Kaiser Fleetwings designations


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25 June 2009
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As strange as it seems, we do not have a topic for Fleetwings aircraft, so this is it.

SEE comment #18 for the latest, updated list:
  • Fleetwings Inc., Bristol, Pennsylvania.
    Early designations had an F- prefix, which was later dropped.
  • Fleetwings Division of Kaiser Cargo Inc./Kaiser Fleetwings Inc./Kaiser Metal Products, Bristol, Pennsylvania.
    Further designations were only numeral, and in chronological order.
- Kaiser was only a financial backer, who had his hand in other aviation ventures, not listed here. This list is only concerned with Fleetwings-related types.
- I have only given the basic details for each type.
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Any drawings or pics from the Fleetwings F.101 and F.6?
Maveric said:
Any drawings or pics from the Fleetwings F.101 and F.6?

No image of the F-6.


  • F-101.jpg
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Great work my dear Skyblazer,

and I can add;

Model ? All-wing night fighter Project,intended to compete Dougals F3D


Model-47 was a twin engined dive bomber Project,not naval fighter
From Aircraft Yearbook 1938;

A strange design came after F-5,it was called F-20 ?,it was a Project.


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Stargazer2006 thanks for making this post.

A XBTK-1 Pic:

XBTK-1 (44313) Pic1.jpg XBTK-1 Dive Bomber_Backa.JPG

From Dad's Logbook 6A: April 2, 1945 Fleetwings XBTK-1 Navy 44313 P&W 2800 Taxi Run (first time XBTK-1 mentioned in his Logbook).

The XBTK-1 ended my Dad's testing career; his lungs were severely damaged during a dive test (as best I remember) on June 13, 1946. I still have the spin chute that saved his life:
IMG_0012a.JPG Life Save Writing1.jpg
IMG_0023.JPG IMG_0021.JPG

Below edited June 10,2024:
Replaced first pic above with actual scan of print rather than iPhone pic.
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Thank you PhanDad,

and welcome aboard,what was the designation model number of XBTK-1 ?.
Can't help with the designation model number for the XBTK-1.

But I do have a question about the "Model 51 Kaiser-Craft" listed above (list above removed - edit 6/10/24). Was this an "older" (edit 6/10/24) version of the Kaiser-Hammond Model Y2? In the attached article, the engine in the Y2 was stated to be a 220HP Lycoming.

Y2 article:
AEN_KH Model Y-2 Detaila.JPG

From the April 1946 issue of Aircraft Equipment News:
AEN_KH Model Y-2.JPG

Note in the article above, the "?" and underline, I imagine the flaps weren't electrically operated.

(edit 6/10/24) Dad did fly the Y2, as well as Kaiser's Stearman-Hammond Y-1S. He first flew the Y-1S on March 27,1946. His first logged flight in the Y-2 was about 3 months later:
Model 53 KH Y-2 (NX91090)  Logbook Dad First Flight.jpg
He did keep the nameplate from the Y2 which I have in my possession:

KH Model Y-2 Nameplatea.JPG
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Fleewings Model 52 was a rescue and utility helicopter project of 1945.

Fleewings Model 52 was a rescue and utility helicopter project of 1945.

That means the Model 51 Kaiser-Craft is not true designation,and the 51 may it was for the year of production,because it was from 1950/51 ?.
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Fleewings Model 52 was a rescue and utility helicopter project of 1945.

That means the Model 51 Kaiser-Craft is not true designation,and the 51 may it was for the year of
production,because it was from 1950/51 ?.

As I expected before,and from the site which my dears Mark and Alan referred to it,

Model-51 Flying Chesterfield


Kaiser-Hammond Y-Z Fleetwing Model-53
Twirly Bird Helicopter Fleetwings Model-41

For early designations,we can say;

Model-1 = F-101 or F-1.01
Model-2 = F-2,no details
Model-3 = F-3 as mentioned by Stargazer
Model-4 = F-4
Model-5 = F-5
Model-6 = F-6
Model-7 to Model-19,no details
Model-20 = F-20

And go on ........
what was the designation model number of XBTK-1 ?.
The XBTK-1 was Model 44.

Here is an updated KAISER FLEETWINGS MODELS LIST (incorporating everyone's latest finds, mine included):

Four-seat high-wing cabin monoplane with Wright R-760 engine, built primarily to demonstrate stainless steel spot welding techniques; did not fly well. Wings lengthened at some stage.
F-3No data. Does not appear on registers.
F-401 =
SEA BIRD (Gr. 2-540)1936
Four-seat high-wing cabin monoplane amphibian with 225hp Jacobs L-5 engine, designed by Cecil de Ganahl; sold to Canadian mining company, then back to U. S.
F-5SEA BIRD (ATC 680)1936
All stainless-steel 4-place amphibian with 285hp Jacobs L-5 or 300hp L-6 engine; C. de Ganahl and James Reddig design.
F-6SEABIRDndSingle-engined five-seat flying boat version of F-5 amphibian aircraft. Existed?
?SEABIRD 75ndNo data. Project? Typo for F-5?
Project, no data.
23Army XBT-121939
Two-seat low-wing monoplane Army basic trainer with 450hp P&W R-985 engine; first all-stainless steel military airplane.
(Army BT-12)
Two-seat low-wing monoplane Army basic trainer. (*42-3708/3883 cancelled)
?R.A.T.ndRadio-controlled airplane (photos exist)
27Army A-11939
20-ft. span small aerial gunnery target with 60 kW (80 hp) piston engine
Two-seat low-wing trainer with 130hp Franklin 6AC engine, Alclad construction; open tandem cockpits. Designed by Robert W. Ayer. Registered as a Kaiser type.
36Army XPQ-121941
Ercoupe-like plywood target plane with 190hp Lycoming O-435 engine;, "confidential Army project" with manned capability.
36Army YPQ-12-FL1941
Pre-production batch. First one also found as YPQ-12A. Possibly all updated to PQ-12A standard later on.
36Army XPQ-12A1941
Modified nose gear. Perhaps other modifications.
36Army YPQ-12A1942
Likely the first few examples of the PQ-12A order.
36B?Army PQ-12A1942Production batch.
37Army XBQ-11943
Mid-wing plywood target monoplane with two 225hp inline engine, a guided missile with provision for a pilot.
37Army XBQ-1PndVariant with opposite engines, gear legs not jettisonable.
37Army XBQ-2/A1943
Improved version with two 280hp radial engines, jettisonable landing gear, and 2,000 lb. bomb load.
39FURY (Army XA-39)1942
Attack aircraft for USAAF MX-217, mock-up only. Some sources talk of a twin-engine design, which is not what the photo of the mock-up show (maybe an early alternate proposal?)
?"All-Wing Airplane"1943
a.k.a. "Tailless Airplane". Flying wing cargo plane project appearing in several MIT and NACA studies, also refered to as the "Kaiser flying wing". Patent application done in Canada.
?Navy XBF-11944
200-ton bomber derivative of above for U. S. Navy. ("Kaiser Flying Wing")
41 (H-10)XH-10T TWIRLY BIRD1944
Prototype helicopter to provide cargo ships with anti-sub protection, developed by B. Sznycer; listed as a Cargoes type (a government corporation subsidiary), but registered as a Kaiser; initially "for the British Government—with large-scale production to follow if they are successful." *Only one prototype identified, probably only one built.
44Navy XBK-11944
Projected light bomber; replaced by XBTK-1.
44Navy XBTK-11945
Single-seat torpedo bomber with one 2100hp P&W R-2800 radial engine; last one for static testing only.
Navy Dive Bomber proposal.
Carrier-born mixed-propulsion attack aircraft proposal ("The Two Squirt Thin Twin", described elsewhere as a naval fighter proposal)
All-metal private plane project with 200hp General Motors GM-250 engine, side-by-side seating for four ("Flying Chesterfield")
co-axial three-place helicopter submitted for U.S. Navy Rescue & Utility Class, possibly a version of XH-10T
53Y-2 AIRCAR *1945-46
Four-seat low-wing cabin monoplane with 220hp Lycoming R-680 pusher engine; postwar attempt by Kaiser at modernized, air-scoopless Stearman-Hammond Y-1 (* as Kaiser-Hammond)
?1947Hughes XF-11 wings and tail built as subcontractor
?ndMartin B-57 wings built as subcontractor
?"733 Trainer"ndNo details; a version of French Morane MS.733?
Light Observation Helicopter turbine proposal for joint military competition, developed jointly with Doman in the late 1950s. (* as Kaiser-Doman)
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How to get this collection ?
They do not offer scans online, so the only way is to go there and ask to consult the archives!
Here is the document I made from that collection's listings (which I had used myself to update my list above):


  • KAISER-FLEETWINGS collection.pdf
    453.6 KB · Views: 14


  • Sea Bird (F5) Sales Brochure.pdf
    10.2 MB · Views: 7

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