
ACCESS: Top Secret
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6 September 2006
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Reading through the analysis section of 'Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems, 1990-91', 2nd ed., I came across an interesting brief entry.

"P111 - Coherent pulse multi-mode strike. AI and terrain following radar. Developed for classified project. - Marconi"

Does anyone know any more information? Was the radar development programme the classified project referred to, or was it intended for an aircraft project? A possible Tornado upgrade?

Interestingly, there is another similar radar programme, but without dates its impossible to say if these were undergoing development within the same timeframe.

"SATF - Strike and terrain following radar. I/J-band multi-mode. - Ferranti"
I have SATF as an X-band multimode radar.

Would that have been the proposed Tornado 2000 that was doing the rounds back in the 1990s? That had better stealth elements than the baseline Tornado, it certainly looks that way. I remember reading about it in a book (title and author forgotten sadly) about that time.

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