Artwork bandit alert


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
28 October 2006
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Hi all.
Just discovered a site that has many of my profiles plus many I recognise by other artists and illustrators, some quite well-known.
All are labelled as the work of the site owner.

The drawings have been modified by cuting off any undercarriage etc and adding hi-contrast/darkening to lower shadows to obliterate any open doors etc.

The site is

The proprietor is
Vincent Bourguignon

Luckily it seems all the profiles he has nicked, in my case, are of my older work. I don't mind anyone using my drawings but I do mind him adding his name and copyright to work that is not his, either mine or that of anyone else.

So if you have any work out there, please check it out.
His site covers aircraft and vehicles. A very wide range in fact.

Many thanks.
not, it's here

...and the hero...


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Too bad's a very stupid and nasty thing to do!!
I really don't like people who is used to steal even a drawing!!!! :mad:
I Hate those guys :mad:

Flitzer you not the only one

take Mark Wade from
all of his work on rocket drawing, are all over the internet
and some put their names under it :mad:

Cursed then all !!
Many thanks for your support.
I don't make my living from the profiles I do, but I hate the idea of someone like him making money from other peoples work especially those who make their living by their own efforts.

Best regards
Flitzer, just in case, can you post here comparison of your original artwork and 'reworked' by VB stuff.
Hi flateric.

Please see below.

First one is the one from the parasite.
The second one is my original.


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  • fptl-2.jpg
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Another sample.
Again in each sample the top one is 'his'.
Second ones my originals.


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  • Bogus3.jpg
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One last one.
I don't have the original profile with me at work, but I have a model I made of the same aircraft with the unusual camo scheme.

I hope to contact as many artists and illustrators that I recognise their work.
Maybe a united front might cause this parasite to think again.

Many thanks for all your support.


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  • MY1.jpg
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Flitzer said:
Many thanks for your support.
I don't make my living from the profiles I do, but I hate the idea of someone like him making money from other peoples work especially those who make their living by their own efforts.

Best regards

I fully agree with you Peter.
Everything I did, graphically speaking, I did it for free.
But I really don't bear that someone would try to get money from my work!!!
flateric said:
...and the hero...

Shouldn't there be a second picture, in profile ? With a name and number underneath ?

Well, the list (lawyers, real-estate agents, journalists, used-car salesmen) just got longer.... :mad:

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
It looks to me like the profiles are redrawn. The markings aren't exactly identical, which you would expect with a simple photoshop edit. I think he's redrawn the profile using your artwork as a template.
overscan said:
It looks to me like the profiles are redrawn. The markings aren't exactly identical, which you would expect with a simple photoshop edit. I think he's redrawn the profile using your artwork as a template.

Mmmhh... perhaps you are right.
I found out something similiar in the Italian section, all the profiles seems to be done by Santo Russo (a very appreciated artist) but they seems also slightly different and didn't mach exactly with them.
If so, it means that he redrawn all the profile (even using something of others as "reference") and his copyright would be correct (at limit of the sense of it).
It looks to me Peter that the 'parasite' not only took your drawings
but also the emblem-reversed- from Squadron Signal publications....

Anyway ,a lot of details are lost in the shades of the copies...
So all in all, there seems to be little I can do.

He has definitely used my originals in some way or other. As for the differences in the camo schemes, it's not too dificult to cut bits out and move around a bit or clone them. i.e. take a bit from a wing and paste over on the fuselage.
I reckon he could knock out up to 5 or so profiles a day doing what he does. 3 days solid work nicked and twisted.

I suppose I could always be pervertedly flattered.

Apparently I have learned (via a friend) he's been the topic of a similar thread on an Armour site.

Many thanks for all your help.
Again many thanks to all.
It seems there is little I can do.

I have counted well over thirty of these 'copies' of my profiles.
The odd one or two I could understand or even dismiss as coincidences, but 30 shows he systematically copies and bastasrdises anything he can get his hands on.
I have e-mailed a few of the other artists that have been similarly affected.
I'll just have to see what develops.

Many thanks again.
Another couple of samples attached.
I have now counted 38 cases of his 'copies' of my profiles. God knows how many from other artists there are.

However I have been advised to get as many of the other artists with myself to write a letter of complaint to his ISP.

Again many thanks to all.


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Hi all
There has been some development.

I have been in contact with Mr Bourguignon and he has sent me examples of his files.
Indeed they show he has re-drawn the images even though they are for all intents and purposes remarkably similar even down to the camouflage colours/shades, code numbers and their colours and style, insignia etc. But they are slightly different.
Most of my original drawings that have been the focus of this discussion are on Aeroscale or on site in the profiles section and can be viewed for comparison.
So accepting the fact that they are different I still ask why copy or re-draw so acurately so many examples of my and many other artists work?
When Mr Bourguignon has the undoubted ability to do his own originals.

However Mr Bourguignon has kindly offered to alter his images to avoid further confusion and to add a web link to my originals.

I am now happy for the moment so this episode can be drawn to a close pending Mr Bourguignon completing his promised actions.

We will see.

Many thanks to all for your help, advise and understanding.
Flitzer said:
Hi all
There has been some development.

I have been in contact with Mr Bourguignon and he has sent me examples of his files.
Indeed they show he has re-drawn the images even though they are for all intents and purposes remarkably similar even down to the camouflage colours/shades, code numbers and their colours and style, insignia etc. But they are slightly different.
Most of my original drawings that have been the focus of this discussion are on Aeroscale or on site in the profiles section and can be viewed for comparison.
So accepting the fact that they are different I still ask why copy or re-draw so acurately so many examples of my and many other artists work?
When Mr Bourguignon has the undoubted ability to do his own originals.

However Mr Bourguignon has kindly offered to alter his images to avoid further confusion and to add a web link to my originals.

I am now happy for the moment so this episode can be drawn to a close pending Mr Bourguignon completing his promised actions.

We will see.

Many thanks to all for your help, advise and understanding.

An "almost happy ending" after all.
I agree with you Peter, I really wonder why Mr Bourguignon has to make this "point-to-point" copy of some other's drawing when he's undoubtely able to do it by his own!!

All of us use scale drawings for reference, there's no mystery about that, but everyone try to make more "personal" as possible, not only to avoid the accusation to copy but also to add some personal value on it (and this is part of the fun to do it).

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