A Lukewarm War - Alternate History Idea - Open to criticism, critique and more


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2 February 2022
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Hello, I really like this forum so I decided to. Alternate history as a genre or subgenre, is one of my favorite things to read. Now, unfortunately, alternate history does require a lot of time, research and more which I can’t often or in deep as much as I want due to a variety of reasons :

  1. My mother’s chemotherapy. Which will last at least a year. This takes priority because she is the only parent I have that cares about me, the other one had the courage to tell through his lawyer that she’s faking her cancer, her psoriasis and her rheumatoid arthritis. This will take priority.
  2. My university exams and my thesis, also another real life priority since with both the pandemic and my Erasmus I am finishing my bachelor years two years later than normal.
  3. I will focus more on my science fiction project. It's much more easy than alternate history, luckily and unfortunatly at the same time.

So if I update this thread it will be from time to time with no regular schedule. The focus of this alternate history thread is to receive criticism. I am passionate about history, but that doesn’t mean I am expert on it (I am trying to get a bachelor in Foreign Languages and Literatures - English not history) . I am bound to make mistakes or assumptions.

The focus will be primarily about Italy, Brazil and the Mediterranean in general at some point. Not immediately but when I feel it’s appropriate.

Also, I will probably make tons grammatical and other language errors since English is not my mother tongue and wasn't even the second one I learned.

I hope you enjoy it.


Truman had exhausted all patience and tolerance towards Tito and there had not been an acceptance of the ultimatum, in fact there had been an escalation, with the Yugoslav Communist Partisans clashing with New Zealanders. It wasn’t enough Tito had shot down an USAF plane, he was indeed trying to occupy by sheer force a contested territory and was deeply worried of the total silence from the Soviet Union. Stalin and many others had not made an official appearance in months and was concerned about the possibility of the Man of Steel intervention and something was cooking up since the Red Army had mysteriously withdrawn from Romania and Bulgaria (1).

He could feel tension in the air, just like when Charles de Gaulle was shot in Champs d’Elysee almost two years prior (2).

<< President Truman ? >>

<< Yes ? >>

Harry Truman was so busy with his head he almost hadn’t noticed the man entering the room.

<< I came bearing bad news...>>

<< What news ? >>

<< Tito has refused the ultimatum… >> (3)

<< I know that already, is there something else? >>

<< Tito’s forces have engaged the New Zealanders and are occupying Trieste as we speak. >>

<< What ?! >>


  1. The Red Army stayed in those countries to "oversee" elections. Something has happened in the Soviet Union and they are giving priority to their country than Romania and Bulgaria. Would they withdraw from other countries ? I don't know.​
  2. Someone, likely a Vichyist or collaborateur, allegedly tried to assassinate Charles de Gaulle, but the culprit or culprits were never caught and CDG himself speculated that maybe those were over-excited troops.
  3. The biggest one here for me. Tito looses his marbles and goes all in against the Americans.​
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To give a (sort of) perspective, here's some footage of the occupation of Trieste in 1945-1946 :

This happened 7 years later but I think it CAN BE relevant.


From left to right :

  1. Enrico Berlinguer : Leader of the Italian Communist Party. Best case for workers rights.
  2. Aldo Moro : Leader of the Christian Democracy.
  3. Enrico Mattei : Italian public administrator , allegedly assassinated because he wanted to make an alliance with the Italian left. Best for the energy sector.
  4. Laura Conti : Italian anti-fascist partisan, doctor, environmentalist, socialist politician, feminist, and novelist. I figured that if Italy wanted to go green energy in this timeline she would probably need to be involved.
  5. Giorgio Almirante : Leader of Italian Social Movement. Likely the only one who would push for investment into the indigenous developed defense industry.

Other figures :

  1. Adriano Olivetti : industrialist who believe in re-investing profits into the community. Also suspected to be assassinated. Adriano_Olivetti_fotoritratto.jpg
  2. Mario Tchou : Italo-chinese computer developer. Also suspected of being assassinated. Tchou_CBLAS47-2599_7418-577x675.jpg



Stalin's dead as well as many other. The "great leader" departing before the last stroke took him out was the decimation of us who were loyal to the very end. Maybe it's not a good thing to be a coward or hide, but alas I am alive against all odds and maybe just in time to expand the Union. I won't govern as him and thankfully, Malenkov's and Beria's diaries and notes are at my disposal. Both have ...or better had, great ideas, even if the first was spineless and the second a pederast and rapist. Now I have three priorities : expand as much as possible and since the imperialist Anglo-americans are busy with that mad dog of Tito, I think it's only fair we have finally a warm port or two ; the second would be to speed up the bomb project ; rebuild and do it better, otherwise I will be remembered as a velvet Tsar atop an empire of corpses.

To give a (sort of) perspective, here's some footage of the occupation of Trieste in 1945-1946 :

This happened 7 years later but I think it CAN BE relevant.

foto ritoca.PNG
Photo of the "Emergenza Lubianese" in Lubiana, Italy ; beginning of the West Slovenian Exodus.
Something I did when I used to be on alternatehistory.com
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