Russian-Iranian Engine deal for Azkarakhsh and Shafaq in pipeline

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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The Russian motors are brought in Iranian fighters

As it became known ", in the course of the visit of the President RF of Vladimir Putin to Teheran large agreement about the deliveries to the Islamic republic of turbojet engines for the fighters/fighter airplane VVS of Iran is planned to the signing. Sale of motors will allow Teheran to master series output of its own military aviation engineering. However, Russia hopes to obtain access down the new promising market. However, at the point of this, judging as far as everything, it is necessary to pay by further cooling of relations for the sake of USA, whose Russian- Iranian collaboration causes steadfast nonacceptance.
Kommersant, on October 16, 2007

As it became known ", during the visit to Teheran of the President RF of Vladimir Putin will be, possibly, signed the agreement about the delivery to Iran of 50 turbojet engines rd -33, in series produced as far as the Moscow machine-building enterprise im Chernishev for the aircraft MiG-29. Experts evaluate the assumed transaction beside sufficiently modest sum of $150 mln. Iran it is intended to install the purchased engines beyond the supersonic fighter-bombers of our own development Of azarakhsh ("Lightning"). Recently the Minister of Defense of Iran Mostafa Mohammed Nadzhar officially declared about the beginning of the series production of Azarakhsh. “Soon we will be capable are capable on industrial scales of creating the aircraft like Azarakhsh, which will enter into service of Iranian army”,- stated Mr. Nadzhar.

The strike aircraft Azarakhsh is created by the Iranian company Of iran aircraft manufacturing industrial on the base of the American fighter 1960- X of years F -5e. These aircraft of the USA were supplied to Iran until 1979, but, until now of approximately 50 vehicles are in service VVS of Islamic republic. Iranian engineers increased length and mass F -5, changed the form of its tail unit, and also the engine installation - instead of two American motors J85- GE -21b of the company general electric were placed two Russian rd -33. Furthermore, beyond the aircraft was established/installed new radar. According to various reports, this either Iranian radar with Russian those completing or radar N -019ME “Topaz” of the development of Russian company “Phazotron-NIIR”. The first flight of Azarakhsh completed in June 1997. Against today's moment were prepared and underwent tests four experiment vehicles with the engines based on the old Russian fighters MiG-29. Production aircraft will recruit by Russian motors.

Furthermore, during the visit of President Putin is expected the signing of separate agreement about the delivery to Iran of the small party (several pieces) of the engines RD-5000, which are the version of engine RD-93, only without the afterburner. They plan to install them down the experimental Iranian aircraft Of shafaq (“Dawn”), whose development is conducted by the design complex of the university of the aviation of Iran. The first flight of Shafaq is planned for the following year. About the unofficial information, this vehicle is developed with the engineering support to Russia. Besides the Russian engine on it will stand Russian ejection seat K-36. According to the statements of Iranian officials, Shafaq it will be constructed from the materials, which absorb radio waves, which will make its unobtrusive (technology of stealth). Two-place version will be used and as trainer aircraft, and one-place - as attack aircraft.

It is remarkable, that the engine RD-93 was originally developed in Russia to order, also, down the means of China: MMP Chernishev already in series supplied for the fighter airplane FC-1, which will be then reexported to Pakistan. The nonafterburning version of motor by the name RD-5000 corporation MiG decided to install on its unobtrusive multipurpose combat unmanned flight vehicle “Skat”. Its full-scale mock-up was demonstrated in August on the exhibition MAKS 2007.

The greatest quantity of fighters, which at present stand in the arsenal VVS of Iran, was set from the USA even before the times of the [shakhskogo] administration (see information). After 1979 the delivery of spare parts for them ceased because of the introduction of American embargo. At the same time the government of Iran took course on the substitution of imported of those completing by its own spare parts, and also at the point of the development of its new combat aircraft.

In the opinion analysts, Iran will subsequently buy the additional batches of Russian engines. “50 - this is only beginning,- counts the expert of the center of the analysis of strategies and technologies of Constantine Makienko. Iran soon will be required even as the minimum one hundred such motors for the production of its combat aircraft”. Expert considers that in this case they are important not so much sum and the volume of the first contract, as very fact of output down the new market. Previously Russia concluded contracts about the delivery of its aircraft engines for the military aircraft, developed abroad, only with China and India.

Conclusion of a contract with Iran down the delivery of aircraft engines can again aggravate the relations between Moscow and Washington, and before the attitude of the Russian enterprises of the USA they can introduce sanctions. Base for this step can become American law dated 2000 about non-proliferation with respect to Iran, which forbids collaboration for the sake of this country before the sphere of the dissemination of the weapon of mass destruction and technologies, capable of helping Teheran to create the means of delivery WMD (weapons of mass destruction). However, until now this law did not prevent Russia from supplying conventional armament to Iran. At the end 2005 were signed contract with Iran down the party of 29 antiaircraft missile systems of the short distance “Tor-M1” by cost/by value to $800 million, whose delivery was completed against the beginning of 2007.

At the same time in August 2006 U.S. State Department introduced sanctions with respect to “Rosoboroneksporta” and companies “Sukhoi” in connection with the assumed modernization/updating of front bombers Su-24MK Iranian VVS. In October the same year of sanction with respect to “Sukhoi” they were removed, but, until now, no based on “Rosoboroneksporta”. “This threat exists, but this must not be restriction for the military technical collaboration for the sake of Iran, counts Mr. Makienko. This is our traditional partner. Against this country there are no international sanctions, which would forbid to Russia to supply there conventional weapons”.

Constantine Lantratov

I'm not convinced personally, unless Azakarazh is a different plane from the "Saeghe". Shown prototypes don't have RD-33, for certain.
overscan said:
I'm not convinced personally, unless Azakarazh is a different plane from the "Saeghe". Shown prototypes don't have RD-33, for certain.

So far, all we've seen are two modified F-5 variants, one with a mid-mounted wing and one with a twin tail, amounting to nothing more than a reworking of 30 year old airframes. Even assuming that the ultimate intent is to produce a scaled up F-5 variant that combines a mid-mounted wing with a twin tail, the value of flying these peculiar prototypes would seem to be negligible.
Perhaps the planes we saw fly were just "partial" testbeds, to test the aerodynamics, but the production versions have a single engine?

Of course, in another article on this, they were referring to the plane that looked like a single engined stealthy modern fighter we've seen the full scale mock up of online. It sort of looks like a T-50 with twin tails.
What has become of this project? From what I understand, the Azkarakhsh is an unlicensed copy of the F-5. How feasible is such a project, and what modifications would the airframe need to hold such an engine?
What has become of this project? From what I understand, the Azkarakhsh is an unlicensed copy of the F-5. How feasible is such a project, and what modifications would the airframe need to hold such an engine?
Who knows as some project change their name... Anyway look at F-20 Tigershark as example involving F-5 when fitting large engines.

Anyway they could attempt to design and develop a new engine with F-5E engine bay limitations in mind.

They managed to reverse engineer J85-GE-21 turbojet and later FJ33/44 turbofan engines.

So they have experience to know what they're doing.

Along maintainance of J79, Atar and TF30.

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