Ukrainian Conflict NEWS ONLY !!!!

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Interesting analysis from a maintenance specialist. If I can find it again I'll add the thread from a tire specialist that identified these as not Russian truck tires but Chinese copies of a Michelin tire. The Chinese copy is not rated for this vehicle weight is his point.

Like the Secret Projects community it is facinating what others with specialized knowledge bring to the discussion.

A somewhat touching story amongst the horror:

While seemingly heartwarming, I agree this is totally inappropriate, illegal, and extremely bad precedence.

On the other had, I seem to recall one American officer using such an opportunity to send Morse code messages.
Corruption or stupidity?

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Interesting analysis from a maintenance specialist. If I can find it again I'll add the thread from a tire specialist that identified these as not Russian truck tires but Chinese copies of a Michelin tire. The Chinese copy is not rated for this vehicle weight is his point.

Like the Secret Projects community it is facinating what others with specialized knowledge bring to the discussion.


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Man, what an oddly specific thing to pick out. A quick google search does turn up that exact tire pattern:

I couldn't find a product review though. :)
Attached specs from YS20 and Michelin XZL. Perhaps someone has an idea of which size tire would likely be used on this vehicle and probable weight of same.

Edit: added specs of truck chassis used for Pansir-S1. Quite the curb weight, not including the radar set, power, and launcher.
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Russia is considering nationalizing the fleet of leased planes in their country if lessors start asking for them back. Wow. What a monumentally bad idea that would be. No one would provide them with any kind of credit ever again. I wonder if any bureaucrat in the Kremlin would have the guts to speak up and say this is a really stupid idea ? :oops:
in Russia people stampede IKEA and Apple Stores
because both companies close there operation in Russian do War in Ukraine

Dmitry Rogozin has announce in TV Show and on Twitter
In response to the sanctions, Roscosmos will no longer supply rocket engines to the United States. "Let them fly on their brooms,"

This affect the Atlas 5 and Antares launch rocket
for ULA could be disaster because Bezos still not finish with BE-4 engine needed for Vulcan and New Glenn
how Northrop-Grumman adapt is unclear, probably hire Falcon 9 to launch Cygnus into Orbit

means SpaceX could become the dominant US space launcher
Before the attack started, there were various estimates of Russian numbers being assembled near the border. When the attack commenced, those estimates were usually between 170 and 190 thousand Russian troops.
Now, we're at day 9. Have there been any further estimates published anywhere about possible additional numbers from the Russian side? Or have people stopped counting those?

A separate question. Last update from the Ukraine's side on how many reservists have they mobilized pertained to two days after the war started, mentioning 100 000 reservists mobilized. Today is day 9. Have there been any other numbers of mobilized reservists published since? Is there any more up to date info available?
There's clips compiled on Twitter from numerous sources. Mortar and RPG fire opened the engagement, vehicles and infantry stormed in and engaged defenders in the "admin building" with HMGs and more rocket fire. Local firefighters showed up to put out the fires and were driven away by Russian fire for a time. Ukraine is claiming running firefights throughout the facility, a Russian civilian nuclear team brought in to seize control of the plant after the locals are eliminated, and that all the reactors are now SCRAMed.
Yeah its getting squeaky bum time now. There was no way they were going to take the plant without a fight and causing some damage to it.

From the latest update:
Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has reportedly been seized by Russian military forces, according to regional authorities.

An update written at 7.30am on the State Inspectorate for Nuclear Regulation of Ukraine’s Facebook page reads:

The Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant is captured by the military forces of the Russian Federation.”
However, the inspectorate says employees are continuing to work on the premises, while operational personnel control the safe condition of the power units.

According to the inspectorate units two and three have been disconnected from the network and and nuclear installations are being cooled down

“Changes in the radiation state for the current time have not been recorded,” the update adds.

However the loss of cooling nuclear fuel will lead to “significant radioactive emissions into the environment” and such an event “may outgrow all previous NPP accidents, including the Chernobyl NPP and Fukusima-Daichi NPP” the authority says, adding that a damage to a reservoir of processed nuclear fuel as a result of the shelling will also lead to radioactive discharge.
And here we finally get a good look at the poor AN-225. May she rest in peace. :eek:


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