

9. You may want to install other third party libraries or programs
that are needed for some of the available plugins. We recommend
to check that the following libraries are installed: lcms,
libpng, libjpeg, libpoppler, libtiff, webkit, libmng, librsvg
and libwmf.

10. The Python extension requires Python development headers to be
present. You will also need PyGTK and the respective development

11. Configure GIMP by running the `configure' script. You may want
to pass some options to it, see below.

12. Build GIMP by running `make'. The use of GNU make is recommended.
If you need to tweak the build to make it work with other flavours
of make, we'd appreciate if you'd send us a patch with the changes.

13. Install GIMP by running `make install'. In order to avoid clashes
with other versions of GIMP, we install a binary called gimp-2.6.
By default there's also a link created so that you can type 'gimp'
to start gimp-2.6.

Please make sure you don't have any old GTK+-2.x, jpeg, etc. libraries
lying around on your system, otherwise configure may fail to find the
new ones.

Generic instructions for configuring and compiling auto-configured
packages are included below. Here is an illustration of commands that
might be used to build and install GIMP. The actual configuration,
compilation and installation output is not shown.

% tar xvfz gimp-2.6.x.tar.gz # unpack the sources
% cd gimp-2.6.x # change to the toplevel directory
% ./configure # run the `configure' script
% make # build GIMP
% make install # install GIMP

The `configure' script examines your system, and adapts GIMP to run on
it. The script has many options, some of which are described in the
generic instructions included at the end of this file. All of the
options can be listed using the command `./configure --help'. There
are several special options the GIMP `configure' script recognizes.
These are:

--enable-shared and --disable-shared. This option affects whether
shared libraries will be built or not. Shared libraries provide
for much smaller executables. The default is to enable shared
libraries. Disabling shared libraries is almost never a good idea.

--enable-debug and --disable-debug. This option causes the build
process to compile with debugging enabled. If debugging is
disabled, GIMP will instead be compiled with optimizations turned
on. The default is for debugging to be disabled. NOTE: This
option is intended primarily as a convenience for developers.

--enable-profile and --disable-profile. This options causes the build
process to compile with execution profiling enabled. The default is
for profiling to be disabled. NOTE: This option is intended primarily
as a convenience for developers.

--enable-ansi and --disable-ansi. This option causes stricter
ANSI C checking to be performed when compiling with GCC. The
default is for strict checking to be disabled. NOTE: This option
is intended primarily as a convenience for developers.

--enable-gimpdir=DIR. This option changes the default directory
GIMP uses to search for its configuration files from ~/.gimp-2.6
(the directory .gimp-2.6 in the users home directory) to DIR.

--enable-binreloc. When compiled for Linux with this option enabled,
GIMP will be binary relocatable. Plug-ins and data files will
be searched relative to the gimp binary instead of in the paths
defined at compile time.

--with-shm=[none|sysv|posix|auto]. This option allows you to specify
how image data is transported between the core and plug-ins. Usually
the best way to do this is detected automatically.

--without-libtiff, --without-libjpeg, --without-libpng. configure
will bail out if libtiff, libjpeg or libpng can not be found. You
better fix the underlying problem and install these libraries with
their header files. If you absolutely want to compile GIMP without
support for TIFF, JPEG or PNG you need to explicitely disable
them using the options given above.

--without-exif. If libexif is available, the JPEG plug-in will use
it to keep EXIF data in your JPEG files intact. If this is
causing any trouble at compile-time, you can build --without-exif.
Get libexif from

--without-aa. The AA plug-in needs libaa and configure checks for
its presense. Use --without-aa if you run into problems.

--without-mng. The MNG plug-in needs libmng and configure checks
for its presense. If for some reason you don't want to build the...

Are they kidding me? Why in the hell shoung the installation process be so friggen' complex? What's wrong with "Download, then hit the Install button, and you're good to go?"
Scott, could you try with Deneba Canvas??
It could be possible to download some trial free version, it also has some (most of all) Photoshop features.
Anyway is the program I exploit to do my drawings....
Are they kidding me? Why in the hell shoung the installation process be so friggen' complex? What's wrong with "Download, then hit the Install button, and you're good to go?"

Wat the hell @#$!?
ok sorry my fault, it last time i recommend something like this GIMP....PUKE

by the way
newest version of Paint Shop Pro is now for $59.99
Michel Van said:
newest version of Paint Shop Pro is now for $59.99

I'm looking at that... but the website gives no indication as to whether this version does this particular transformation. Does other neat stuff that would be usefull... just doesn't say whether it does what I *need* it to do.
Voilà Canvas 8 version:
Was pointed to a GIMP installer:

This seemed to work just fine. Currently tinkering with the perspective tool, which is doing what I want it to (more or less).

And here's the first test result. Seemed to work out fine. Perhaps not the best test, because the original was not *that* far off kilter, but it's certainly an improvement.


  • IMG_8687.jpg
    325.6 KB · Views: 39
FYI the current version of Paint Shop Pro does have that tool as well, effective and easy to use, if you decide to upgrade.

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