Various Polikarpov projects


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25 June 2009
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The latest Fana de l'Aviation contains the first part of an article by Herbert Léonard devoted to these fascinating Polikarpov fighter projects and Lavochkin's scheming to get his rival's designs brushed off. Lots of nice pics. Must read!!
Tophe said:
There are 2 full pages in the French book Docavia "Les chasseurs Polikarpov" (Polikarpov Fighters) about the 3 versions of I-187 and 2 versions of the derivative I-188 (pages 214-215). But as this book is currently sold (see in UK chasseurs Polikarpov ), I will not scan it, I may only answer a few precise questions.
I have checked the index of the Docavia book 48 for "project" of Polikarpov and there are:
GUPV-23, IL-4, RL-400v, 2IL-400v, II-NI, I-5 first of this name, I-11, I-13, TsKB-42, I-15LCA, I-15M, I-153UD, I-153B, I-153"M", I-170, I-195, TsKB-29SPB, special I-16s, I-162, I-167, I-16 all wood, I-16SPB-BRAB-500, TsKB-25/I-19, TsKB-33, TsKB-28, I-17Z, I-172, I-173, I-180.4, I-180S, I-180Sh, I-180 gun, I-180E-7, I-200, DIT-185, I-185 mixed power, I-185/VP, twin-boom project, Malutka
There are also many "programs" in the index, not written as "projects" even if some remained unbuilt (like the I-187/I-188). Maybe the book is expensive, but the content is huge.
Polikarov's sketch of "Duck" high-altitude interceptor, end of 1943 dated. Source: Rusavia "N.N.Polikarpov's Aircraft", 2004 dated
Not sure, but maybe AM-39 engine planned for this interceptor. Logic - same engine planned for VP high-altitude interceptor.


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The nose flexes under the force from the Canards? I'm I seeing this right?
No yaw control either??
For the canards I see what might just be a mistake in sketching the aircraft's nose and a last minute correction being added in. For yaw I think there might be some use for those two tiny little rudder-type protrusions on the aft end but they don't look like they're far enough away from the Cg nor are they large enough in area to really do anything for yaw stability or control. It also looks like it was partially erased by the artist hinting that it was a mistake. One other thing that I see is that it has leading edge slats but no trailing edge flaps. IMO this is one heck of an unrefined sketch.
Tophe said:
Tophe said:
There are 2 full pages in the French book Docavia "Les chasseurs Polikarpov" (Polikarpov Fighters) about the 3 versions of I-187 and 2 versions of the derivative I-188 (pages 214-215). But as this book is currently sold (see in UK chasseurs Polikarpov ), I will not scan it, I may only answer a few precise questions.
I have checked the index of the Docavia book 48 for "project" of Polikarpov and there are:
GUPV-23, IL-4, RL-400v, 2IL-400v, II-NI, I-5 first of this name, I-11, I-13, TsKB-42, I-15LCA, I-15M, I-153UD, I-153B, I-153"M", I-170, I-195, TsKB-29SPB, special I-16s, I-162, I-167, I-16 all wood, I-16SPB-BRAB-500, TsKB-25/I-19, TsKB-33, TsKB-28, I-17Z, I-172, I-173, I-180.4, I-180S, I-180Sh, I-180 gun, I-180E-7, I-200, DIT-185, I-185 mixed power, I-185/VP, twin-boom project, Malutka
There are also many "programs" in the index, not written as "projects" even if some remained unbuilt (like the I-187/I-188). Maybe the book is expensive, but the content is huge.
Question for Tophe.
What do you know about the twin-boom project. We are talking about one of the iterations, stationed at the preliminary drawing interceptor with a pusher propeller (also known as the Polikarpov's Canards see Reply # 27 by Taranov) or a fundamentally different project?
Aircraft "Z"/ "ODB" Odnomotorniy Dnevnoy Bombardirovshchik = single engine bomber. (1941)
Weight empty-3335kg
loaded-5238kg (with AM-38)
Engine- AM-37, or AM-38 or M-120
Reach 585 km/h with 2 t bombload carried 880km.
Aviation magazine, drawing by M.Maslov


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borovik said:
Question for Tophe.
What do you know about the twin-boom project. We are talking about one of the iterations, stationed at the preliminary drawing interceptor with a pusher propeller (also known as the Polikarpov's Canards see Reply # 27 by Taranov) or a fundamentally different project?
This is maybe partly related, I mean: with also lateral fins at wing-tips, but this one was not a canard. I am the one that made the drawing of it for Mr Leonard from his description. I will see if I still have it on my hard drive, or/and I may check the book again, for the date (1943?) or else.
Borovik, you outstripped me with the ODB bomber project - I also wanted to make a post here about it :) . So I'll add some info.

The aircraft was loosely based on the TIS heavy fighter but with only one engine (Mikulin AM-37, AM-38, and 18-cylinder Klimov M-120 were considered). The engine was fuselage-mounted and drove two propellers through complicated transmission. The propellers would rotate in opposite directions to each other; they also could be reversed to decrease speed in diving flight or during the landing run. Polikarpov declared the maximum speed as high as 645 km/h at 9000 m altitude (too optimistic, I think – it’s typical for many his projects).

This design was approved by NII VVS commission, and two ODB prototypes were scheduled in the official Zavod No.51 plan for aircraft production in the year 1941. ODB was developed until 1942 but war events didn’t allow its realization.
redstar72 said:
Of course this topic is about Polikarpov's projects.
"...And the excellent Yak-40 regional jet, probably the world’s progenitor of this popular class?... ;) "
See please: Авиация и Время 1977-№4 / "В.Заярин -реактивный лайнер для местных линий. Первая попытка."
Tophe said:
borovik said:
Question for Tophe.
What do you know about the twin-boom project. We are talking about one of the iterations, stationed at the preliminary drawing interceptor with a pusher propeller (also known as the Polikarpov's Canards see Reply # 27 by Taranov) or a fundamentally different project?
This is maybe partly related, I mean: with also lateral fins at wing-tips, but this one was not a canard. I am the one that made the drawing of it for Mr Leonard from his description. I will see if I still have it on my hard drive, or/and I may check the book again, for the date (1943?) or else.
From my book "The end of Forked Ghosts" (free to download at ) :
"Herbert Leonard’s book
Les chasseurs Polikarpov revealed a Polikarpov late 1943 preliminary
design with fins at wing tips. My drawing is based on the hypothesis that the Polikarpov team
used the same
SI shape as the B-10 (so this Polikarpov would look like a B-10)."


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The « Limousine D » project, halted after Polikarpov's death:


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A strange drawing to Polikarpov VIT-2 with M-100 engines.


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At the top not VIT-2.
Literally written VIT 2M-100, which is (air tank destroyer / anti-tank aircraft) with two engines of the M-100. Later, when the heavy fighter took a look and appeared numerical designations.
(VIT-2 drawing by M.Maslov)
(VIT-1 art A.Arkhipov)


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Hi Hesham!

The first picture in your post is Ilyushin I-21 (TsKB-32), and the 3rd and 4th are pure What-if. They belong to a what-if story where Lavochkin developed his LaGG from I-173 design transferred to him from Polikarpov. In real life I-173 fighter project was actually designed by Polikarpov since late 1938 to mid-1939, but nobody knows how did it look like.
Topic split. Please use this thread for isolated Polikarpov projects or projects we don't have too much information about!

Here is a list of the main topics to go to for Polikarpov projects and prototypes:

here is the Polikarpov I-20 or TsKB-25 fighter.


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also from the book about Aircraft N.N. Polikarpov,please I want a translation to info about three projects
to his bureau.


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Layout of the 1939 Polikarpov fighter project, the I-200 (mentioned in an earlier post).

Aircraft of N. N. Polikarpov (V M Ivanov) Rusavia 2004 , ISBN 5900078256


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I had this unidentified photo for quite a few years. I have just noticed that the same photo appears in black and white in the Aircraft of N. N. Polikarpov book on page 351 captioned as the Polikarpov I-200 fighter prototype.


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You are right IGOR-MICH!

There was a requirement for a high-altitude fighter issued by the VVS in January 1939. Initially the aircraft, designated I-200, was designed in the Polikarpov construction bureau, under the direction of Nikolai Polikarpov and his deputy M. Tetivikin.

In August 1939, Polikarpov fell out of favour with Stalin and the Soviet authorities decided to break up the Polikarpov design and construction team and create a new bureau headed by Mikoyan and Gurevich. This was technically a subsidiary of the Polikarpov bureau until mid-1940. Further work upon the I-200 design was assigned to Mikoyan and Gurevich and thereafter the MiG-1 appeared.

The book has several pages on this subject and it took a while to translate the circumstances of the development of the project. I have read elsewhere that the I-200 was a Mikoyan-Gurevich project but I did not add two and two together until a couple of hours ago.
Brilliant! I never knew that the MiG-1 was evolved from the Polikarpov line of fighters, but now it makes PERFECT SENSE!!! Thanks folks.

is that a real project,the Polikarpov TIS with M-90 engines ?,of course TIS was
a well known aircraft,but I am asking only about fitted with M-90 ?.


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From Неизвестный Поликарпов

here is the early concept for Polikarpov I-15 Fighter.


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Also from Неизвестный Поликарпов

here is a strange very early three engined biplane aircraft,maybe a project,but I don't know if it related
to Polikarpov or not ?.


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At the end of 1919 N.Polikarpov developed
its first three-engine aircraft project with motors
"Salmson" to carry four passengers, crew
two people at a speed of 150 km / h.
In turn, the project served as a basis for the other
Project mailing biplane Salmson motor under three
170 HP.
Skyblazer said:
"Neyzviestney Polikarpov", or "The unknown Polikarpov".

Thank you Skyblazer,and I was afraid from this drawing is not belong to him.

has anyone a more Info about Polikarpov I-154,I-155,I-156 & I-157 ?.

Неизвестный Поликарпов (Война и мы. Авиаконструкторы)
hesham said:
has anyone a more Info about Polikarpov I-154,I-155,I-156 & I-157 ?.

Неизвестный [Поликарпов (Война и мы. Авиаконструкторы)

So weird,no one heard about them before ?.

here is two Models to Polikarpov TB-2 bomber in different configurations.

Самолеты Н.Н. Поликарпова_Русавиа 2004


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Thank you my dear Borovik,

and of course no drawings are survivor.
hesham said:

has anyone a more Info about Polikarpov I-154,I-155,I-156 & I-157 ?.

Неизвестный Поликарпов (Война и мы. Авиаконструкторы)

More or less detailed information about the projects on I-154 to I-168 has not been preserved as documentation of the design bureau of the plant №1 was destroyed during its evacuation to Kuibyshev in the years of World War 2.
It is known that the I-154 was designed with the engine M-63. / According to V.Ivanov

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