vietnam war

  1. Grey Havoc

  2. I

    Orenda Iroquois Single Engine Fighter application theory

    Good Afternoon everyone, hope you are all doing well Lately i have been having a lot of thoughts about engine capabilities and i thought long and hard in regards to Orenda and other smaller engine manifacturers of the 50s and 60s, i thought about the Iroquois engine a lot and not only because of...
  3. K

    Covert Wings: The OA-61F Counter Widow in Vietnam

    So as part of as a what-if scale model, I wrote up a backstory (if you want to see the whole build process check out whatifmodelers The interesting part was I wrote up a basic story and then used Google Gemini AI to re-write and basically...
  4. Grey Havoc

    First Black Navy SEAL, William Goines, dies at 88 (Military Times) Rest In Peace. :(
  5. Dronescapes

    Rare color footage Of The F-105 "Thud" Thunderchief Development Program

    Rare color footage Of The F-105 "Thud" Thunderchief Development Program
  6. E

    US forces with a second JFK term and shorter/no Vietnam war?

    Hi everyone, We have already discussed a shorter/no Vietnam scenario already so I will not ask for changes related to this. However, what I was wondering about is whether having a second JFK term (due to no assassination) instead of a Johnson term would affect 1963-1968 procurement in any way...
  7. njiiaf

    Ideal USAF air superiority fighter for the Vietnam War.

    As we all know, the USAF went into Vietnam without a dedicated air superiority fighter and suffered for it, particularly in the early years with unreliable sparrows/sidewinders, no cannons on the Phantoms, and inadequate BFM training. Que the arrival of the F-4E, along with better missiles and...
  8. D

    SA-4 Ganef in Vietnam 1972

    In a Washington Special Actions Group Meeting on 15 May 1972, five days after the start of the Linebacker I, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Admiral Thomas Moorer said North Vietnam introduced a new mobile SAM, the SA-4 Ganef...
  9. uk 75

    Britain in Vietnam

    One of Harold Wilson's achievements as Prime Minister was to resist President Johnson's pressure for Britain to make some visible military contribution to the Vietnam War. Wilson had only narrowly beaten a Conservative Government in 1964. The Conservatives may well have resisted Johnson too on...
  10. AN/AWW-14(V)

    Texas Instruments AGM-45 Shrike

  11. A

    Vought Regulus I and Regulus II whatifs

    Just a random idea in passing... In the 50's some aircraft carriers and heavy cruisers were converted for Regulus 1 launches. Then the much improved Regulus II was cut short by Polaris. Whatif - Regulus I and, most importantly, Regulus II were developped in non-nuclear variants ? and later...
  12. Grey Havoc

    Owen Submachine Gun
  13. Grey Havoc

    American Export Isbrandtsen Lines nuclear-powered container ships project (1964-68)

    This was a project intended to provide three (correction, four) atomic powered high speed container ships for use on Essential Foreign Trade Route No. 12, between the U.S. Atlantic Coast and the Far East. The ships would have used the AEC Maritime Reactor, a clean sheet gas-cooled reactor design...
  14. P

    USMC 'Marine Expeditionary land-based catapult' system

    G'day gents Just stumbled across a photograph which Ive seen in numerous books on the Vietnam War, but only after decades have now realised, that 'this Douglas A-4 Skyhawk' depicted in the photograph, is in fact connected and prepared for launch via a 'land-based catapult system' I have to...
  15. overscan (PaulMM)

    Spyflights & Overflights : Cold War Aerial Reconnaissance

    Nice-looking new title from Crecy/Hikoki from RC-135-pilot-turned-historian Robert S Hopkins III. Spyflights & Overflights Cold War Aerial Reconnaissance RRP: £29.95 Few aviation subjects have been shrouded in more secrecy or been more controversial than cold war aerial reconnaissance. Former...
  16. G

    The Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than a Tanker

    An enlarged update of Robert Hopkins' 1998 Aerofax book, already a pretty good tome:
  17. Graham1973

    NA/R - Solar Electric Spacecraft for Asteroid Belt Exploration (1970)

    A design by North American/Rockwell for the same contract as the TRW 'Solar Electric Multi Mission Spacecraft'. Unlike that vehicle, which was intended for use for a variety of missions, this spacecraft was optimised for untargeted asteroid belt exploration, though with it's particle and fields...
  18. Dynoman

    Tactical Nuclear Weapons Against Hanoi

    I don't believe this topic has been introduced before, and if so please excuse the thread. In 1959 the Aerospace Research Projects Agency (ARPA) organized a think tank, code named JASON, composed of America's leading scientist to analyze various high level programs and topics that could...
  19. Triton

    Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker

    Boeing KC-135 model with winglets found on eBay. Source: Seller's description:
  20. Triton

    North American YAT-28E Turboprop Trainer

    North American YAT-28E model manufactured by Topping found on eBay. URL:
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