US Missiles and Rockets book needed

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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The excellent Secret Projects book on British rockets and missiles
reminds me that there is a serious gap when it comes to American
military rockets and missiles.

If anyone is working on such a book, please count me in as a
customer. I need to learn more about Typhons, Tritons, Maulers
and other beasts

UK 75
I agree wholeheartedly. There needs to be a full accounting of ALL the systems from built and deployed to even studied. Reading this forum a member like sferrin has discussed missile projects and solid rocket propulsion systems I had no idea existed. Orionblamblam briefly discussed the WS-120 project and a proposed 156" diameter ICBM, again it was news to me.

A book covering the missile age from 1946 to the present would be welcome.
I'd love to buy that book too. But a pre-1945 introductory chapter would be great!
bobbymike said:
A book covering the missile age from 1946 to the present would be welcome.

...and would be freaking huge!

There are already pretty sizeable books covering just one missile system. I think if this were to be done, it'd best be done as a series, with each volume covering a different type, like ICBMs or AAMs. Otherwise, you'll have to accept a pretty sizeable loss of data in certain areas to fit everything into one (still probably huge) book.
I asked Chris Gibson about American missiles last time I worked with him.

His reply was "Forth Bridge."

English is not my natural idiom, but I'm guessing Forth Bridge refers to the famed Scottish bridge and means a daunting task?
English is not my natural idiom, but I'm guessing Forth Bridge refers to the famed Scottish bridge and means a daunting task?

see here.......... B)


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