Avro unknown old flying wing bomber project


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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what happen to archive movies ?,it has many unknown projects,for example I
saw a china's modern bomber and fighter,as tunnel models,I never see them
before,also a delta wing bomber for Lockheed,is not unprecedented.
And for Avro I saw three sketchs for different flying wing bombers,one
of them had two jet engines mounted under the wing and has twin tail
fins,does anyone know it ?.

of course I meant here the videos on Internet,the Avro project was not elated to Vulcan
bomber ?,I don't remember its link now.
So you are asking us to identify an aircraft from a video you saw eight years ago and you cannot remember where you saw it or the title. Good luck with that
Schneiderman said:
So you are asking us to identify an aircraft from a video you saw eight years ago and you cannot remember where you saw it or the title. Good luck with that

But I described it well and specified the company,Avro,and not Vulcan or developed from it,
also that happen from 8 years,right !.
No, it is not a good description.
When you say flying wing do you mean a high aspect ratio wing, like Northrop, or a delta, as is more typical for Avro?
Does the flying wing have any form of fuselage? If so what does it look like?
Where are the twin tail fins mounted; wing tip, as on the early Vulcan concepts, or somewhere else?
When you say the engines are mounted under the wings do you mean suspended in pods, Boeing-style, of flush under the wing?
Are the engines together under the centre or further out on the span?
Are there any clues to the date of the project? Is it similar in any way to Avro's late 1940's designs that led to the Vulcan or is it more like their 1950's designs for the Type 720 or 730?

There are no unknown Avro projects, all the Type numbers have descriptions and there are no gaps, so this is either an early version of a known design or something very speculative, which is not typical of Avro. Are you actually sure that it is an Avro design?

Best thing would be to find the video again
Schneiderman said:
There are no unknown Avro projects, all the Type numbers have descriptions and there are no gaps, so this is either an early version of a known design or something very speculative, which is not typical of Avro. Are you actually sure that it is an Avro design?

Best thing would be to find the video again

There is unknown Avro Projects,such as Avro Project for Spec. M 1/30,also a Project for Spec.
26/24,even in the WWII,a 75 ton bomber in two variants of 1943,the Avro Type number list is
completed,but as I guess there was anther unknown Projects we still have to this company.

Of course I am sure,I remember its shape,delta high-wing with two engines mounted by a pylon
under the wings,also a twin tail fin mounted at the wings not fuselage,and maybe the Video was
on Avro aircraft only as I remember.
OK, so ignoring your first paragraph, which is not at all relevant to the question we are attempting to answer, what we have here is a description of an aircraft that is quite unlike any known Avro project or aircraft. Twin fins are more typical of their earliest delta-wing ideas, something they dropped quite early on, while podded engines came a bit later and are mostly associated with their canard projects. A curious mixture. We also have to consider why such a design would have been drawn-up. Avro, like almost all UK companies, were focussed tightly on RAF requirements with only limited thoughts about overseas markets, and a twin-engine delta bomber doesn't seem to fit with any requirement in the 1950s. So, all things considered, I have to doubt that what you saw was actually an Avro design.
By the way, I look forward to being proven wrong. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the video ;)
Schneiderman said:
By the way, I look forward to being proven wrong. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the video ;)

I hope to get it.
Some of the closest related concepts I can think of are discussed here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,4637.msg36574.html#msg36574

An additional design ("Animation 1") is also shown in post #85 in this thread: http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?69726-New-bomber-for-Russian-Air-Force/page3

Thank you Martinbayer,

but the aircraft which I saw it was very different.
Appendix 1 of British Secret Projects: Jet Bombers Since 1949 doesn't make mention of an Avro flying wing bomber, but Chapter 2 of the book does provide illustrations of early Avro Vulcan designs that are basically flying wing in configuration and have tail fins mounted at the wingtips. (The final Vulcan design was a delta wing design with a large vertical stabilizer.)

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