Me 209, Variants & Projects

It was a real project for a jet fighter to be produced based on the Me-109.
No 109TL variant.
It was the "Zwiling" (twin) conversion of two Me 209V5
with two DB 603G engines.Timeframe 1943/44.
It was the "Zwiling" (twin) conversion of two Me 209V5
with two DB 603G engines.Timeframe 1943/44.

Sorry, I recalled wrong. Lark is right. Tonight, from home, I'll try to post a drawing.
Cobra Kebab,

Here's the Me-409 from "Les Avions Messerschmitt" by Pierre Gaillard. Minidocavia 22. I strongly recommend that book to every Messerschmitt designs fan.




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hello guys,

the Messerschmitt Me209 V4, taken from the latest ( at least in Portugal ) "Le Fana de L`aviation", an excellent article by Wolfgang Muhlbauer. Enjoy.

[Admin - please do not upload scanned images from books or mags larger than 600 pixels and be very considerate when scanning images from current periodicals of the author and publisher who need to sell their articles.]

Editions Lariviere site here:



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This pic would appear to be an illustration of an Me 309 variant, not an Me 209
{The Illustrations are from Wikipedia - not the most reliable source, i know, But try the Messerschmitt section in:

Tony Wood & Bill Gunston (3rd. impression, 1979)
Hitler's Luftwaffe
Salamander Books, UK
[ISBN 0-86101-005-1] }

They give more or less identical illustrations (Me 309 V1 & V2; Me 209 V1 to V6 & A-series). Note the loop radiator on the nose of the Me 209, similar to that of the Fw 190-D

See also:,5609.0.html


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Sorry Bodmas,

but your wikipedia source missed the Me209R. The were two Me209 lay-outs, as you`l find.
Umm... i tried to cross-reference the Wiki refs with the quoted book - i don't trust much of the info on Wikipedia - and they correlated ok [illustration-wise].
Sure, the pic. you provided has a lot in common with the Wendel Record-Breaker Me 209 (cf. the tailplane) - and i am grateful for the info - but i am skeptical. I'm not knocking your research skills or anything; Wiki was NOT my Primary Source!
That said, I Could be Wrong
The exploded drawing is of a militarized Me209V4 (has appeared in other pubs too) and the actual machine was dressed up as a operational fighter for some photo propaganda shots. Attempts to do anything useful with the design met with nothing but disappointment.

in topic about Me 109 TL project is info taht this plane had wings from Me 409

OK, everybody knows Me 109,

209 ( ),
309 ( ),
509 ( ), but does anybody have any info about Me 409 (3view, technical data etc.)

Thank you

Not that Wikipedia is always right, but...

Messerschmitt Me 409
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Me 409
Role: Fighter
Manufacturer: Messerschmitt
Status: Unrealised project

The Messerschmitt Me 409 was an abandoned design for a fighter aircraft. It was intended to be two Messerschmitt Me 209-II fuselages joined by a common wing section like the Messerschmitt Me 109z (2 Me 109's) and the Messerschmitt Me 609 (2 Messerschmitt Me 309's). Most of the aircraft parts would come from the mainly from the Me 209-II. The engines would have consisted of Daimler Benz Db 603's as on the Me 209-II. Arnament would have been like the Me 109Z and Me 609 (4 MK 108 30mm cannon's and 1 MK 103 30mm cannon). The project was canceled along with the counterpart Me 209-II.

If that is accurate, then if you find an Me 209 3-view, double it, and use constant chord wing and tailplane to join the two, then you wouldn't be far off.
Resurrecting an ancient topic, I'm a bit skeptical of the Wikipedia article on the Me 409. I just picked up a book today, Messerschmitt: An Aircraft Album, by J. Richard Smith. It includes the following: "The Me 409 was a project for a slightly larger version of the Me 309, no Me 509 has yet been traced, and the Me 609 was to have comprised two Me 309 fuselages coupled together by a new centre section." In the appendix, it specifically lists the Me 409 as a "fighter project" powered by one Daimler-Benz DB 603 engine developing 1,750 horsepower. I don't have access to my more recent books at the moment to see if there's a better source for the "Zwilling" 409, but I'm suspicious until I'm shown a concrete source.
Luftwaffe Secret Projects: Fighters 1939-1945 states that "Me 409" was the Messerschmitt house designation for the Bf 109ST - tracing that appears to indicate a Bf 109ST -> Me 155 -> BV 155 progression.
Nice scan, Justo... Thanks ! But why did you label the image "P.1116 001"?? :eek: It is a source of confusion as it could give the impression this was also designated P.1116 (when that designation was in fact allocated to a jet project).
Stargazer2006 said:
Nice scan, Justo... Thanks ! But why did you label the image "P.1116 001"?? :eek: It is a source of confusion as it could give the impression this was also designated P.1116 (when that designation was in fact allocated to a jet project).

Never trust file names. Sometimes they lie.


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I can't translate well,

is this Messerschmitt Me.209H a fighter ?.


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"Based on the project for a „new Me 209“ submitted to the RLM during April 1943, the type should be used as conventional fighter
and as high altitude fighter as well. The latter variant would have been fitted, besides from an enlarged wing, with either the DB 603,
the Jumo 213 or the Jumo 222 engines. As the first pattern aircraft (prototype), a Bf 109 G-3 was converted. The Me 209 HV 1
(registration SP+EG, serial number 16281) was equipped with the eigth prototype of the DB 628. First flights can be verified for the
beginning of 1943 in Augsburg. On the 8th of May 1944 the aircraft was taken over by Daimler-Benz in Echterdingen. From August 1943,
the Me 209 V 1 was equipped with the DB 628 V 20 and the enlarged fin of the Bf 109 V 50. This aircraft was mainly used for tests of the
tail assembly of the Me 209 at the end of 1943. The prototype was destroyed during an air raid on Stuttgart-Echterdingen on the 14th of
August 1944. Then the whole Me 209 program had already been stopped by GFM (Generalfeldmarschall) Milch on the 25th of May 1944
with agrrement by Hermann Göring , because of the imminent introduction of the Me 262."

Interesting article with several precise dates an incidents, that should make a verification relatively easy. Where is it from ?
From Hitchcock (Messerschmitt O-Nine Gallery), p. 101:

"The RLM advised Messerschmitt to expedite development of a high altitude fighter by incorporating Me 209H systems directly into the Bf 109H program (see p. 92). Messerschmitt complied, but continued construction of the Me 209H V1, albeit on a low priority basis. Accordingly, early in 1943 a design was advanced based on the Me P.1091a resulting in the Me 209H. Although it was not fitted to the Me 209H V1, the DB 627B [I think this should be DB628 based on other references Hitchcock makes] was selected. Delays protracted its completion until June 1944, and by this time the Me 209 and the DB 627 programs had been cancelled. Therefore, the Me 209H V1 was completed with a DB 603G (similar to the DB 627 but lacking after-cooler and two-stage mechanical supercharger)."

So, there was the Me 209 V1 through V4 (the record-breaker), with the V4 being the proposed fighter.
Then followed the Me 309
Then the revised Me 209, usually called the Me 209-II.
Then the RLM wanted a high-altitude variant of the 209-II. It sounds, though, that the 209H was really a continuation of the stretched Bf 109 program (P.1091a), and only used some systems architecture from the 209A.
V4 scale plans from AJ-Press book


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V5 scale plans, source same


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carsinamerica said:
From Hitchcock (Messerschmitt O-Nine Gallery), p. 101:

"The RLM advised Messerschmitt to expedite development of a high altitude fighter by incorporating Me 209H systems directly into the Bf 109H program (see p. 92). Messerschmitt complied, but continued construction of the Me 209H V1, albeit on a low priority basis. Accordingly, early in 1943 a design was advanced based on the Me P.1091a resulting in the Me 209H. Although it was not fitted to the Me 209H V1, the DB 627B [I think this should be DB628 based on other references Hitchcock makes] was selected. Delays protracted its completion until June 1944, and by this time the Me 209 and the DB 627 programs had been cancelled. Therefore, the Me 209H V1 was completed with a DB 603G (similar to the DB 627 but lacking after-cooler and two-stage mechanical supercharger)."

So, there was the Me 209 V1 through V4 (the record-breaker), with the V4 being the proposed fighter.
Then followed the Me 309
Then the revised Me 209, usually called the Me 209-II.
Then the RLM wanted a high-altitude variant of the 209-II. It sounds, though, that the 209H was really a continuation of the stretched Bf 109 program (P.1091a), and only used some systems architecture from the 209A.

The picture posted at the start of this thread is of the Me 209V14, or at least that it what it is labl[/size]ed in this document.

According to an issue of Le Fana de L'Aviation this variant was proposed to the RLM in November of 1939. If you look at the drawing you can see many differences from the earlier 209s, as well as simularites to the later 309 and 209 developments.
Source of this pic is Me-209 by David Myhra


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Me-209H with DB 628 engine, project.
Source same - AJ-Press book


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Me-209H, source same


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Me-209V6, source same


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What I've found out, up to the Me 209 V 4 the design was directly based on the record aircraft, with
test flight proving to be disappointing, with no chance of fitting internal weapons to wing, as it was too
thin and was still needed for radiators.
From the V 5 onwards, it was actually a completely new design, submitted as contender to the Ta 152,
which should use as many Bf 109 components, as possible to ease production.
Maybe an interesting side note: According to "Die Illusion der Wunderwaffen" by Ralf Schabel, Willy
Messerschmitt himself officially favoured the Me 209 against the Me 262 still at the end of 1943, as
this type would have allowed a higher output and higher profits.
Thank you my dear Jemiba very much,

and now we can say,there was a fighter version of Me.209 racer
aircraft,but didn't build.
hesham said:
and now we can say,there was a fighter version of Me.209 racer
aircraft,but didn't build.

Not built in series, but at least in prototype form. ;)
Jemiba said:
What I've found out, up to the Me 209 V 4 the design was directly based on the record aircraft, with
test flight proving to be disappointing, with no chance of fitting internal weapons to wing, as it was too
thin and was still needed for radiators.
From the V 5 onwards, it was actually a completely new design, submitted as contender to the Ta 152,
which should use as many Bf 109 components, as possible to ease production.

Correct. The original Me 209 also had diabolical handling characteristics. Messerschmitt's chief test pilot called it "a diminutive monstrosity" and a "brute." They increased wingspan twice, enlarged the radiators and still it didn't help. In fact, it just degraded performance.

So, Messerschmitt switched tracks and developed the Me 309, with tricycle landing gear, bubble canopy, and lower scoop. It had reliability issues, especially with the gear, and performance was not all that was desired. The RLM decided that it wouldn't be worth interrupted Bf 109 production to bring the Me 309 into service.

THEN they went back and developed the Me 209-II (aka Me 209A), which is the revised aircraft with a plan much more aligned to the Bf 109. That wasn't a success, either. Somewhere in there came the Me 409 and Me 509, neither of which went anywhere. That was the end of the piston-engine Messerschmitt fighters.

Here is a short translated summary of what Le Fana de l'Aviation says about the fighter variants of the first Me 209;

Messerschmitt wanted to make an aircraft that was more compact then the 109 but would have had similar performance while capable of carrying out the same missions with the same payloads. Additionally this smaller aircraft would be easier to build and would use fewer resources - but this came with a disadvantage in handling, take off and landing performance.

Attempts were made at remedying this by increasing the wing area, changing the geometry of the wing (not sure if the article means planform, washout or both) and different leading edge slats installations. No success was found with these changes.

In November of 1939, Messerschmitt proposed a DB601E engined fighter based on the 209 V-4 to the RM. At this time the V-4 showed worse performance then the 109F then in development, despite all attempts by Messerschmitt at improving the V-4.

Hermann Wurster and Fritz Wendel, 209 test pilots, came to the same conclusion as the Rechlin test center with Heinrich Beauvais: the 209 is a dead end. Fitting the 1200hp DB601N brought no improvement to the 209V-4, but infrequent flight testing continued until the beginning of 1941. Eventually the V-4 was transferred to storage where it was destroyed or more likely scrapped.

Additionally David Myhra in X-planes of the Third Reich: Messerchmitt 209 (ISBN-10: 0764311077) says that there was a fighter design based off the Me 209V-4 called the 209 V-14. The drawing included in the book is the same as the one I posted in this thread but much higher quality. It appears that V-14 is written on this drawing.

I would assume that the V-4 development Le Fana refers to is this 209 V-14. I can post the high quaity drawing if its OK by the mods. I'm also working on figuring out the dimensions, which appear to be quite a bit greater then the V-4.


Anyway, here is a rough estimate of 209V-14 dimensions.

7.57m in length
8.9m wingspan
1.75m height

I'm thinking about putting together a nice speculative 3-view of the V-14 and the rounded wingtip version of the V-4.

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