Looking for APR submissions


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5 April 2006
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I'm working on V1N6 and V2N1 of Aerospace Projects Review. V1N6 is going to be a sizable issue, but V2N1 is starting to look relatively lean in comparison. It'll be dominated by the "Project Pluto" article.

It has been pointed out to me, not unfairly or inaccurately, that APR is very US-centric. Not surprising given that I am American, and my interests are largely in American projects. For the most part, I don't have the knowledge base to do good, in-depth articles on non-US subjects. But others here might. I can't pay much except in free issues, but if you'd like to write an article for APR, I'd like to take a look. The only real requirements are that the article be:
1) Illustrated
2) Factually accurate... no making stuff up
3) About an interesting topic
4) In English
5) Can be manned or unmanned, military or civil, aircraft or spacecraft

My preference is for Microsoft Word documents. However, straight text files can be used; other formats can probably be dealt with as well.

I'd like to have something for V2N1, which will be out in some months. But I'd also like to have many somethings for future issues.

Feel free to post ideas or PM me.
Might be cool to do a small article on something from my research on the Hawker P.1103/P.1121 family.
overscan said:
Might be cool to do a small article on something from my research on the Hawker P.1103/P.1121 family.


Note: Dennis R. Jenkins had a number of APR articles. For the most part they were early versions of sections from forthcoming books of his. This same process can be used by other prospective authors... write an APR article, and then expand it into book form, or use that article as a chapter or section of a book. Many authors find the easiest way to write a large work is to first write a small one, and then expand on that.
What about Italian projects from just after the war ? Either company-centered (SIAI-Marchetti) or role-centered, (light jet fighters) ?
Skybolt said:
What about Italian projects from just after the war ? Either company-centered (SIAI-Marchetti) or role-centered, (light jet fighters) ?

So long as they were "real" projects, and preferably interesting. I'm not bigotted about *where* the project originated (though if anyone has information on 1960's Icelandic nuclear-powered supersonic VTOL single-stage-to-orbit bomber concepts, I'd certainly like to take a look...)
Well, big twin-hull seaplanes, and detachable fuselage transports, for instance...
Orionblamblam said:
Anybody? Hello? Is this thing on?

tap tap tap

yes i hear you !

i wanna make some stuff for eAPR

ELDO Rockets Proposal
Advance Gemini Mission Proposal
Some AAP stuff
Ariane 5 Prototype Study
AR-X study (reused Alternative to Ariane 5)

interest ?
Do you deal exclusively with unbuilt projects or with "real" systems as well? When you say illustrated, does that only include line drawings or are photographs permitted as well? I might be interested in putting something together.
SOC said:
Do you deal exclusively with unbuilt projects or with "real" systems as well?

The general rule of thumb is:
1) The project in question was designed by a company or bureau that was a serious organization that knew what it was doing
2) It didn't actually get to fly.

This means that an article on, say, the YF-23 would *not* be appropriate. But an article on the evolution of the designs leading up to the YF-23 would be. And I'd break the rules for a well-sourced article on something spectacular that actually did fly. So if you have documentation and photos on the Aurora, bring it on!
Have you ever had the SR-71B(x) or SR-71I covered? Those I could do, I have the project documentation for each.

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