
  1. V

    US Air Force orders the Convair Model 6 ultra-heavy airlifter

    I read that Convair proposed the Model 6 heavy-lift transport as a derivative of the Advanced C-99 project with the backswept wings and tail surfaces from the YB-60 competitor to the B-52, and I wanted to ask what the course of US heavy-lift capability during the early Cold War would have been...
  2. ConnieTheTomcat

    General Dynamics Model 44 VFX (F-14 alternative)

    I'm looking for General Dynamics' entry into the Navy's VFX program, I found info on the 303, 225, and the 507 but I can't seem to find anything on General Dynamics. From what I've read on the internet it seems to be a smaller version of the failed F-111B with a large folding vertical...
  3. RAP

    General Dynamics Convair Division Boost-Glide Vehicle (BGV)

    Interesting model. Also has pics of other models that look will be up for auction soon.
  4. Boxman

    Convair 660 - Short-Haul Twin-Jet

    This is a new one to me. I've searched the forum and could not find much if anything on it, so I am posting a new topic dedicated to the Convair 660, a short-haul twin-jet. (Please remove or combine with another appropriate topic, if it already exists). The model photos (and artistic rendering)...
  5. C

    "Mothership" for flying boat land take-off.

    In a Italian magazine of 1939,"Panorama",i have read an article about Americans flying boats. Was said that a method at the study for land takeoff of flying boats ( in runways near sea aerodromes) was put the flying boat piggy-back on a sort of not flying launch vehicle for reach speed for...
  6. sferrin

    Convair Model 48 Charger

    There seem to be several posts on this aircraft scattered amongst half a dozen threads, but no dedicated thread, so. . .
  7. hesham

    Convair F-102 Delta Dagger Development and Derivatives

    Hi, I found this strange drawing to F 102,may be,they meant Convair F-102, but please look to its air intakes !,I think this a French imagine to F-102 before it appeared...
  8. C

    Convair Flying Submersible aka High Density Seaplane flying submarine (1962)

    Here's a Consolidated-Vultee wind tunnel model I cannot identify. The search engine did not recognize the design. Some details caught my attention: the centerline engine is bigger than the other two, which is odd. The wings fold, which is also unusual, at least for a bomber. Also, I'm...
  9. Triton

    Convair XF2Y-1 Seadart

    Convair YF2Y-1 Sea Dart desk model by Topping found on eBay URL: Seller's Description
  10. L

    Standard Missile projects.

    The Standard Missile family has grown to include a great number of variants over the years. I figured I would create this topic to discuss the designs and proposals based around the Standard Missile. One program I have had a very difficult time finding any info on, is the Standard Missile 5...
  11. OM

    Mercury Mark II sketches/Diagrams?

    ...On the Big Gemini threads, on the family tree for the Gemini program and its proposed offshoots, the "Lucy" of the tree is a drawing of what spawned into Gemini, the "Mercury Mark II". Anyone got any diagrams or sketches of what got this particular ball rolling? How much of a simple...
  12. DarkLord

    X-11, X-12, Atlas missile forerunners

    I am researching the Atlas missile forerunners for a model project. I have some illustrations of the X-12 "Atlas", which had 4 boost engines plus the central sustainer engine; plus a diameter of 12 feet as opposed to the final atlas of 10 feet: but I would like some dimensioned drawings or any...
  13. Michel Van

    Convair B-58 Projects

    strange in this forum is almost no info about B-58 version ! B-58 A the SAC bomber version we know B-58 B improved version - kingfish launch platform B-58 C Enlarged version and J-58 jetengine (for mach 3 ?) B-58 D long range interceptor B-58 E tactical strike aircraft and strategic bomber...
  14. J

    General Dynamics (Convair) GETOL studies

    1962 drawing , unknown source
  15. J

    Convair XP-92 / XF-92 - Development and Prototype

    Convair XP-92 first configuration
  16. X

    Krafft Ehricke Space designs

    Hi All, I'm looking for infos (technical drawings) about Krafft Ehricke Spacecraft designed and projected for Convair in the early 60's see :
  17. K

    Convair XC-99 and derivatives

    The world's largest land plane, the XC-99, made its first flight in San Diego on 23 November 1947. The XC-99, serial 43-52436, is a double deck transport variant of the B-36. It has a considerably larger fuselage, but was never fitted with jet pods. The wingspan is the same 230 feet, but the...
  18. S

    Convair Super Hustler, Fish and Kingfish

    I woul like to know something about the kinfish proposal for a strategic recon aircraft (in the competition won by the lockheed a-12) and about the super hustler design. Unfortunately the only information i foud are in Russian (quite strange for united states secret projects)...
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    Convair F-106 Projects

    F-106 "Fighter Bomber" One proposal based on two seat F-106B with 3 x KA-8 cameras and ECM pods. F-106A "Economy Fighter Bomber" New search and bombing radar and nuclear capability. IFR socket in front of windshield. MTOW limited to 40,000lb to remain compatible with existing landing gear...
  20. overscan (PaulMM)

    General Dynamics (Convair) VTOL/VSTOL/STOL projects

    General Dynamics "Jiminy Cricket"
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