Turkish Indigenous Helicopter Program

Hmm ... and how reliable is this news?


Even more I am confused since the ATAK-II is cllaed the T-9296, which is different to your image above but its wing design and overall configuration looks more like the T-629?!!


Hmm ... and how reliable is this news?

View attachment 656458

Even more I am confused since the ATAK-II is cllaed the T-9296, which is different to your image above but its wing design and overall configuration looks more like the T-629?!!

View attachment 656459

The naming is not great and will likely change as the projects evolve, but designations will stay the same. There are two attack helicopters that are being developed.

N/A - T629 - 6ton Max Take off
ATAK II - T929 - 11ton Max Take off

They appear to both share similar wing configurations, however - this can change. It has changed multiple times already.
Gokbkey Helicopter is continuing with it’s certification flight tests with 4 prototypes. Upon completion of the certification process , serial production will commence. To his effect, Mr Kotil had mentioned 2022 as the year, for the deliveries to start.
There will be 5 different versions of Gokbey; firefighting, ambulance, VIP, Cargo and Off-Shore.


A 10-ton utility helicopter with military configuration suitable for search and rescue and offshore operations will be developed. The helicopter will be designed to meet wide range of operational requirements, and will have a large and high cabin, a rear down-ramp and retractable landing gear.

The helicopter will be designed to carry 20+ personnel, with a maximum speed of 170 knots, and have a range of 1000 km.

10-ton utility helicopter will accommodate advanced avionics and mission systems.

© 2021 Turkish Aviation and Space Industry
not sure if I should post here or in the A129 thread in hte postwar projects section

but anyways US approves sale of TUrkish T129 to Philippines (its because of the engine)

Good diplomacy. US wants to keep options open with Turkey and also wants to give the Philippines no reason to be unhappy. Polish Blackhawks (I think[?]) and Turkish ATAK modernize the PAF without most of the political baggage associated with the current politics of SE Asia. From what little I hear, Turks build pretty darn good aircraft.
3 in the Gökbey GMH project. the prototype is ready. 4. the prototype is on the production line. Production will begin in 2022. Autopilot tests were started in the project. The General Directorate of security, the Ministries of Health and Forestry are the suitors of Gökbey. Different configurations for naval, land and Air Forces are on the agenda.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEHXG5gk-EU
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Turkey will be a major contender in the rotorcraft market before the end of the decade. With a good portfolio of military and civil helicopters they will create significant competition with the US and European (including Russia) vendors.
interesting.. the new Turkish attack helicopter will use Ukrainian engines

Yes, 14 engines have been ordered so as to not stall the development of the 10-ton Heavy Class Attack Helicopter as Turkey will be entering its centennial 100th year in 2023 - and well, the current government is eager to reach certain milestones on that year.

Eventually, those engines will be swapped out for the Turkish TEI TS3000 a 3000shp engine. Which is in the early development phase.
Nice vid. Interesting that they don't use the FEA solution integrated with their Catia V5.
Notce also the wake return vortex generator on the port boom side.
Notice also that they have inverted the starboard pictures on most sequence to make as if they were filmed from that side for whatever reason that I don't know.

Nice share. Thanks.
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Mmmm.... forward visibility for the crew does not look so good. Hope they are getting enhanced visionics to overcome that. Still looks like a pretty sound design to me.
Engine for first prototypes of ATAK-II, first flight exppected in 2023.
Though if the Ukraine goes bye-bye in the meantime, that could well go up in smoke.

13 engines have been purchased and deliveries are well underway. In the meantime, Turkey is developing TS-3000 a 3000shp gas turbine engine for T929 and 10-ton utility helicopters.

So whether Ukraine goes bye-bye (which is unlikely) there are contingencies already in play.
TAI/Agusta Westland T129 ATAK
Total delivery 65 units - 5 units by the end of 2021 - 2022 delivery projection 16 units - total flight hours from first flight to date 35,000+ hours.

Development on Block 3 of T-129 is underway, as of yet it is unknown what further upgrades will deliver.
Iraq wants some Turkish attack helicopters and drones
Not Turkish helicopters, however, they've gone through extensive modernisation with Turkey's Aselsan adding missile and electronic warfare defence suites.

AH-1W | Will soon be removed from land forces inventory and added to Marine's Inventory for operation on-board Turkey's first LHD
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S-70 Blackhawk
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Filipino pilots, technicians and ground crew completed their training in August. I believe we may see T-129 in Philippine Armed Forces Day parade which is December 21st.


Development of T629 attack helicopter has been halted. TAI will instead focus on developing T-929 Heavy Attack Helicopter at an expedited rate. This is due to urgent requirement by Turkish Navy to equip it's LHD with navalised heavy attack helicopter.
Philippine Air Force received it's first T-129. We can see 70mm Cirit Smart Pod fitted, so likely Turkish missile package was part of the deal aswell.

Note - It's the Block II configuration of T-129 without Electronic Warfare Kit and Laser Warning Receivers
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Are they refurbished Turkish T-129, or new build?

Significant improvement for Philippine military regardless.
A quick Comparison, Philippine Airforce went with the most cost-effective T-129 Blk-II configuration - Leaving out Radar Warning Receiver, R/F Jammer and Laser Warning Receiver.

Turkish Land Forces T-129 BlkII fully kitted out.
The quest for an attack helicopter for the Pakistan Fauj (Pakistani Army) continues as the deal to obtain 30 Turkish manufactured T-129 ATAKs was cancelled.

Pakistan no longer thinks that Turkey can resolve the engine issue, with the LHTEC-T800 nor being allowed by the US government to be exported to Turkey. LHTEC stands for Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Company, a joint venture between Rolls-Royce and Honeywell. Hence the US say in this.

With the dozen AH-1Z Vipers also still stored awaiting payment, diplomatically called 'technical issues regarding the contract', the only solution seems to be the upgraded export version of the Chinese CAIC Z-10, the Z-10ME. As you may recall, the original Z-10 did not meet the stringent Pakistani hot-and-high requirements. The Chinese are adament that the new version meets all of these. We will have to wait and see how this progresses further.


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