
ACCESS: Top Secret
14 October 2007
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http://www.luft46.com/db/dbbombc.html - which version of DB603 was projected for DB Project C ? ???

There are some new peformance details about this project ?
The DB Project C was de facto DB Project B without parasite jet Bombers
but for me is unclear what was the porous of C version Bomber or Cargo plane ?

Wingspan 54.00 meters
length 35.00 meters
hight 11.20 meters
wing surface 500 square meters
take off weight 122000 kg
empty weight 48500 kg
payload of 70000 kg (either in form of one fast Bomber or several parasite jet Bombers)

power by six Daimer-Benz 603 eniges
Michel Van said:
The DB Project C was de facto DB Project B without parasite jet Bombers
but for me is unclear what was the porous of C version Bomber or Cargo plane ?

Wingspan 54.00 meters
length 35.00 meters
hight 11.20 meters
wing surface 500 square meters
take off weight 122000 kg
empty weight 48500 kg
payload of 70000 kg (either in form of one fast Bomber or several parasite jet Bombers)

power by six Daimer-Benz 603 eniges

Yes, i know , six DB603 but there are many versions of Db 603 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daimler-Benz_DB_603

Probably the version of DB603 was not mentioned on project .
i look again in my Books

The german source specified differently
Die Deutsche Luftrüstung 1935-1945 Vol1 by Bernard and Greafe
say that B version had to be power by six DB 603 engine with 1750 horsepower
while Luftwaffe Secret Project: Strategic Bombers 1935-1945 by Dieter Herweg and Heinz Rode
specified it as six DB 9-609E or N version with 2700 horsepower.

iF that is mixup of Daimler and RLM designation, this would be the DB-609 project, a V16 piston engine version of DB 603 with 2660 horsepower
but that remains Prototype project

Source on Germans aircraft engine
Die Deutsche Luftrüstung 1935-1945 Vol4 by Bernard and Greafe
Thanks for data, newsdeskdan

I think you make Airman, very happy

that DB 603N has a two-stage supercharger, using C3 aircraft fuel instead the B4 fuel
but DB 603N remain a Prototype
yes, yes i am satisfied
  • DB 603N (prototype with two-stage supercharger, C3 fuel)
Power (max): 2800 PS (2762 hp, 2059 kW) at 3000 rpm at sea levelContinuous: 1930 PS (1904 hp, 1420 kW) at 2700 rpm at sea levelThan we have type of fuel , so the carrier aircraft with six DB 603 N but i

miss the calculated speed for carrier aicraft with 6 db603n and his range , probably the engineers was focused on innovative projects with use of jet engines !!
newsdeskdan wrote:

"Like the Lerche II and Wespe (which were Daimler-Benz projects, not Heinkel), it was all just promotional literature for DB power plants at the end of the day".

Can you please develop on this subject? AFAIK Reininger and Schultz were employed by Heinkel.
newsdeskdan said:
...of the minifighters (mini flying bombs?).

In the case of the type with engine below the fuselage, the object in the fuselage is a shaped
charge, so it quite probably was meant as a flying bomb ("SO-Flugzeug"). Those with the engines
mounted over the tail look like missiles, as there's no provision for a cockpit and a prone pilot
would probably have got in the way of the warhead.

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