maritime patrol aircraft

  1. Grey Havoc

    Avro Shackleton
  2. C

    Grumman / Shin Meiwa ASR-544-4

    Something different for today ... a collaborative project between Grumman and Shin Meiwa in Japan. Note wing engines can tilt up a few degrees (it's described on another page). Also, there is heavy reliance on active boundary layer control via twin turbines behind the rear pressure bulkhead...
  3. Caravellarella

    Beyond the One-Eleven - British Aircraft Corporation BAC 1-11 projects......

    Dear Boys and Girls, here is an article describing the BAC X-Eleven "project" for a (then) new technology short-medium range jet airliner with CFM-56 engines. This "project" has a wider fuselage cross-section than the standard BAC 1-11. I believe this was the final attempt to make a stand-alone...
  4. Johnbr

    BAe Systems Nimrod MRA.4 (Nimrod 2000) Here is a sad story. :(
  5. F

    Tupolev Tu-404

    Back in the '90s, wasn't there supposed to be a Soviet flying wing stealth bomber from Tupolev, the Tu-202 or Tu-404 or something?
  6. hesham

    Dornier/Aeritalia AAA Advanced Amphibian Aircraft

    Hi, the Dornier and Aeritalia co-operated to designed the AAA (Advanced Amphibious Aircraft) or AIT-460,it was twin engined high wing aircraft, powered by two 2,700 hp turboprop engines and can carry 33 passengers...
  7. hesham

    Boeing P-8A Poseidon (737-800EFV) MMA (Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft)

    Hi, A new program for US Navy the MMA (Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft) is now fullfied by Boeing 737-800ERX.
  8. P

    In Flight Refuelling

    This idea was proved pre WW2 but for some reason doesn't seem to have been considered for use in extending the range of LRMP aircraft. What method was used, my reading of it is that the tanker trailed a hose (with a drogue to prevent wild movements) and the receiving aircraft caught this with a...
  9. C

    Boeing Global Patrol Aircraft for USN

    Hi Everybody! Chuck Anderson here!! Is anyone familiar with the following aircraft design, and if so, can anyone tell me where I can find further information? My original source was from an artist's conception appearing in an issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology in the 1980's. (I'm sorry...
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