Future RNZN Frigate


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30 November 2020
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The RNZN has stated they will replace their two Anzac Frigates by the mid 2030s. See page 34 of attached.

What do you think are the three most likely designs to be procured and how many? I believe by the 2030s, the deteriorating security situation with China in the Indo-Pacific will incentivize New Zealand to to align themselves more within the anglosphere and they will procure three frigates from either the UK, USA, Canada or Australia. Here is my list in order of most likely.

1) Type 31 or 32 Frigate from the UK
2) Type 26 Frigate with the most likely supplier being Australia, followed by the UK than Canada
3) Constellation Class Frigate from the US


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Possibly some version of Arrowhead 140, but probably not Type 31. It's just too austere compared to the others.

That said, maybe one of the Damen Crossover combatants? Seems like it might fit better into the desire for utility in peacekeeping and disaster relief roles rather than a pure warship.
I would put money on a couple of the Hunter Class which is based upon the Type 26 which already selected by Australia, UK and Canada in one form or another. I am sure the Osborne Naval Shipyard can fit in a couple for our RNZN mates.
Hunter makes most sense for commonality with the Aussies, but NZ's always been budget squeezed, so I wouldn't entirely rule out an austere design like Type 31.
That said, maybe one of the Damen Crossover combatants? Seems like it might fit better into the desire for utility in peacekeeping and disaster relief roles rather than a pure warship.
Seems to me that the disaster relief role might better go to the new sealift ship, which is supposed to be bigger than HMNZS Canterbury, and have a well-deck, so >9,000 tonnes full load. Or to Canterbury seeing as that's already been tasked for disaster relief.
I would put money on a couple of the Hunter Class which is based upon the Type 26 which already selected by Australia, UK and Canada in one form or another.
Not a chance given NZ’s defence budget.

T31/T32 is one option but I expect there will be an open tender with a wide range of designs (Meko, Sigma, South Korea, probably the Italians, Spanish maybe the French too)
No disrespect to New Zealand but a couple of frigates seem rather pointless.
NZ is so far away from any other country it is hard to see what they will spend their time doing.
A combination of MEZ patrol ships and perhaps a combination Disaster relief/Casualty receiving ship for UN and peacekeeping work would reflect good-natured NZ's requirements.
No disrespect to New Zealand but a couple of frigates seem rather pointless.
NZ is so far away from any other country it is hard to see what they will spend their time doing.

If you get signs someone's* SSN is poking around NZ waters, then a couple of patrol boats and a couple of amphibs aren't going to be much use, and the P-8s on their own have limited utility. A frigate working with them is a more credible response.

NZ is in a much more interesting strategic position than our interpretation of it from the Northern hemisphere usually acknowledges. It's not a distant offshoot of Australia, it's pretty much the gateway to Micronesia. And China is putting a lot of effort into wooing the Micronesian nations.

*And we all know whose they might be.
NZs defence policy is based on working with allies, so there is an international dimension in our requirements. The frigates are often used to either work with allies' fleets or to relieve vessels that have been deployed for combat away from their usual patrols. Thus, while several fisheries protection type vessels would be immediately useful, something a couple of Type 26's would be more desirable to the Navy but as pointed out by H_K probably unaffordable, with other options likely.
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New Zealand will need to maintain a few frigates if it has any intention of remaining a relevant, strategic partner of the west in the face of a rising China. Failing to do so would relegate them to a pacific Ireland. The joining of the HMNZS Te Kaha with the UK carrier strike group passing through the South China Sea is a perfect example of this.

As already stated, I’m sure the Navy will push for the Hunter Class as a block buy with Australia but will be forced to procure something smaller and cheaper due to budgetary constraints. I really think the Type 31/32 is going to win out.
Comparable sized countries with modern frigates: Norway (Fridtjof Nansen-class, five built) and Denmark (Iver Huitfeldt/Absalon-class, also five built). These are going to be slightly dated by mid-2030s of course and won't be considered for New Zealand as such but perhaps indicative of what kinds of designs nations with limited resources can come up with and realize. Other examples?
Presumably something Korean would be the cheapest option frigate-wise - which NZ might prefer. FFX Batch IV? HMNZS Aotearoa is a Korean product IIRC.
Comparable sized countries with modern frigates: Norway (Fridtjof Nansen-class, five built) and Denmark (Iver Huitfeldt/Absalon-class, also five built).

I’ve always wondered how Norway and Denmark, with a similar sized population to NZ, have vastly more capable conventional militaries. Denmark is a better comparison since their defense budget is roughly the same as NZ ($5 billion USD). Denmark not only has 5 frigates, they also have F-35 fighters on order and Leopard 2 MBT.

The Type 31 is based on the Iver Huitfeldt design.

Presumably something Korean would be the cheapest option frigate-wise

Interesting take. The Koreans do make good ships and for cheap. It would also help strengthen an important pacific partnership as well.
TinWing. Some years ago whenever I met someone with an accent I would ask them which part of NZ or Canada they came from? The look on the faces of Australians and Americans is always worth it.
You mean there are no kangaroos in Texas, no wonder Southfork Ranch had no sheep.
I always think of NZ as Ireland in the Pacific. You both get used to make films in too. Apart from "Father Ted" and "Madam and Eve" (S Afr newspaper cartoon) this is one of my favourites

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