61- ARES vs ALITA: Three - Getting Home

Aeltia-1 needed 255 days, Ares 1&2 around 240 days return to Earth.
The Long return time was chosen wisely, it was also the quarantine time for the crew, if were dangerous Mars microbe on board, it had plenty of time to do some thing.
but either on three Spaceships crews show no symptom.

October 7 ,1989. Ares 1&2 enter Earth orbit with there Nerva engines ,
while Aelita-1 crew used there Zarya capsule to return to Earth and landed in Soviet union on December 9, 1989.
it took to April 1990 for Aelita-1 to enter Earth orbit and powere there reactors down

in mean time the Politburo started investigation into „failure“ of Alita-1 mission, led by Valery Alekseyvich Legasov of Academy of Sciences of Soviet Union.
The main guilty were the institute YaERDU that build Ion engines of Mission, they failed to build engines to TsNIIMASH specifications, resulting far lower thrust as needed.
Also that Mars Landing craft was build for specifications to descend from Mars orbit, not hyperbolic speed on arrival, made impossible to land before the Americans.
The issue was know by Ministry of space, who continue with program in hope to beat the Americans by earlier launch in march 1988.
Also USSR financial problem and budget cut in 1980s, let to suboptimal components were used, also that last Mission revision was made in 1970s
This ruled out a modification of MKP for a hyperbolic speed landing on Mars.
But Lagasov report point out that Soviets lost Mars race already in 1971, with decision to take Ion engine because Semipalatinsk Nuclear disaster.
Were Engineer Anatoly Stepanovich Dyatiov do „Criminal mismanagement of potentially dangerous device“ let to meltdown of RD-0410 Thermal Nuclear engine.
Lagasov recommendation were that USSR develop new better Nuclear Engines to power manned Spacecraft faster to Mars and beyond, and use for moment Ion engines.
For moment Aelta-1 remain in Orbit until further notice, either for new Mars mission in early 1990s or to move heavy equipment to Moon orbit…

NASA refurbish the two Ares spacecraft for future mission to Mars in 1990s.
all three Crew were in good condition after over 400 day mission, despite some ticks like George W. Bush who show phase of hyperactivity,
or like he say, „i was for 460 days in a tin can, need some run out…“

The Results of Aelita and Ares mission show unusual results, Mars had far higher concentration of Methane in atmosphere
They found Water ice under surface of Mars and also Carbon but far lower concentration as expected.
One of biggest sensation was in one samples of Rover Moritz. in 1992 NASA discovery what they called „structure that resembling fossile of bacterial-like lifeforms“
This finding was controversial discuss by scientist world wide, special that Soviets not found in their samples any trace of those „Biomorphs“ or how they call them.

A exhausted President Bush dealing with his hyperactive Son during visit to white house
Rest of 1972


One of the biggest surprises was their first manned space flight, only 3 years after first Satellite Dong Fang Hong 1 (Red East One).
But looking in detail it was not so surprising at all, the spacecraft was merely a modified Warhead Reentry Vehicle,
with the nuclear warhead replaced by Man with Live support and a landing system !
That explained the short time that Directive 690 Hòng Xing (Red Star) needed until it's success.
On October 18 1972 a Dong Feng 5 ICBM brought Hóng Xing 1 with Dong Xiao Hai on board,
ris02-7619aa671168343b502f2f9d19160780.jpg ris04-eb0743a1d17eeb68d76d9ee2a0352301.jpg
yes indeed········
Rest of 1972


One of the biggest surprises was their first manned space flight, only 3 years after first Satellite Dong Fang Hong 1 (Red East One).
But looking in detail it was not so surprising at all, the spacecraft was merely a modified Warhead Reentry Vehicle,
with the nuclear warhead replaced by Man with Live support and a landing system !
That explained the short time that Directive 690 Hòng Xing (Red Star) needed until it's success.
On October 18 1972 a Dong Feng 5 ICBM brought Hóng Xing 1 with Dong Xiao Hai on board,
View attachment 689536

Interesting, where did you get such diagram? What is its reference?
Rest of 1972


One of the biggest surprises was their first manned space flight, only 3 years after first Satellite Dong Fang Hong 1 (Red East One).
But looking in detail it was not so surprising at all, the spacecraft was merely a modified Warhead Reentry Vehicle,
with the nuclear warhead replaced by Man with Live support and a landing system !
That explained the short time that Directive 690 Hòng Xing (Red Star) needed until it's success.
On October 18 1972 a Dong Feng 5 ICBM brought Hóng Xing 1 with Dong Xiao Hai on board,
View attachment 689536

Interesting, where did you get such diagram? What is its reference?

A paid article, but the topic is India's manned spacecraft,It mentioned some early Chinese manned spacecraft
The manned spacecraft is similar to the FSW
Diana program

In 1981 the program started literal with Lunar Orbital Space Station on a Saturn VC,
It’s was not the glorious white Saturn from Apollo program, but a dirty orange rocket covered in cheap isolation foam.
This was the industrial workhorse of NASA bringing heavy payloads into low earth orbit.
Here this MoonLab was welcome by a Space tug that prepared docking with fuelled Reusable Nuclear Shuttle-1 (RNS-1).
4 day later it brought LOSS into 80 km high polar lunar orbit and deploy it.
A month later return RNS-1 with Space Tug a Crew & Cargo Logistic Modul with 6 astronauts and Scientific Instrument Module (SIM).
The crew took over MoonLab and dock SIM at Station and start scientific mission to scann Lunar surface.

One of astonishing discovery was hydroxide on Lunar surface, confirming the findings of Apollo 21 mission !
Later they found Ice on both Lunar poles with help of new radar experiment on SIM

On return RNS-1 to earth orbit, was inspected by it service Tugs, who found a troublesome discovery, cracks in reactor core.
While Media hyped this „New Apollo 13“, NASA look into problem: the NERVA original design for 20 operation failed after 12.
The Crew was not in danger, a manned Space Tug (chemical) with additional propellant tanks could return them to a Space Shuttle.
NASA decided to launch RNS-2 into low orbit in hope it would perform better, while the service Tugs prepared the RNS-1 disposal.

The next Mission bought two Lunar tug, their docking system for MoonLab and two reserve propellant tanks.
Those tugs were docked on LOSS side ports by it robotic arms. follow arrival of its crew that increased
temporal the station crew to 12 astronauts.
One of first landing crew was eager to return to Moon is: Harrison Schmitt the first geologist who walk on Moon.
The other is John Young, Pilot of Gemini, Apollo CSM, Lunar module, Space Shuttle and now Lunar Tug
both and rookie astronaut Tom Hanks were first Americans to land on Moon since Apollo 21.

Hanks: Man this great, really great man !
Schmitt: I’m back Moon…
Young: can we get serious now?

MoonLab operated for nearly 15 years in Lunar Orbit with 30 lunar landings making many discovery,
With allot problems and near disasters, Like Solar Flairs, micro meteoroid impact on Station,
Abort landing attempts, issue with Lunar dust and Accidents during Lunar EVA.
In 1996 the Station was de-orbit and crash into Lunar crater, its replacement was the US Base Robert Peary on Lunar South Pole.

Back In 1981 in Los Alamos AEC checkt their NERVA engines, if there were any constructions errors in Design.
There was dispute because AEC demanded that RNS-1 engine is return to Earth with Shuttle for evaluation,
what NASA right out refused !
But it was clear for NASA that somehow that engine must be evaluated and that on ground by AEC.
At Marshal Space Flight Center had someone the Solution, using a Boilerplate article from Mars Exploration Module.
Equip with Lead container and parachutes, so started one of the most expensive salvage operation in History.

in 1982 a Saturn VC launched Salvage One into Rendezvous Orbit towards RNS-1
At RNS-1 the two inspection Tugs began complex task to disconnect Nerva Engine and insert into Salvage One
Biggest problem was to cut off the nozzle from engine so it fit into container and seal it.
Then Salvage One began its return to Earth, it landing target was the Johnson Atoll in middle of Pacific.
It splash down save, surrounded by US Navy Taskforce and brought to Johnson „Plutonium Yard“

The disappointing Result: it was not engine design errors, it was the material the reactor was build.
That Graphite UC-ZrC Alloy in space, suffer more of hydrogen corrosion and radioactive isotope contamination as expected.
The Reactor In Flight Test 1&2 had only 3 and 4 Ignitions, What NASA and AEC consider as qualification and declare RIFT-2 to RNS-1
But after 12 ignitions the Reactor core was so weaken by hydrogen corrosion and crack under thermal stress during cool down.
While NASA and ACE blame each other for the fiasco, the Scientist in Los Alamos start working on Problem.
For moment the current generation of NERVA engine are limited to 12 ignitions, then disposed in space.
Under current situation it was consider the engines were unsafe for Manned Mars Mission…

Original sketch for MoonLab
It reminds me the orbital outpost seen in the first episode of Space 1999, it would be nice to have into the same scenario Meteor, 2001 and Space 1999 (apart of irrealistic Moon's breakaway....).
First weapon


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It reminds me the orbital outpost seen in the first episode of Space 1999, it would be nice to have into the same scenario Meteor, 2001 and Space 1999 (apart of irrealistic Moon's breakaway....).

i working on that for 1990s part of TL, A very certain spacecraft play role here ;)
Since Bush senior want grater vision of space
Contrary to OTL 1989 has he NASA with Saturn VC, Saturn Shuttle, Nuclear Shuttle, Space Tugs.
Post 62 The begin of 1990s

President Bush face allot challenge during his Presidency.
Next rivalry with Bob Dole about conservative and Progressive matter, happen The Gulf War, The shift in the Cold War,
the creation of European Union, the expanded Space Race.

The 1991 Gulf War started as Saddam Hussein gave order to Invade Kuwait, was he consider as renegade Province from Iraq.
Do rising Oil prise and threat Iraq formed for Middle East, soon a coalitions was form, its member:
USA, Great Britain, France, West Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Iran
This was last war were the B-52 was used for carpet bombing.
The US military were surprised about effectiveness of there weapon systems, like AH-56 combat helicopter and it Anti Tank-missiles.
For Soviets military it was harsh wake up call, there military doctrine failed miserably with Iraq army, the coalition just annihilating them,
More painful was that Iran getting the upper hand and marching into Iraq to settle old scores with Iraq Government and Hussein clan.
In end Iraq simply collapsed, in north the Kurds declare their own Free state, in the east occupied by Iranians and the South by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
Kuwait annexed the Iran province of Basrah as compensation for Invasion, While Iran junta expanded west and annexed Iraq Territory with Shia Arab majority.
The US first opposed the division of Iraq, but not wanted dispute with Iran, needed Allie against China in Afghanistan.
Very bad surprise was discovery of Atomic bombs prototype, a U.N. investigation show the bombs were simple implosion devices, unable to produce nuclear fission.
had Iraqis had more time they could have build functional Atomic bomb.

Sweden introduce Saab Supersonic Bomber increasing their deterrence.
North Korea successful tested there own Atom-bomb, after Yugoslavia successful nuclear test.
France became a Neutral state under Mitterand with close Economic ties with European Nations and USSR

1992 happen the Germans Union, after three years negotiations the west German Federal Government and East Communist Government,
Sign a Treaty were both states form a Confederation, that respect both Government and constitution, form Economic union and Aid.
The USA, USSR, Great Britain and France look very critical on this development,
While smaller European states look at their big brothers (USA or USSR) as Allies, in case Germany become a Warmonger again.

1992 was also creation of European Union, a coalition of European States that forme Economic and Finance Union and join infrastructure.
What makes the EU so remarkable was joining of East Europeans States !
The USSR allow this to have additional boost for their own economy that fully recover from 1980s crisis, thanks Gorbachev economic Reform.
Under General Sectary Gorbachev happen radical changes for USSR, in fact the Soviet economy was catching up with US economy !
Also a end of Cold war between USA and USSR, much to chagrin of the Hardliners on both sides,
Both side used the chance to reduce there costly Nuclear arsenal
But does’t mean a friendly relations between USA and USSR, both protected their interest in sphere of Influence,
They just not longer aim they’re ICBM on each other !
in 1992 Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova became the first Woman as Central Sectary of Politburo.
But Communist Party face new problem, the Oligarchs a new group of ultra rich Soviets, what was contradictory to every Communist manifest.

In China the leader Ye Qun health start to decline
While powers struggle happen between Her son Lin Liguo and her daughter Lin Liheng, He a high rang Air Force Marshall, She a high rang Politburo Member in Communist party.
This dispute was not only leadership, but also was way to go: pure Communism or water down Communism of Soviets ?
The Cold War shifted now towards USA & USSR vs China

Henry Kissinger on current Political situation:
That China became International Problem was obvious.
We have Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand Canal issue, Nord Korea, Nicaragua, Angola, Burma, Afghanistan and now Pakistan.
it was matter of time that Iran and India look for Allies and choose the USA, after China installed Nuclear Weapons in Pakistan.
Lucky for us were the Soviets, intelligent to realised that Cold War was contra productive and Gorbachev proposed to normalised the Relations between USA and USSR.
So we could focus more on the Chinese problem…

Taiwan, China People Republic lay claim on this Island.
Hong Kong is territory and Macau a Portuguese territory on main land China claimed by Communist Party.
Thailand Canal issue, China use nuclear bombs to build this channel, so their battle fleet can access faster the India ocean.
Nord Korea, it seems China help them in Nuclear program, unclear how and on what.
Nicaragua, Angola here support Cuba & China, the local communist.
Burma is puppet state were their generals junta follow order from Beijing.
Afghanistan here Communist leader ask China for help and support in their civil war, what follow was Occupation Afghanistan by China People Army.
with a brutal crack down of opposition in Afghanistan by ethnic cleansing on level of genocide !
The government of Pakistan helps the Chinese, in exchange for nuclear Weapons against India and Iran.
This let to Iran nuclear weapon Program.
Post 63 Greater vision of Space

The President Bush wanted a more lasting US Space Program, Nixon Odyssey Program show clearly that long term programs work.
He appointed a new NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin
But Bush had to face also the USAF and General Adlon, they had launch and teste Hercules 2 and installed USAF Station in GEO,

Space Station Bold-Eagle
in 1990 ended Era, USA third Space Station Skybase original planned for 15 years ended after 11.
The 1989 Fire in laboratory seal its faith, in autumn 1990, the Station was vacated and de-orbited into the Pacific with the aid of Space Tugs.
An obsolete (unmanned) Earth Survey Platform was also brought down with the station, Follow by Skylab-5 station.
At Capitol Hill came question how successor, since Soviets still operate MIR and put two Space Factory in space.

Now was moment of USAF and General Adlon, on Launch Pad 39 stand Saturn VC with first module of Space Station IV „Bold-Eagle“
But it had quite different destination, instead low orbit Eagle was deployed in Geostationary orbit by Nuclear Ferry !
Official a USAF operated Space Station in GEO to support and maintain USA satellite there, had additional secrets purpose:
One to defend US Satellite in GEO, also serve as Emergency Commando Center in case of Nuclear War.

ESRO was not happy with this development, since Eagle had sectors were civilians access was forbidden,
and number of ESRO astronauts was reduce to one Person on board.
Formal Protest let to threat by General Adlon, not to allow any civilians on Eagle, were USAF had all the rights.
The Moonlab (Space Station IIIb) was not alternative, since it crew is limited and focus on Moon Exploration.
also that NASA put experiment from Skybase to Moonlab reduceing available space for ESRO.
ESRO admitted tooth-cracking to the situation and look into option for Europan Manned Space Station.

Bold-Eagle consist out three Module:
1. Main Mission Module for Military purpose
2. Lab and Habitat Module with access for civilian (NASA and ESRO)
3. Hangar module to maintain Satellites with docks for Space Tugs (Modified hangar for Manned Exploration Module of ARES program)

Various Application and Science Modules (ASM) so the official story
Half of them were Weapon container with Anti Satellite system, the rest special Communication system in case of War.
Only at Habitat Module were real ASM docked.
Powert by six solar array with total 75 kWe

Crew was 12 persons with option for 6 additional persons for short period.
For radiation issue the Modules are shielded, special the central Tunnel (based on the ARES mission Module)
Bold-Eagle operated until 2005 as the Emergency Commando Center was move to new location beyond Earth.

US Space Program Next Steps
The Space Task Group (STG) under President Bush worked on proposals and grand design emerge:
New Space Station 5 „Olympus“ (space base) installed at 28° low earth orbit and serve a new Space Architecture:
The „Olympus“ serve the traffic hub to Moon and a Surface Base, what has to replace ageing Moonlab from Diana Program after 1996.
Also „Olympus“ serve the stored Ares spaceships for upcoming Mars Missions and potential Mars Base.

Another thing was Ageing Space Shuttle fleet, the Orbiters and boosters will reach there end of lifespan in end 1990s
At NASA was dispute how to replace the Shuttle with advance system like Single Stage To Orbit ?
In the end, successor was modernised version of Saturn Shuttle were the first stage was compete automated, with engines modified for lower maintaining cost.
incorporating new materials like composite materials or new Aluminum alloy and super cooled propellants would increase the Payloads.
Also replace the improved Shuttle, the Saturn Vc, by launching also S-IID stages for heavy cargo on winged Booster.
Launch complex 39 would be extended to four pad ( Pad C was build for Ares missions begin 1980s)

One proposal by STG got Presidents attention: Commercialisation of US Space Flight.
With success of European ELGO GmbH, British MUSTARD and US Space Shuttle,
STG was convince that USA should allow private companies access to Space, either by NASA or own hardware !
Even NASA and DoD show interest to replace smaller launcher like Scout or Delta by reusable US launcher.
Special with current Soviets Space activity (see below) and option of private US companies producing products in Space.
Capitol Hill voted for Commercialisation of US Space Flight bill, not knowing what it unleash…

But in the next Big Step in space flight the STG proposed a bolt Move:

Temporal Mars Base were crew would stay for 600 days and manned flights to Jupiter and Saturn !
It was logical step after Mars, but Jupiter was twice and Saturn four times further as Mars, also has Jupiter a dangerous and deadly radiation belt,
While Saturn radiation belt was less Deadly but also dangerous.
STG look for manned Jupiter Fly-by in 2010, follow Saturn orbit and visit to moon Titan on end 2010 decade.
but this needed high energy rocket engine, more powerful as upcoming Timberwind nuclear Engine.

Capitol Hill was not happy with those plans, but since Soviet union still operate the biggest Space station ever launch and put two Industrial Complex in low Orbit.
The US politicians voted for Program for „Olympus“ and small Moon Base, additional 3 Mars Mission. mostly in self-interest, more money for there States !
However on Temporal Mars Base, manned Jupiter and Saturn Mission was Capitol Hill very hostile.
While other in Capitol Hill went in other extrem, like Newt Gingrich who proposed USA colonising Moon and Mars…

President Bush establish the National Council for Astronautics, out the National Space Council and Space Task Group.
A office for policy development and handling of Civilian, Military and Commercial space policy matters,
Composed of cabinet member (like secretary of Defence, commerce, treasury, economics, Transport and others) and Advisors (formerly from STG)

Meanwhile In Moscow.

Things had change in Soviet Space Industry
The Ministry of Space got new Name: SOVCOSMOS
Valentin Petrovich Gluschko died age 80 in 1989, he was pioneer in design of rocket engines.
His OKB 456 was taken over by NPO Kuznetsov the main rocket engines manufacture.
While certain Vladimir Nikolayevich Chelomey died in car accident in Ukraine, he was head of former OKB-52,

Sergei Khrushchev became Minister of Space and head off SOVCOSMOS
His OKB-1 renamed TsKBEM, became now NPO Korolev under chief designer Yuriy Semenov.

But there were problems: the Oligarchs.
This contradictory rise of superrich in communist state,
Several meddle in Space Program, like hostile take over of NPOs
some of them were finance and build own launch system outside Ministry of Space program.
Offering this for commercial use like Space-tourist or access to Soviet Space Stations, some of project are reusable launcher.

Minister Khrushchev was in dilemma, forbid those Oligarch endeavours or integrate them into Soviet Space Program ?
One proposal is direct competitor to N1 N2 launcher, The Energia modular launcher by RRK Kurdin, and Angara medium launch vehicles by NPO Electropribor,
Khrushchev made a judgment of Solomon, he integrate the smaller launchers into Soviet program covering smaller payload.
But he left the bigger launcher programs work on their own finance, only give place to build launch pad at cosmodromes.
This was in self interest, since Angara and Energia were competitor for NPO Korolev,
Khrushchev hope the Oligarchs behind those projects, would run out money or lost interest in it.
Sadly the Politbüro and Military had other ideas, since NPO Korolev and RRK Kurdin would together provide double payload capacity into space !

In Moscow the next phase of Galactika was Discuss.
After they launch two Orbital factory, one for semiconductor crystals and one for metal alloys, (both maintain from Mir Space Station)
Minister of Space Sergei Khrushchev presented proposals to Politburo,
On Top of list is Moon base, favour by Red Army, for needed Military applications.
Additional manned Mars missions in 1990s, the option for manned Jupiter mission were study.

General Sectary Gorbachev was not so fun about the manned Jupiter mission,
That changes radical in 1992, as Tereshkova became his successor, She was first woman in Space and she favour the manned Jupiter mission !
And SOVCOSMOS got direct order from her, to create a female Cosmonaut group…
Post 64 The next manned Marsmissions.

With Successful Missions of Ares 1&2, NASA was no resting on their merits.
The USS Valley Forge and USS Lexington were completely overhauled in orbit. during 1990
There empty MEM hangar were equipped with New MEM’s and new Experiment and Probes
Needed Hydrogen and new Nerva engines were launch into orbit

The crew for Ares 3 are: John Oliver Creighton, Kenneth S. Reightler Jr., Charles D. Gemar, James Buchli, Mark N. Brown and Sonny Carter.
For Ares 4 were: Frederick D. Gregory, Ternece T Henderiks, James S. Voss, Story Musgrave, Mario Runco Jr., Thomas J Hemmen and Michael Foale.

On 12 September 1991. Ares 3&4 were launch to Mars for 600 days mission with Venus Swing-by.
Target was Kasei Vallis with two landing sites each 16 km distance.
Both orbiter were equipped with Synthetic Aperture Radar to scann Mars and Venus surface

The Soviets launch Aelita-2 spacecraft to Mars, with new generation of Ion engine that used Hall Effect.
Crew: Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Volkov, Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev, Musa Manarov and geophysicist Sergey Aphanasievich Zimov.
There landing site was Meridiani Planum close as possible to Marshochod 1 rover,
Main goal was geological samples and part of Marshochod 1 rover, to study how hardware is affected after 15 years expose to Mars environment.
Therefore Aelita-2 had also automatic cargo lander with rover and drill-rig on board.

After arrival in Mars Orbit the cargo landed as planned near Marshochd 5
MPK Pilot Volkov manage to land 123 meter from cargo lander, before Americans touch down on their targets.
Over coming days, the two cosmonauts deploying the rover, erect the drill-rig and installed surface science package.
Zimov and Volkov manage to get ground samples from 3 meter under surface, until drill stuck.
Follow by several drives in Rover up to 20 km from the lander, Including visit to Marshochod 1 rover.
Also recovery Samples from Marshochd 5 and 6, who broke record long distance exploration of 50 km over 2 years.
In mean time Manarov and Krikalev scanned the Mars Surface from Aeltia-2

Both US MEM manage get down safe despite the rough terrain of Kasei Vallis
Also were they visit by Unmanned rover that collected samples up to 20 km away from landing sites.
The second rover failed to reach them as it got stuck in rough terrain, too far for Ares 4 crew to reach it.

On return trip made Ares 3&4 used Venus gravity to shorten return trip,
Before Venus fly by they release series of probes and scan parts of surface with Synthetic Aperture Radar.
the Crews arrive safe on Earth after 600 days in space.

The Soviet mission brought intriguing geological results from Meridiani Planum
The landing site was long time ago a seafloor of shallow ocean, the soil is full hematite and unusual high content of sulphates and phosphates.
The crew found layers sediments and burns cliff of former water erosion,
Final confirmation that Meridiani Planum was seafloor, was Zimov discovery of Phyllosilicats a mineral that needed liquid water to form !
Zimov wrote a book over his findings, today the standard work on Mars geology.

Ares 3&4 finding confirm that Kassel Valles are outflow channels, created by liquid water some 1.5 billions years ago.
Next hematite they found also sulphates but lower level as what Cosmonauts found

The seismic experiments package from Ares 1 to 4 and Aeltia 1 to 2. gave now better in-view of Mars interior.
The Mars crust with 24 to 72 km is thinner as expected by geologist.
Mars core is 1840 km or half the sizes of Earth core, consisting of lighter elements.
This could explain why magnetic field of the planet is so weak.
Not only they measure hundreds of „Marsquakes“, but also meteorite impacts on the planet !

Biggest Discovery was by Synthetic Aperture Radar Ares 3&4 found water ice under surface of Mars !
Not only was Mars once wet World, the water was still there in frozen form.

On Venus, the Ares probes made strange discovery, they detected in upper Atmosphere Phosphine.
This is quite unusual since, there is no know chemical process in Venus atmosphere, that explain the presents of Phosphine.
On Earth its part of global phosphorus biochemical cycle, but on Venus are no biochemical cycle, or is here some form of life in Atmosphere ?
Post 65 The Wind is changing

The Saturn Shuttle proofed it can lower Launch cost drastic compare to throwaway rockets.
with new Shuttle fleet would operate even Cheaper, dropping launch cost under current $2700/Kg
Also ELGO-A rocket, a cheap reusable Launcher, thanks its robust construction, but ELGO GmbH looking into reuse ob new rocket under ELGO-X.
While British BAE MUSTARD start Service promising cheaper space flight. and India and Japan look into reuse of their Launch rocket.

This put pressure on Competition, who build expensive throwaway rockets: Martin Marietta Titan, McDonnell Douglas Delta and General Dynamic Atlas.
Since the Shuttle launch, those companies loosing clients and Payload, special USAF what use intensive the Shuttle.
McDonnell Douglas and General Dynamic contract with NASA program compensate their losses.
But worst was for Martin Marietta with Titan III rockets during 1980s and start looking for Solution to their problem.

Several options were study, extrem low cost pressure fed Rocket, reusable with parachutes and Airbags, like ELGO A rocket only Bigger.
Other is reusable winged first stage based on Titan III hardware, but it engine burn Kerolox instead toxic fuel.
not new, the original engines of Titan used Kerolox under Titan I ICBM.
Another idea was todo ballistic reuse first stage and land rocket on Ship or platform on sea or near Launch site.
UA proposed clustered Solid booster as first stage who return on parachute, land in ocean and be reused.

But question raise how to reach GEO without raising cost ? Martin look into option and found easy solution: NASA SpaceTugs !
Their low cost launcher would bring payload in Low orbit, were Space Tug take it and bring to Geostationary Orbit.
But there was catch the Tugs belong to NASA, but Grumman was willing to do Join Venture with Martin for reusable rocket, what let later to Grumman-Martin corp.
and build Tug special for this Task, resupply by Martin rocket launching Hydrolox tanks into Low orbit for refuel.

Martin took the wing booster with Kerolox engines, they went also new way, by piloting the Booster return and landing by Remote control.
also winged second stage take this approach, making this full reusable Rocket,

Bush Commercialisation of US Space Flight bill, help Martin allot.
But this let to wild west situation were start up-companies began to build cheap rockets for access to low orbit,
They came to same conclusion like Martin and start to develop various Launch systems.
Allot failed like Conestoga (cluster Solid rockets) or Kistler Aerospace and Phoenix Corp. (Single Stage to Orbit).
Other like Beal Aerospace (BA rocket family), Scaled Composites (Pegasus), Turax Engineering (Excalibur) and United Technologies Corp. (reusable UA1205 cluster)
We’re successful with launching their rockets, but gain profit was another matter, it was the little details overlook, what’s make the difference.
First went bankrupt was Pegasus do higher cost launching from Aircraft, compare to far cheaper ELGO-A rocket.
Beal Aerospace ran in serious issue, due to the lack of high percentage hydrogen peroxide on the market, needed for BA rocket engines.
This limited their plans for large BA rockets and forcing to look for alternative propellants and Engines.
While Excalibur became favour for NASA and DoD as Scout and Delta replacement
The FAA and NTSB had there hands full with this new market, who soon demand for more Launch Sites, next Kennedy and Vandenberg or Wallops,
Federal states like Texas offers coast sides for those new companies, even land lock like New Mexico wanted a share of this new Market.
Their Congressmen and Senators made allot pressure in Capitol Hill toward changes in FAA and NTSB regulations in Space Flight.
The National Council for Astronautics, took action and handling the issue

From complete unexpected industry came also interest in space: Airliners !
PanAm look into option of commercial spaceflights, either Suborbital or orbital to reach their destination in 90 minute on other side of Earth or to Orbit.
They began cooperation with Aerospace companies for Suborbital tourist flights later on option for Launcher for ballistic transport.

In mean time NASA administrator Goodwin face large task, the reform NASA under goal „faster ! better ! cheaper !“
to make ready for new Commercial Market and demands form National Council for Astronautics.
special on the wild growing bureaucracy in NASA, what became serious problem.

Saturn Shuttle Phase II
In 1995 the first of new Generation Shuttles were deliver to NASA.
They look like old ones, but build from new materials like carbon-fibre composite, Aluminium-lithium.
Using subcool liquid oxygen for upgraded F-1c and J-2Sb engines.
Equip with state-of-art electronics, enable to make first stage operate full autonom, this allow Saturn Shuttle to launch unmanned Nuclear ferries.
Making the Saturn Vc obsolete, also lower program cost, do reuse of first stage, but still for Cargo flights the second stage is expendable.
NASA made studies on this and came to conclusion, that reuse of this second stage bring too much disadvantage to justification it.

In USSR the authorities consider mass production of N rockets as better cheaper solution, in fact they drop launch cost over years with mass production.
Special in N3 Soyuz and N2 Proton version became cheap and reliable rockets, China though in similar lines and never build reusable Rocket,
But Soviet private industry thought differently and oligarchs finance some projects, even in direct competition of N1 Luna rocket !
The biggest is modular Energia launcher by RRK Kurdin, it’s components could put together for various mission profile,
and Timofey Yakovlev Kurdin explain in media event, that Energia will be reusable and also offering a Orbiter like US Shuttle !
in record time of 5 years RRK Kurdin build and teste the Energia system.
View: https://youtu.be/tvNALouyQaI

(Energia first launch in may 1995)

Or the Sukhoi Albatros a 1974 concept, scale down and now using engines from N1 rocket, launch from modified freighter with hydrofoil,
Despite the insanity of the concept, they build Albatros, it first flight happen in 1995, preparing regular service for State and Private clients next year.
The first launch of Albatros was the media event of year, a testimony of resilient Russian and there sledgehammer approach on technical problems…
View: https://youtu.be/iGKezOhZoUY
Post 66 The State of the World in 1990s

Looking back on 75 Years of Revolution.

…The Communist Revolution was necessary, it replace the oppressive Tsar system.
What enslaves the Workers, until Lenin start the glorious Revolution and liberated the workers.
Yes, mistakes were made, like raise of Josep Stalin to power, the political purges, the Holodomor.
But then came the great patriotic war, as Nazis try to exterminate us Soviets.
Yes it was Stalin who save us, but with grate sacrifices in Blood, he made of USSR a superpower !
After his dead, we needed to rebuild the communist order from ruins of war and Stalin bloodshed.

it was the Great Nikita Khrushchev, who on Stalin ruins build, a new better communist World.
Khrushchev open gates of heaven and send Soviets into cosmos,
We Soviets were first in Space, first on Moon, We show the world what Communism is capable !
under former Secretary Gorbachev the USSR started a new exciting era towards Utopia for Workers…

Part of Speech held by new General Secretary of Communist Party, Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova
on 75th anniversary of USSR in 1992.

The USSR became in 1990s one of fast growing economies in World, fast they became the number two behind the USA.
But Communism with capitalist economy brought problems: the rise of the Supersrich.
Not only was this contradictory to Marxist-Leninist doctrine, they make trouble in the workers paradise.
Bragging about wealth and living a decadent lifestyle was one thing, the other was criminal activity, or worse, taking action against the Soviet state!
The KGB had a handful of dealings with oligarchs, who belonged to the Russian mafia or wanted to become the ruler of USSR, like Neo-tsarists or democrats.
One of those Oligarch is the eccentric Timofey Yakovlev Kurdin, owner of RRK Kurdin, better know as Kurdin Heavy Industry in West.
A Spaceflight fanatic, rejected as Cosmonaut, became aerospace engineer, used Gorbachev reforms to gain his first Company and became very rich.
notorious known for his contradictory attitude, were he condemn capitalism and praise communism, while being one of the riches men in USSR !
Also he obsess by Spaceflight, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic and Chess. What he single handily push to new levels in USSR.
He became very good friend of General Secretary Tereshkova and enjoys a certain freedom of doing, under KGB.
Kurdin manage in record time of five years, to develop and build the modular Energia launch system.

Another issue KGB has end of Project Ideological Subversion, on direct order of General Secretary Tereshkova.
This was Long term 1970s program to infiltrate wester nations, demoralising & destabilising them with leftist Ideology until the states collapse, then rebuild them as Soviets states in 2020s.
The need of Ideological intact USA and Western Nations als Allies, against hostile China, was vital for survival of USSR.
But Tereshkova allow the KGB to experiment on other nations, mostly potential clients for China nuclear help.

Cold War is over, …Right?, …RIGHT ? ?
It took a while for both enemies, to realised the Harsch Realty, what to expect with Nuclear War.
As American and Soviet scientist discover independently the concept of Nuclear Winter end of 1980s.
The large scale destruction of cities with nuclear weapons would release so much smoke, slug and ash.
That Sky is block by dark clouds, cooling down Earth for months, starving and killing the survivors.
But the results were harsh criticised, but there were historical evidence like Volcanic winter of 1815 and 1830
Also the archaeological evidence that Dinosaur were wipe out by Asteroid, that provoke also deadly Winter.
Allot effort went into computer simulation to prove or disprove the Nuclear Winter, only to find their worst fear confirmed.

General Sectary Gorbachev pulled the plug out arms race of both superpower, Is better not play this game he stated.
President Bush and General Sectary Gorbachev sign the SALT III Treaty on nuclear disarmament in 1990, (both got Nobel Peace Price in 1991)
Follow by SALT IV under General Sectary Tereshkova and President Bush in 1995.
But would normalised this relations between the Superpowers ?, actually no.
There were still rivalry and quarrels of various kind and there was China, under new rule,
Shifted into orthodox Stalinism and expand aggressively into World.
Under Doktrin of „Glorious new age for China“

The NATO, Warsaw-Union and there Asia Allies look nervously on this development
President Bush push for production of stealth B-2 Bomber and more Hercules Platforms
The B-2 was revolutionarily because it could not be detected by Radar

While the USSR push their program for stealth Bomber,
Armed either four KH-45 hypersonic missiles or conventional Cruise Missiles or bombs up to 45 tons
Also began US-Soviet talks about orbital platform to defend them self and what weapons were allowed under SALT IV.
Were the outer space treaty was modified for instalment of Nuclear weapons on Orbital Platforms for defence only.

Also started the Soviet leadership a cleanup in Red Army, after fiasco of Gulf War were soviet tactics failed under Iraq Army.
Under Gorbachev, continue under Tereshkova, start to send old Marshals and Generals into retirement and new generation of military came to power.
ones with new ideas…

The Chinese Looming Collapse
For the People Republic of China, things were not looking good in 1990s,
The Nation was now ruled under orthodox ideological Communism, this hamper the Economic and agriculture deeply, just like in People Republic of Korea.
in harsh Contrast to USSR and East block, who had Economic Boom, actually China was depending on Imports of USSR !
Also let uncontrolled population rise to 1.3 Billion Chinese to serious problems.
The Foot shortage let to „Meat less Day“ initiative were Chinese were force one day in week to eat only vegetarian dish.
The current orthodox Communist leaders of China blaming late chairman Lin Biao 1960s reforms as cause of all today problems.
With return to Stalinism a la Mao Zedong, they try to get total control over their problems.
And introduce new and brutal population control of „One Child Policy“ and death penalty for minor violating of the laws,
The Chinese Politburo hope to get population problems this way under control.

Next to that had China expensive military intervention in Afghanistan, a brutal intervention on edge of genocide.
and in Cold war with India, one expensive program to dam several rivers in Tibet, to hamper the water supply to India.
Another issue of China launching their own Orbital weapon platforms and there nuclear export
Also developed China, a Fractional Orbital Bombardment System similar to one the USSR hat tested in 1970s

In order to get Food and certain raw material or political strategic position, China offers Nuclear weapons !
First of those clients was Pakistan, the Enemy of India, China made package deal with government Pakistan in end of 1980s.
In Exchange for Chinese nuclear Weapons, Pakistan abandon the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and deliver food to China.
with success of Pakistan deal, China look for other Nation that offers needed good in exchange for Chinese Nukes.
But the Chinese were not stupid, there Weapon system were manned by Chinese personal and there officers had there orders,
In case there Clients „get litte bit funny in there heads“…

But this lead to Iran nuclear weapon program, joining the club of nations with weapon of mass-destruction.

National Crisis
Yugoslavia economic profit under Khrushchev 1960s reforms in East block, but Swiss nuclear test change that in 1976.
Marshal Tito order nuclear program for bombs and it delivery systems, the program got high priority, after Warsaw Union invaded Rumania to end their program on weapons of mass destruction.
Yugoslavia endure political turmoil after dead of Marshal Tito, End 1980s Yugoslavia conduct there first nuclear test, leading to International protest and UN Boycott,

But their Atom-bombs needed delivery systems in form of rocket and bomber, here thing went wrong,
Do UN Boycott and the 1980s economic crisis in USSR, Yugoslavia start economic decline. ignored by fast succession of leaders of Yugoslavia.
The following economic crisis let cancelation of multi combat aircraft Novi Avion and ballistic missile veliki vulkan and only few warhead were build,

The socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia start to crumble, in wake of crisis Nationalism rise, soon follow by racism ugly face !
While Serbian studies claims they were discriminate in Yugoslavia, began in other member states develop a „Serbophobia“.
in this two fractions crystallised:
Slovenian and Croatian fraction that wanted confederation of Yugoslavia, while the Serbs fraction wanted total dominance over Yugoslavia under Serb rule !
This accumulated in 14th congress of union of Yugoslavia communist in1990, were the members states issue there complaints and demands,
The head of the Presidency Milan Pancvski close the congress do turmoil and dispute, announcing he would work on matter, this never happen,
Several days later it was Public announce President Pancvski retire do health issue and National Security Council would temporarily replace the Government!
At first was confusion in Yugoslavia about this National Security Council and who their member were ?

It was Yugoslavia Military, here some one had brains to realised, the political situation would end in bloody civil war.
They not only acted in self-interest, but also on Marshal Tito behalf, who left continuity plan behind: „Apsolutno Jedinstvo
He knew that after his death, Yugoslavia would face this kind of problems, and wanted his political legacy namely Yugoslavia, survive the test of time.

On emergency congress of union of Yugoslavia, the Military declare the situation:
There will be no dissolution of Yugoslavia, either domination by one of it member states,
If necessary will Yugoslavia People’s Army will use force and every available weapons, even their small nuclear Arsenal.
The Military start arrested extremist and Nationalist on all side of conflict like Franjo Tuđman or Slobodan Milošević
That multinational State result to Nuclear black mail to keep nation together was Unique in history…
…but it worked !

The U.N. NATO and Warsaw-Union watch careful on this development in Yugoslavia.

Republic of South Africa
In end of 1980s the Apartheid system was crumbling, the African National Congress (ANC) fight with growing success against the racist system.
The Government in 1990 released Nelson Mandela from Prison, in hope for peaceful solution,
But once free, Mandela announced he would take ANC leadership and continue his Communist doctrine, since the Soviets were successful.
This made allot in the ruling party nervous, on the other side was power struggles between ethnic groups, about who will represented the Black africans.
Also their force Communist agenda supported by Moscow frighten allot people.

Like the „Konserwatiewe Party“ under Clive Derby-Lewis, advocate for Apartheid and Anti-Communist.
He united allot Far right bystanders and former special Police C1 members, wanted for crimes against humanity.
Also the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Far Right Paramilitary organisation join them,
They conspired the murder of Anti-Apartheid supporters and Black political leaders.

10 April 1991, became know as Black Saturday
As several men commit murder attempt on several South African Politicians with success,
Chis Hani, Nelson Mandela died, bishop Tutu badly wounded, after that the situation escalated.

The hope the multinational state transform to free and liberal Society, ended in bloody Civil war.
for next six years South Africa became a Hellhole
The Nation got divided into, west the Cape Republic with mostly white and color Population around Capital Cape Town
and in East a nation with only native Africans, called IRiphabuliki with capital Egoli (former Johannesburg)
The first victims were the Boers under Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging they were exterminated by sheer mass of africans,
who could escape this flew, west wards to Cape region.
The victorious Zulus were unable to keep living standards in IRiphabuliki , what descent fast into poverty and chaos,
This let to increase of Pirates on East South Africa shore, were Africans attack cargo ships and Ocean liners!
This let the biggest disaster in marine shipping as group Zulus pirates highjacked a nuclear power Container ship,
Not understanding the technology, there action let to massive reactor meltdown in there Harbor !

A fragile Peace agreement were sight in 1997,
What Zulu rulers sign willingly because their had internal problems, they face with poverty and rival ethnic groups of the Batswana, Swazi or Basotho.
The IRiphabuliki Government try to get a deal with China for help, but they had little to offer for the Chinese demands…

But biggest worry the World had was: What happen to rest ABC weapons, South Africa had developed ?
CIA Analyst had indication that Cape Republic sold some of their Mass destruction Weapons to finance their Civi war effort !
But to who ?
Post 67 European Space Program in 1990s

With creation of of European Union (EU) change allot for European Space Research Organisation in 1992
By majority vote by the politicians, ESRO became Europan Ministry with stable budget, with the British Jason Webb as new Director.
They gain allot of Money and additional research program and finally they would do serious programs with their allies ELGO GmbH and BAE.
ELGO GmbH with there successful Modular rockets ELGO A/B Series, prepare the C series, a modular Hydrolox stages With High performance Engine HDTW
They would drastic double the Payload compare to ELGO B series, who use storable propellant.
But ELGO conduct series of test of ELGO-X Concept in 1993. on reuse C series and if ballistic Reuse is commercial viable, use this technology.

View: https://youtu.be/S-5rzzOZW1E

BAE on other hand, build reusable MUSTARD and successful tested it in Australia and British Government were in negotiations with French for launch site in French Guiana,
For Equator orbit Mission, while Australia served for Polar military mission, who government were in negotiations with British Government to build launch site in Darwin north Australia.

ESRO director Jason Webb
With MUSTARD had ESRO finally a Spacecraft that could bring Europeans into Space independently from USA and USSR.
Jason Webb not hesitate to create European Astronaut Corps, ignoring NASA Group E of Europeans.
He also intervene in British French negotiations to get Launch pads for MUSTARD in French Guiana, Here Webb was ruthless, he not care about British-Australian relations.

ESRO wanted also own Space Station, idea the French and Germans favour,
Building a European Station make sense, since NASA de-orbit Starlab and USAF restricted access to Bold-Eagle Station in GEO.
(In this time Space Base Olympus was only proposal at Space Task Group at White House)
Alternative flights to USSR Space stations, again problematic, since Soviets insist that Europan Personen are train in USSR and Launch on Soviet Spacecraft.
Also had Mir restricted areas for Military purpose, what limited the Europeans on board operation, this also infuriated Webb.
So ESRO launch SpaceLab in 1995, it based on french SOLARIS concept, modified for manned operation, first temporary, later Permanent occupation of 3 astronauts.

Another goal were a Base on South pole of Moon, here ESRO found a Partners in USA and Japan.

In Mean time Earth orbit filled with manned Space Stations
Next US Bold Eagle station in GEO, the Soviet Mir complex, the Chinese Tianhe, Europa SpaceLab, came Japan JASDA with Kibō station serve with Fuji space capsule.
JASDA or Japan Space Development Agency, made long way from 1970s, with first copy of the US Delta Rocket now build own rockets the H-II and H-IIB in 1990s
the Fuji capsule was compromise since Development of Spaceplane HOPE and Kibō project was too expensive for their Budget.
India conducted Manned space flight with there Gaganyaan capsule, planning also small space station mostly for military applications.
While Private aerospace companies look into option to launch their own commercial space station.

Interview with Walter Kleinau Head of ELGO-X project

You are part of MBB Team that work for ELGO GmbH ?

yes ! we are responsible for ELGO Reusable study or how we call it ELGO-X.
ELGO-C with it HORA modular upper stage is unique launcher but, ELGO want to reuse it, so MBB got Order for study options for Reuse.

There allot study by US companies like Titan V by Grumman-Martin corp. Dit this influence you work ?

No, we started in 1982, far ahead of those studies, we came to conclusions that ballistic reuse would better options,
Dropping everything unnecessary stuff, like Wings, jet engines etc.
We not even needed a heat shield for first stage, just aerodynamic cover, and a barge were first stage landing on.

Why landing on Barge on ocean ? ELGO-A splash in ocean and is recover.

Those are robust build pressure fed rocket, impact into ocean and swimming in seawater dosen’t matter for them.
But the ELGO-C series is to sensitive for that.

Is that reason why the ELGO-B are not recovered ?

Yes and No, unlike ELGO-A, is mainly that ELGO-B stages return unstable, preventing secure deployment of parachute,
Do heavy engine block of stage, We tried to recover them in 1970s but failed, what let to ELGO-X project.

So you solved the stability problem ?

yes by putting the Frist stage inside Aerodynamic container, that allow stable return to Earth.
The biggest problems were the mass of this container and also restart and throttling the HDTW engines for landing.
The colleague of the „Raketentriebwerks Abteilung“ allot problems during testing to achieve the needed demands.

Why ?

The HDTW is unique rocket engine, it use the combustion chamber to power, direct the Turbopumps, eliminating the massive preburner such engine need.

One moment, how power the combustion chamber the Turbopumps ?!

The turbine that power both Turbopumps is installed in the combustion chamber itself, connected by vertical drive shaft with the pumps.
This allow a compact vertical engine construction, special since it run on 150 bar pressure !
But give also advantage of stepless throttleable Thrust, ideal for needs to land the first stage on barge !

This gave some problems ?
Yes, problems were restart of HDTW for slow down and landing burn, the colleagues lost allot engines during restart testing, but finally got it work.

What is future for ELGO-X now ?

It will enter service as ELGO-D
For moment it will reuse the first stage, what is adapted for it mission, while second stage HORA is expendable.
But we will in future build a reusable second stage from HORA for ELGO-D with option to bring payload from space !

What Payload ?

Various types mostly Satellites or cargo containers from Spacelab and material not suited for manned MUSTARD shuttle to return.
What are no problem for unmanned ELGO-D!

Thanks for interview mr Kleinau

your welcome, Goodbye

Once upon a time, there was a young engineer in Soviet Union who had just finished his studies at the Ukrainian Academy of Science in 1958.
He sent his application to several OKBs (Russian abbreviation for Experimental Design Bureau). Some looked at his resume and qualifications and threw away his request,
other put it in deposit in case they could not find a more experienced engineer, but then, finally, one OKB realised who this young man really was and hire him on spot!
The name of this young Soviet engineer was Sergei Khrushchev, son of Nikita Khrushchev, the Premier of Soviet Union and General Secretary of the Communist Party.
With Sergei's new job is at OKB-1, his boss Sergei Korolev now had an excellent connection to the very top of the Soviet political hierarchy...
I found it very interesting that Khrushchev's family retired to the US...
I found it very interesting that Khrushchev's family retired to the US...
That's In our time-line

In this Time-line the Khrushchev is well respected Family in USSR.
Nikita Khrushchev consider as the Man that rebuild the Soviet Union after Stalin.
Sergei Khrushchev is in fact here Minister of Soviet Space Program.
Post 68 Fusion Drive ?

After fiasco of Aelita-1 were Soviet ended second on Marsrace, do lack powerful Ion engines.
The Soviets started a Research and Development on New Nuclear engines.
Soon they drop classical Solid Thermal nuclear Engines design and look for more powerful systems like Gas-core reactors.
looking for engine in range of specific Impulse of 100000 sec minimum, needed for a Jupiter mission.

Another approach was „High Thrust“ ion engine until 1990s the Soviets manage to double their Ion engines thrust by using Hall Effect.

On gas core reactor was already EU-610 program.
in fact since 1970 the Keldysh Center developing a gas core reactor EU-610, who went critical in 1972 and in 1978 reach maximum temperature during test runs.
Instead of solid fuel rod, use this type of reactor, helium mixed with Uranium-fluoride compound in gaseous state,
This allow to operate the Reactor on far higher temperature as conventional nuclear reactors up to 70000 degree Kelvin !
During the 1980s they focus on development for civilian gas core reactor with MHD Generator.
But after Aelita-1 fiasco, EU-610 got in focus of soviet Ministry of Space as Rocket engine RD-0610,

RD-0610 is closed Gas core reactor operating under 100 MPa pressure, using Hydrogen as remass and Lithium for better heat transfer to the Hydrogene,
if you overcome the issue of the highly corrosive Uranium-fluoride compound that damage the reactor core.

Another project is Puls Fission/Fusion Plasma Drive or IPDYS how the Soviet abbreviated it.
Nuclear reactor provide power to make from Deuterium/Helium3 a high energy plasma, that accelerated by magnets.
Theoretical it could reach ISP 12700 sec and even more.
but technical it was not Fusion engine, since it main power comes from nuclear Fission reactor, not by fusion reaction of Plasma !
And the biggest issue with IPDYS was need for Helium3 a very rare isotope of Helium.

Then happen a propulsion break true from project no one expected it.
USSR was Experimenting into Fusion technology, like testing Tokamak reactors under I.E. Tamm and A.D. Sakharov.
But also Inertial confinement Fusion with Laser, the Soviet invested heavy in Lasers during 1980s for ballistic Missile defence.
Based on Work of Polish military engineer General Sylwester Kaliski,
They experimented with pulsed laser boosted to X-ray, but it’s result were disappointed for Missile defence.
But for Fusion experiments this laser was powerful enough, with success able to produce more energy as put in !
It still was long way for working Laser Fusion Reactor for Energy production, but as rocket engine feasible.
So work on RD-1000 or Kalisky’s engine started

In USA had Los Alamos Lab with Timberwind of new generation solid Nuclear thermal engine and we’re thinking in similar lines.
Also more powerful concept were study and tested, like Gascore reactor or Fusion power, also on Magnetoplasmadynamic engines.

Until British Rolls-Royce proposed the Serpent, a Nuclear engine with ArcJet as Afterburner.
Here Lithium is heated by reactor, then give that Heat to Helium what power a Turbine for electric generators, then transfers heat to Hydrogen,
With electricity powers ArcJet in side thrust Chamber full of hot hypogene, now supercharged by electrical arc.
Serpent hat theoretical 40% higher specific Impuls with far higher thrust as nuclear Timberwind engine !
With far lower radioactivity as Timberwind engine, do use of Lithium/Helium cooling to indirect heating Hydrogen,
But Serpent was heavy current study show weight of 45 tons engine, while Los Alamos Laboratory and Rolls-Royce were confident to reduce that mass.
And there was another issue the turbine generator produce the electrical power has capacity far below of reactor output.

But behind scenes, happen sinister plots, the CIA, KGB and China were try get information about the other programs and gain needed technology from other side…
…like Superconductor needed for some engines.
Post 69 Exploration of Solar system

in begin of 1990s under President Bush the planetary program flourish
with programs for Outer planets Orbiter, Mercury Orbiter, a Titan lander

but the following administrations not focus on planetary science and even NASA dit budgets cutting or cancel Programs.
do lack of political interest and need for money for other programs like upcoming space Base or Moon base.
And Ares missions to Mars, who were for moment the only scientific exploration of planet Mars, to make matter worst there is no even clear vision, what to do after end of Ares Program.

Program like Outer planets Orbiter could be saved, do it international collaboration with Germany Confederation
With success of Galileo Jupiter Orbiter, came proposal for Probes with common design, hardware and software, based on Galileo orbiter experience, but with lower cost.
What make the proposal so unique was also collaboration by East Germany scientist and industry that provide hardware and sensors for SOVCOSMOS !

Planned were Four primary and 3 secondary missions:
Jupiter Orbiter with atmospheric probe
Saturn Orbiter with lander for Titan
Uranus Orbiter with atmospheric probe
Neptun Orbiter with atmospheric probe

Comet Rendezvous with Asteroid Flyby
Comet or Asteroid Sample Return mission
Pluto Flyby

The first canceled was Jupiter Orbiter, the Logic of White House and Berlin was there is Galileo Jupiter Orbiter is still operational.
Follow by Pluto Flyby mission and Comet or Asteroid Sample Return mission.
It had some irony that Jupiter Orbiter, was saved by ESRO, who proposed to pay for completion of Probe and Launch under Name Marius.

First to be launch was Cassini toward Saturn, carrying the Huygens lander for Titan.
follow by Herschel with atmospheric probe Bode for Uranus and Adams with atmospheric probe Le Verrier to Neptune.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy-Marsden

This Comet was discover in 1993 near Jupiter as he break up into 21 fragments !
Calculations by Shuichi Nakano show that Comet was rippt into pieces by gravity of Jupiter and fragments will impact the planet on July 1994
Confirming the theory of Yevenly myrgjol Sapozbik about craters of Davy in Mare Nubium. (who Sapozbik personal visit with Soyuz 26 mission in 1974)

A race startet to investigate the event at Jupiter.

The Soviet hat two Gercuels-Yupiter probe in orbit of Moon Europa, but there were primarily Radar scanner to study the ice surface of Europa.
The German/US Probe Galileo orbit Jupiter, it could observe the impacts, but the old probe had also problems: the data Tape recorder began sticking, refuse to playback Data !

ESRO Probe Marius was still one astronomical unit away from Jupiter, too far for useful investigation.
Pioneer 12 sadly already made it 6th fly by at Jupiter on 1993 February 02 and would return in 1996
while ESRO Solar probe Odysseus would return to Jupiter only in 1999.
The Soviets gave second Gercuels-Yupiter probe new instructions, it shut down radar and reactivate ion engines spiral out Europa orbit, pasting the orbit of Moon Io, into closer orbit on Jupiter.

The Impacts gave Mankind Taste of Armageddon, allot of people look into night sky, wondering „Are we the Next ?“
and Hollywood brought Movies were such asteroid threaten to impact Earth.
Some of those movies frighten politician what let to international project „Spaceguard“. (NASA, SOVCOSMO, ESRO and JASDA under U.N.)
It goal scann the sky for Asteroid that could hit earth and find way to prevent it.

First series of Spaceguard probe were send to various asteroid near Earth and asteroid belt
Remember Comet Rendezvous with Asteroid Flyby proposal ?, NASA built from Spare parts modified outer orbiter for this mission and launch it as Spaceguard 5
With bad surprise, several asteroid are pile of rubble instead of Solid object, what would make interceptions difficult.

Other proposed those pile of rubble could used for mining materials, leaving only smaller remains like slag

Hollywood jump on Media Hype and produce two Movies „Armageddon“ and „Deep Impact“ the typical disaster Movie.
But it was Soviet movie „Flight of Aleita“ by Yuri Pavlovich Moroz, that stole the Show.
It depict a Soviet attempt to stop Asteroid hitting Earth, were it four man crew fight against the Odds and technical failures, in order to succeed at any cost.
What makes „Flight of Aleita“ so exceptional, is that SOVCOSMOS provide full collaboration, not only they shot movie in Starcity, but also scenes in Space !
NASA was bombarded with request form filmmakers like Ron Howard, James Cameron or Tom Cruise, for filming in Space, on board of US Spacecraft.
Administrator Goldwin out right refused them.
Post 70 - 1995 in Space

NASA Space Base

Planned as Space Station 5 in 1970s, it was design as very large Space Station with up 100 astronauts on board.
Over the time with technological development and experience of Skylab, Starbase, Moonlab, Bold-Eagle , change radical this.
The base would operate with 24 Astronauts and could occupy 48 astronaut if needed.
since it will serve as transportation hub toward other stations an upcoming moon Base
it was build from 4 improved Space Station Modules and Various Application and Science Modules (ASM)

The Artificial gravity module was abandoned do high cost and technical difficultly, also possible interference in function of Space Base.
The planned nuclear power supply was abandon in favour of Solar power do safety reason, but with new power-source: Solar-thermal

Naming the Space Base let to political event, Republicans demanded from NASA to name station Richard Nixon
After the 37th President of USA who die in 1994, His Politic let to US success in Space-Race
Administrator Goldwin made made a judgment of Solomon, the NASA HQ in Washington D.C. war rename to the Richard Nixon Center
While Space Station 5 got name Olympus.
50 km behind Olympus position is new propellant depot, it serve Space Tugs, nuclear ferry and upcoming successor.

On Issue of Moon Base NASA was able to secure support by ESRO and JASA, turning Bush proposal form US to International Base
however the USAF were not so happy about international Partnern in this Projects

Ares 5&6
Launch in December 1994 this mission was to explore the Regio of Mars, they were Follow by Aelita-3 Mission
the US mission had Novum two woman on board Natalie York on Ares 5 and Sally Ride on Ares 6
For Ride it was her last spaceflight , after that she will work in Richard Nixon center.
Target for Ares 5&6 is impact crater Gusev in the Aeolus quadrangle of Mars,
on way up happen mishap on Mars, the sample collector rovers Spirit got stuck in soft sand unable free it self.
8 km away from Ares 6 landing site there was debate between Crew and Ground control to use MEM rover to get to Rover for Samples,
Mission control refuse permission to use the manned Rover to get samples.
Main problem: Spirit nuclear battery, normally the Rover would put down the Sample container and drive to safe distance.
Here the Astronauts hat approach on path that lies in shadow shield of nuclear battery grab the Container and get away quickly. something too difficult in this Mars Terrain
proposal to use sample collector rover opportunity to recover spirit sample container were not feasible, it would take over year to complete this, at that time Ares 5&6 do there Venus fly by back to Earth.
On day 3 after landing Rover Opportunity delivers his container at MEM of Ares 5.

The scientific Results were surprising
the rocks were mostly volcanic Basalt
Under the sand are layers ironsulfate with high nickel content, this ironsulfate has very litte cohesion, preventing the rover’s wheels to gain traction.
That was reason Spirit got stuck and later the MEM rover of Ares 6, were 2 astronauts had to walk on foot back to MEM

had two different targets; Phobos and Deimos the moons of Mars.
To land on Moons was consider problematic do there low gravity, they study several options, even to equip a pole on Aelita-3 and use as anchor, by ramming it into Moons surface.
in end they took left over LK from first Lunar program and refurbish and modernised them for landing there.
to move over moons was another issue the gravity is too low for any use by hand or feet
So they used Cosmonaut propulsion system SPK 25KS, however the Cosmonaut had to make EVA out side LK to 25KS before use.

Next to this, Aelita-3 was equip with various probes and sensors to explore the Moons, one of the complex manned mission the Soviets made until now.
First spiral Aelita-3 down on Ion engines into orbit of Phobos, then match it speed with Phobos, from here they use the manoeuvring thrusters to get closer to Phobos
Here drop various probes on surface of the moon while cartographic its surface, follow by manned landing,
After this move Aelita-3 to the moon Deimos repeat the mission of Phobos and then return to Earth.

Aelita-3 Approachs to Phobos
So the plan, on arrival things were different, the Moons surface dust layer swirl up on landing of Probes or LK, hamper view like fog.
The Cosmonaut Grigory Vladimir Kuznetsov had to wait one hour until dust settle enough for EVA.

The LK Drill was disappointment it drill into dust layer but it was too thick to reach lower surface of Phobos.
However hat another target to reach near by Phobos Monolith a building size bolder sticking 90 meter out dust layer
This was debris from impact on Phobos, if lucky the soviets get samples from Phobos, if not, from object that hit it.
Kuznetsov on 25KS reach the Monolith and was able to hammer samples out of it.
After difficult Mission leave Aelita-3 toward Deimos, only have same problems with dust layer here.

The soviets finding on two moons were mysterious, there identical in composition of C-type Asteroid
So identical the soviets scientist believe that Phobos and Deimos were once one object.
They had already discover that comets Halley and Churyuumov-Gerasimenko-67P are contact binary.
Somehow Phobos/Deimos enter orbit of Mars brocke up and enter in their today orbit, but how they enter into stable orbit around Mars is unsolved mystery.
Also why they are cover by thick layer of dust is difficult to explain.
Radar scann show no cavity inside the moon but a porous structure mixed with pebbles and bolders.

January 1995 Ares-5 & 6 on return trip made Venus Swing-by were they drop series probes to explore Venus Atmosphere.
Also Aelita-3 made Venus Swing-by dropping probes Venera 17 & 18
All three Spaceships return safe into Earth orbit during summer 1995.

On Soviet side the Energia booster was launch successful
The modular booster envision by Kurdin Heavy Industry was pride fo Timofey Yakovlev Kurdin.
launching from 10 tons with one booster, to 20~40 ton up to 150 metric tons with various configurations of Energia booster.
This rocket was serious competition for N1, N2 and N3 rockets from NPO Korolev.
To make matter worst, the General secretary Tereshkova and Red Army supported Kurdin in Energia program, the logic was simple: Two launch systems could bring double so much into Orbit and Moon.
Also tested Kurdin Heavy Industry a Space Shuttle boilerplate on Energia that after one orbit manage to land unmanned at Cosmodrom

Grigory Vladimir Kuznetsov is homage to Cosmonaut from For All Mankind
Post 71 Let’s call it ALPHA…

One Thing President Bush wanted as next steps in Space Exploration: the Moon Base
Capitol Hill was not happy with that Idea, while the US military wanted it as additional option for command center in Space, next Bold Eagle Station.
NASA found partners for Join venture ESRO and also Japan JASDA, who wanted also a Moon-base,
and signs agreement for development and construction of join venture Moon Base in 1990s.
From here start the disputes:

USAF wanted Military restricted Areas, the International partners wanted a Base for Peaceful used.
The compromise came with making this a NATO installation what fit even better it purpose.
NASA and there Partners disputed over what habitat module to use on Base
even internal NASA was disputed, Johnson Space Center proposed concept that used local lunar resources, while MSFC wanted to use Space Station modules

Also issue was how to name the Moon base the partners had there ideas and proposals
The Space Agencies labeled internal the Moon base as Alpha, the name stick at politicians dealing with program and so became official naming of Moon base Alpha…

The European (the British and Italians) proposed new Vehicle for Moon Base called Eagle as successor for nuclear ferry and Lunar lander Tugs
A multi-purpose Crewed space transport system - It would operate from Olympus station to bring crew and cargo modules from Earth for GEO mission or land at Moon base and transport them form here to various spots on Moon
With new nuclear Serpent engine for orbital manoeuvre and belly landing !
In mean time Los Alamos Laboratory and Rolls-Royce made break true on the Serpent.
This engine indirect heat hydrogen and use a ArcJet as Afterburner for heated Hydrogen with far lower radioactivity of NERVA/Timberwind engine
They manage to reduce engine mass by using cooling loop Lithium also as reactor shielding, copying a soviet design for Space Reactors.
The multi-purpose Crewed space transport system could fly with only metric 200 tons from Low Orbit to Moon Surface and back
Even far lower if Aerodynamic capture at Earth is use instead of the Serpent engine !

The Eagle is strange looking Spacecraft, more something from Sci-fi Tv series of Gerry Anderson,
the engine module and Crew module are separate by long lattice tower, in space between fit either a Space Shuttle module or Space station module.
On top of the lattice tower were hydrogen tanks for Serpent engine, follow by Heat shield as cover for Aerodynamic capture
the Crew section had Lifting body escape pod in front that serve as cockpit for Eagle, on both modules were landing legs attach

On Moon Base module, it selected modified Space Station Mk IV Moduls brought by Space tug landers or Eagle to Lunar surface
About issue of radiation shielding they came simple solution, position modules into crater cover with blanket of glass fibre
Then filled crater with lunar soil, burring the Modules. leaving only access and surface installation exposed

On Location, NASA and their partners, finalise on Clavius crater, the area got water and carbonaceous chondrite resources.
This would support the Alpha base either Life-support or propellant for Eagles spacecraft.
In 1996 the building of Station start by launching module to lunar Diana station, this was since 1981 in lunar orbit and reach end of it life time.
It now serves as a parking space for base modules, after Alpha is operational, the Diana Station is deorbit and impacted on Moon.

Moonbase Alpha is divided in several section in Clavius crater:

Whitebase - Military complex under NATO, with independent supply and Defence systems.
Clarksville - Civilian complex with habitat and labs, named after Sci-fi Author Arthur c. Clarke.
Eagle-nest - Spaceport with hangars and fuel tanks for Eagle operation (it’s nickname do NASA abbreviation call it ASSF)
Galileo-base - complex of telescopes installed in Clavius crater, next optical also radio telescope using crater as „dish“
each complex has own nuclear power supply and life-support system

But there were more sinister plan for Moon base Alpha for US Military
Next as Command center in case off Nuclear war Alpha serve as survival bunker for Mankind in case of Total nuclear War
The crew could stay in Alpha up two years then return to Post War Earth and start all over again,
The Soviets were thinking in similar lines with their Moon Base.

Zvezda Base
Since 1967 were soviets interest in Lunar base under the Columbus study, the plans were stall during Soviet 1980s economic crisis.
in mean time the main goal for peaceful used Moonbase shifted to more military use, as command center in case of Nuclear war
This Plan was extended later to safe haven were group soviet had to survive wenn on earth a nuclear war happen !

The Soviets found in Central Mare Fecunditatis, easy access lava tube at 6.752° S, 42.759° E.
Visit by Zarya 25 and found it useable for Lunar Base for several reason:

The Lavatube would give not only protection from Sun radiation, but also from effect of nuclear attacks !
with 100 meter in diameter it was „easy“ to seal to test if can filled with atmosphere,

Aleita spaceships moved heavy equipment from Low earth orbit toward moon orbit. total 245 ton in several module on landers.
welcome by Cosmonauts landed with several Zarya

The Zvezda Base has several parts:
Mirnaya: a Observatory complex on surface,
The Nuclear Power complex bury in near by crater.
Komarov spaceport: for Zarya with overground hangers, with Long range exploration Rover and modified Zarya als Lunar hopper.
While inside the Lavatube:
Barmingrad: Residence Complex, Named after chief designer Vladimir Pavlovich Barmin (1909-1993)
Military command center with communication system.
Life-suport system with oxygen generating facility

The Soviet in sense of typical Russian humour, launch tons of red sand to moon
They used it to form a huge red star logo on Lunar surface near the base, official a Monument for Soviets exploration of Moon.
it was mostly use as navigation marker for landing Zarya, or fly by Egale to other destinations.

The 1997 Chinese Moon expedition
To everybody surprise China launching allot payload into same orbit.
USA and Soviets inspected the site with spy Sats, their fear this would be a new kind of Orbital Combat Platform.
But what Chinese build was Spacecraft with propellant tank, engines and crew module and landing legs,

That Chinese despite their Problems start a Lunar Expedition surprised everyone.
Washington D.C. and Moscow were wondering what real reason is behind this Expedition,
Analyst came to conclusion that China needed respond to International Alpha and Zvezda Base.
But we’re unable financial install and operate large base on lunar surface, so they do this small scale Expedition.
Allot analysts compare the Chinese Lunar Expedition with 1952 proposal by Von Braun, do it similarity.
Two cargo ships and manned return ship for six weeks mission on Moon.
Part 72 Thinking Computers

Begin 1980s, the US Military and NASA look into high performance Computers, not only in calculation power, but also able in „independent decision making“.
Either as Space probe computer or main computer on Orbital defence Platform or on manned spacecrafts.
What started as advance Computers development became over time arm-race for Artificial Intelligence !
During early 1980s they look into way to make better computers
This began with development of IBM computer specialised in Chess using Heuristic Analytical Logic (HAL), Based on EURISKO develop by Douglas Lenat at Stanford University.
the IBM S9000HAL could play very good chess even beat humans.
Until World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov heard about S9000HAL and accept an invitation by IBM to play against the computer in New York.
Kasparov, who has obsession to play agains Chess computers, was confident he would win against HAL in six Game.
He won first easy but other five became harder and harder until finally S9000HAL won !
Kasparov claimed he was not well prepared, the rematch was won by S9000HAL again.
The Media hype this „Machine vs. Man“, despite it was only a computer that had learned to play Chess very efficient.

The Soviet having there World Chess Champion loosing to Machine in USA, was not acceptable, some one at Academy of Science in Moscow had idea:
Let’s build our self a Heuristic Analytical Logic cybernetic system and play against the American system !
Timofey Kurdin join this quest for ultimo Chess computer, let his company become number one Russia and mark leader in AI research world wide.
So began armes race for Artificial Intelligence, the Soviet computer called Alekhine 01 (after first Soviet World Chess Champion) face IBM S9000HAL
Follow by Botvinnik 02 vs IBM S9269HAL and Smyslow 19 vs IBM S9390HAL with various success.
Those Chess matches were large step research into Artificial Intelligence or Intellectronic how Soviet called it,
The computers were modified and adapted with new hardware like Neurologic Chips.
NASA use one of first spin off, the automatic pilots for new generation Space Shuttle Booster and upcoming Space Probe that learn to adapt to new situations.
like Automatic Rovers who find there-self there way on another planet.

IBM S9000HAL vs Kasparov

Other researcher used modified IBM S9400HAL in experiments called Database for Artificial Intelligence Neurologic Application or DAINA
The goal was to create Artificial Intelligence that were able to make own decision
DAINA was heavy criticised by scientist and public, until it won in Tv show Jeopardy! against two champions and winning $1 million.
Despite DAINA was unable to do a simple Turing Test or advance Chinese Room test. do it inputs needed operations and it unable to operate on it own.
It was just further step in towards thinking machines or better say, Emulate the Human brain functions at higher speed.


Again Timofey Kurdin push the limits by introduction of industrial robots in USSR, old fashion Communist would see this betrayal toward the Soviet workers.
but it increased the productivity of Soviet Union and welcome by workers,
In Western Nation industrial robots were be part of everyday life, in the East block they were something new and exciting in 1980s.
Kurdin however was thinking a step ahead, providing domestic Robots.

His first domestic robot Pomoshchnik was games changer, in contrast to the failures in USA, this was success,
Primary a robots vacuum cleaner, it could transport also tray with food & drinks or serve as security robot at Night.
it became best selling robot, not only in east block,

Timofey Kurdin invest heavy into Intellectronic and robotics, special Into walking machines and humanoid robots.
His main goal was to create R.U.R. or Revolutionary Universal Robots, Intelligence Humanoid Robot that can be used for universal task.
R.U.R was criticised and allot polemic about, the danger those machine could bring in future. for moment R.U.R. learn to walk without falling like toddler.
Therefore was Kurdin new robot MAR-1 equip with special wheels to move,

MAR-1 by Kurdin Robotics

The Soviets took this with dark humour:

I don’t known who inherit Earth, but it will be machines in Soviet Union…
Part 73 - A New President

1996 ended the presidency of George Bush,
Hope for conservative that Bob Dole be nominate as Candidate for elections, were brutal crushed !
The Vice President had provoked disputes during the President Bush second term, about political matter, what damage Bob Dole reputation in Capitol Hill.
But the stab in back came as during republican convention as President Bush in a public speech not recommended Dole as candidate !
The next scandal was conservative replacement candidate David Duke, the head of Louisiana Ku Klux Klan !!
Because the conservative fraction, has problems with leadership, Ronald Reagan suffer off Alzheimer disease, but stuck on Position,
The Koch brothers who support the conservatives, had died in Aircraft crash in 1992.
This let to rise of David Duke at conservatives republicans. it tarnish the Republicans reputation in eye of US voter for coming years.
in end Pat Buchanan was nominated as candidate with Jack Kemp as Vice Candidate.

The Democrats nominated Al Gore and Bill Clinton as vice president, And there was Ross Perot.
A Texan billionaire, he enter the race as independents candidate with loose connection to Republicans.

Actually Al Gore won with smallest margin in Popular votes-
The Republicans disputed this, demanding recounts and even ende at Supreme Court, decision Buchanan v. Gore
Gores presidency feature allot gaff Like „his discovery" of…

There was stone that lied on ice in Antarctica, found by American meteor hunters in 1984.
To their surprise it was from Mars, catapult by meteor strike into space, driftet there until it hit Earth south pole.
it was handed over to NASA and stored als Mars Sample with ARES missions samples.
On August 6, 1996, a team of scientist led by David. S. Mckay, announced they found another sample of fossils bacteria !
The Ares 1 return with samples from german Rover Moritz, show also evidence of fossils bacteria.
In begin 1990s disputed and debated, let new discovery to media storm and Al Gore gaff, to label it as „his discovery“ in the Press conference…

Their problem was were to look for origin of ALH84001, but they knew were rover Moritz collect his sample, 8 km north of Ares 1 landing site.
Ares 7/8 were already on way to Mars and had other landing side were Astronauts were trained for.
NASA proposed Ares 9/10 Mission would land were Moritz collect it sample.
But there was problem, Ares 7/8 were the last US manned Mars mission,
Capitol Hill was unwilling to finance another Ares mission and focus funding on Moonbase Alpha.

Ares 7/8 target were Mars Vulcan area of Hadriacus Mons, inside its Caldera of 90 km diameter !
Already two german rover were exploring the Caldera taking samples and found two safe landing site for MEM
Novum on Mission was that two vulcanologist were on board to study Hadriacus Mons.

The return trip of Mars expedition happen malfunction of Life-support system of Ares 8 after Venus Swing-by in January 1998.
it crew was force to evacuated to Ares 7 and put the spacecraft on remote control.
both spacecraft and crews return save to Earth orbit
The investigation into failure of Ares Life-support system show result of sloppy quality control on piece used on that system.

Someone in Gore Administration came up with alternative, the Soviets still send manned mission to Mars.
So why not put NASA astronaut On Aelita mission to Mars ? sell to Soviets as peaceful Cooperation !
The Soviets were interested to land near Ares 1 and explore the area for those „Biomorphs“ how they called them.
However the Soviet exploited this political under „See the Soviet union bring US-Astronaut to Mars“
President Gore made situation not better, as he gaff in speech about USA-USSR join Mars mission, labeled the Astronaut as „fellow passenger“.

For NASA things became complicated since Soviets insist on some rules:
One: The US Astronaut will fly under SOVCOSMOS Intercosmo program as Guest Cosmonaut.
Two: He/Her must understand, read and write Russian language.
Three: Candidates training happens in Starcity in USSR, after that one will be selected for flight
Four: He/Her fly with Soviet Hardware only, every NASA equipment to be use, needed first examination and tested by SOVCOSMOS in USSR.

Since the Soviets had skip the launch window for Mars on Ares 7/8, because Aelita ship transport heavy equipment from earth to Moon orbit for the Zvezda Moonbase.
Was next Aelita Mission now planned for launch 1997 and return end 1998/begin 1999
From US candidates SOVCOSMOS took Jerry M. Linenger and David Wolf as his backup and send the rest home.
Aelita-4 mission left earth in January 1997, equip like Aelita-2 with cargo lander with pressurised rover and Manned lander
While a series Marschod rover inspected the area and took samples.
December 1997 Aelita-4 enter Mars orbit drop the Cargo lander follow by manned soviet MPK.
Linenger became the „Last American on Mars“ by world media, the Crew collected the samples from Marschod and prepared the Rover for travel.
The first drive took them to area were Rover Moritz, found it sample, here soviet geologist found bunch of strange rock formation, were she drill core samples out.
Another trip took them to Ares 1 landing site, opposite to Apollo 15 and Soyuz 24 controversy, the Soviet was ask by NASA to take samples from MEM remains.
After 8 years the landing site had change the NASA hardware was cover in dust and most foot prints fade away under sand.
The crew took parts left behind by the Ares-1 crew return to MPK and return after 30 day on surface.
Aelita-4 left Mars and on way home, drop two french ballon probe Montgolfier 4&5 into Venus atmosphere and history books…

The Geological result were revelation:
That strange rock formation was full of fossils bacteria structure like Stromatolites.
it was remains of Lifeforms long gone and dead since 2 billion years.
They evolved and thrive in shallow oceans of Mars until the Planet start to change into dry wasteland around 2 billion years ago.
There were unable to adapt to new situation and died.

Mars was a Dead world.

Mankind thinking on tragedy of Mars life, questioning is there other life in Solarsystem and on increasing number of exoplanets too ?
Part 75 End of the decade

We have Problems mister President !

Al Gore second term was overshadow by scandal provoked by Vice President Bill Clinton.
Despite married, he had relationship with 22 year old White House employee Monica Lewinsky,
Confronted by journalist Clinton lied and attempted to covered up his relationship with her.
Gore drop Clinton on first sign of trouble
In end Clinton was impeached with 221-212 vote becoming the First vice President in US history remove from Office by Capitol Hill.
President Al Gore took Minority Leader Dick Gephardt as new Vice President a social conservative and anti-abortion.
Hillary Clinton divorce her husband and enter As Hillary Rodham into US Politic for Democrats.

During that time the son of President Bush, the second man on Mars, George W. Bush enter politic in Texas.
He was elected to Governor of Texas in 1995, he successful issued reforms in State like criminal Justice system or better education in Texas.
Also supported private space industry and NASA in Texas, The Republicans in Capitol Hill consider him as perfect candidate for next president election in 2000.

The return of Heros
In 1995 NASA got proposal of Former Astronaut for a special Mission in Space,
His argumentation was simple: the Astronaut Lost of bones, muscles mass and blood plasma in space, are similar to ageing.
NASA should send older person to Space to study this, and that person should be him.

his name John Glenn - the First American in Orbit, Senator and Former President !

Capitol Hill went ballistic, that former President wanted to return to Space.
It took until 1996 with compromise, a group of old astronauts were selected for this:

John Glenn - age 77 - Mercury
Buzz Aldwin - age 68 - Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, Shuttle
Pete Conrad - age 68 - Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, Shuttle
James Lovell - age 70 -Gemini, Apollo.

There were more contender, but do medical issue and health status weren’t selected, other like Neil Armstrong refused.
Another issue was that Secret Service wanted two men for protection of former President Glenn.
Despite NASA considering this unnecessary, two agent were trained as Astronauts, disguise as mission specialist.

1997 after a year of training the six were on board of new generation Space shuttle Daedalus to Olympus space station.
They stay 90 day in space, giving valuable scientific data, with new insight in Ageing and on long expose to microgravity
The Media took this wrongly with „Astronauts died faster in space“ headlines…

Then happen incident on Lunar surface as Soviet Zarya declare emergency and landed at Moonbase Alpha.

Rest of The World
The 1998 election in East Germany confirmed with 94,4%, Angela Merkel as New General Secretary of Socialist Unity Party.
While in West Germany Election made socialist Gerhard Schröder chancellor, thanks of series of scandals in Christians Democratic Party.
The contrast between both could be harscher: Merkel grown up with christians values, while Schröder is Manager with Social darwinist views.
For the German Confederation came turbulent times

The US Presidential Election ended in 2000 in surprise
The Power Duo Dick Gephardt and Hillary Rodham were defeated by George W. Bush and Newt Gingrich became president and vice !
Former Astronaut, second man on Mars and Governor of Texas, now the Second astronaut in White House !

So celebrated mankind end of Millennium in 1999, many were asking what bring the 21th century ?
Special with development around Mars and Venus…

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