Nakajima Ki-82


ACCESS: Top Secret
14 October 2007
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The Nakajima Ki-82 was a design for a new aircraft to replace the disappointing Nakajima Ki-49 Donryu, but the success of the Mitsubishi Ki-67 meant that the design was never completed.

"During the 1930s Mitsubishi had produced most Japanese heavy bombers, but in 1938 they lost out to the Nakajima Type 100 Heavy Bomber Donryu (Ki-49). This was meant to replace the Mitsubishi Ki-21 Type 97 Bomber, but the new aircraft didn't live up to expectations and never fully replaced the older aircraft.

At the start of 1941 the Japanese Army asked Mitsubishi to begin work on a new bomber to replace the Mitsubishi Ki-49. Mitsubishi were able to reply very quickly and their draft outline was approved on 17 February 1941. This design would become the Mitsubishi Ki-67 Hiryu, the Japanese Army's best bomber of the Second World War.

Nakajima wasn't asked to produce its own design for a new bomber until later in 1941. The new aircraft was to be a smaller and lighter version of the Ki-49. Work began at Nakajima's Mitake Research Division, but by the middle of 1942 it was clear that the design wouldn't be competitive and work on the Ki-82 was abandoned. " Anyone have more info about it ?
Hi! According to Gakken's The IJA aircraft, Nakajima Ki-82 was a twin engine 4 crew high speed heavy bomber called heavy bomber Otsu(乙)planned in 1940. Ki-82 project had following two plans.
(1) Noaral design with Nakajima Ha-45 engine(take off power 1,800hp). Maximum speed was 580km/h.
(2) Radical design with Nakajima inverse W18 liquid cooling Ha-39 engine(take off power 2,100hp/2600rpm, single stage two speed mechanical supercharged) and skin cooler. Maximum speed was 650~670km/h.(if use normal radiator, maximum speed was 610~620km/h)

Nakajima Ki-82 was abandoned because Mitsubishi Ki-67(called heavy bomber Kou(甲)) with Ha-214(Ha-42, take off power : 2,500hp) engine had high maximum speed(630~640km/h) possibility. Ki-82 full scale mockup was made.(Ha-45 engine version?)

Nakajima Ha-39(Nakajima domestic name : NLH-11) engine's base were Nakajima NWA and NWE(Ha-15,take off power : 2,000hp), normal W18 51.2L engine)
Ha-39 specification
Displacement : 51.2L, Bore : 146mm, Stroke : 170mm, Compression ratio : 7, 1960hp/2000m/2500rpm, 1780hp/5500m/2500rpm

Nakajima Ha-39 engine development terminated at the beginning of Pacific war,Nakajima concentrated Homare engine development.


  • What if ki82.gif
    What if ki82.gif
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This picture shows Nakajima NWA not inverse not supercharged W18 liquid cooling engine.Prototype was completed in 1928.
NWA 1,000hp class engine development was Chikuhei Nakajima's private order.
NWA-G had a supercharger.
Ha-39 was almost a inverse type NWA engine with two speed supercharger.
Source : The history of Nakajima aero engines,Kanto-sha, 20/5/1985, ISBN4-87357-007-7


  • Nakajima NWA engine.jpg
    Nakajima NWA engine.jpg
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  • NWA-G.jpg
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Thank Blakkite : Ha-39 ?! :eek: I haven't in anymore suspected this potential by japanese aircraft !
Ha-39=ハ39. Nakajima=中島. Liquid=液
airman said: ( it was a real project )
Obviously what if image.
The truth also seems included in information on this site.
Such site is really troublesome. ;D

中島試作高速爆撃機『キ-82 煽龍 -せんりゅう- 』 米軍コード:キャミィ(笑)
"Nakajima experimental high speed bomber Ki-82 Senryu, U.S.code name Cami.(Laugh)"

非常に優れた性能を持った本機ではあったが、また欠点も多く各型合計で総生産機数は500 機にも及ばなかった。
"This aircraft with a very good performance but also, in each type total gross domestic product numbers 500 ;D aircraft were also many drawbacks."
Nakajima Ki-82 coul be related with Kogiken plan II ?
airman said:
Nakajima Ki-82 coul be related with Kogiken plan II ?
Oh! But Kogiken planⅡ was a light bomber.

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