Brazilian Helicopter design "Abelha-1"


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11 March 2006
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Found in "Der Flieger", December 1964, a drawing of a brazilian helicopter design,
designated as"Abelha-1", shown without any other information, but in company with IPD

BF-4 (BF-2 ?) and Beija-Flor.


  • Abelha-1.jpg
    26.5 KB · Views: 509
My dear Jemiba,

may be developed from BF-2.
hesham said:
may be developed from BF-2.

I'm not even sure, that it was designed by the same company. The number of helicopter
manufacturers/designers in Brazil may have been limited then, but judging the name and
suffix, it may well be from a total different source, maybe a kind of homebuild ?

of course this design was related to Beija Flor BF series,if they wrote on it BF-4,from
hesham said:
of course this design was related to Beija Flor BF series ....

And what makes you that sure ? In the mentioned article just three drawings are shown, with
the caption "Brasilianische Hubschrauberentwicklung" (Brazilian helicopter developments) and the
designations of the three . Other types featured there are from Sikorsky, Westland and so on, so
there's no limitation to a single manufacturer, just a compilation of heli developments all over the
Let's try with some logic: The Beija-Flor was the first Brazilian Helicopter, the BF-4 (or BF-2 ?)
a derivative of it by the same company. Why should they go back to the number "1" for the next step ?

So, come on, your evidence, please !


  • Der_Flieger_12-1964.png
    54 KB · Views: 241
My dear Jemiba,

if they wrote on it BF-4,that's mean it was Beija Flor BF-4,and CTA/IPD was concerned
with his developments.
... but we are still speaking about the design called "Abelha-1", as the
thread title says, aren't we ?

(I agree, that it was unwise to start a thread for such a design, will rectify this )
My dear Jemiba,

all I meant,the CTA/IPD was responsible about Beija Flor designs.
I came across this article:

In the end it says there was another version planned, which would be a four-seater - called Abelha. But looking at the drawing I believe the first one is the mentioned four-seater (see better scan), the second is obviously what we know as BF-1, and the third may be some other design. Hope some materials closer to the original manufacturers will appear.
IPD BF-2.jpg
I would say this ↑↑↑ is the BF-4. Kind of confirmed here:
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