"SENIOR" Class programs (USAF Headquarters/Pentagon NRO codenames)


I look at pictures all day
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24 January 2006
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Definitely two of the more unconventional Lockheed designs from the late 70's/early 80's. Both of them are based on design experience from SENIOR TREND, obviously.

Has anything else on either of these two projects ever surfaced?
Not yet so far.
SENIOR PEG can be seen in the book F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter Photo Scrapbook. I knew I'd seen something similar to this before, and I found it on (what a shock!) Matej's website (which needs to be translated into English!). Check this page out:

About halfway down you see some C-135 variant. Above that are four images in a square pattern. If you took the bottom right aircraft and gave it a compound sweep leading edge (getting rid of the protruding forward fuselage), you're pretty close to SENIOR PEG (a heck of a lot closer than the image seen here about two-thirds of the way down: http://www.hitechweb.genezis.eu/stealth4.htm ). I'm about 75% sure that's the image I'm thinking of. Anybody else aware of a similar design that's been published? Might be the one I'm really thinking of.
:) :) :) Hitechweb - every secret project in one place ;D

Okay, this "some C-135 variant" is FISTA (Flying Infrared Signature Technology Aircraft).

And bottom right aircraft is Lockheed´s ATT (Advanced Theater Transport) proposal as a competitor to Boeing´s ATT Superfrog. Some pics (first is my rendering from official drawing - i needed some better image to print):


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Other variation is advanced tanker with redesigned air intakes, tail parts and strenghtened wing.


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Now that I think about it that might not be the aircraft I was thinking of, the tail section is too pronounced. The one I remember seeing had a much smaller and less pronounced tail section very similar to SENIOR PEG.
Dreamland Resort has an article about Senior Prom and Senior Peg. However, since these are copyrighted articles I will just post the link here:


Look them up in the Black Projects section.
The last couple of pictures are of the Speed Agile Concept Demonstrator (SACD). I have seen a few variations of this design, but this is one of the latest that I have seen. It has been attributed to a few different manufacturers, but much of the information that I read has been incorrect on that part. Here is a link and pic describing some more of this. http://www.defensetech.org/archives/004237.html. I believe though, that the design is attributed to the incorrect manufacturer. It is an interesting project with the aim to up the TRL levels of certain technologies to a TRL5.

Does anyone know what SENIOR code names were given to the YF-22A, YF-23A and F-22A? Example: the F-117A is Senior Trend... Steve Pace
Just see Andreas Parsch's website.
Link: http://www.designation-systems.net/usmilav/names/s.html
Linked here because it refers to SENIOR TREND and SENIOR CROWN:

http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Aurora_aircraft (section "United Kingdom Ministry of Defence paper on "BLACK" aircraft")

Numerous other news stories are around but I failed to find the full-page scan I've seen elsewhere.

So are the 2 "Section 27" redactions also SENIOR programs?

If nothing else the fact that the UK thought UK-witnessed 'UAP' events could be attributed to one of 2 secret US airframes strongly suggests that they are/were in operational service, or at the very least dropping by Boscombe Down, Macrihanish or wherever.

I'll put £5 on one of those photos being an isosceles triangle, of course (see Mr Gibson and his North Sea adventures).
SENIOR PINE was the name given to Boeing's GPX (Global Patrol Experimental aircraft), which was itself derived from the OSSA (very high altitude Ocean Surveillance System Aircraft) proposal.


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Three SENIOR Class program found a few years ago in the DoD listings:

  • PE number: 03013??F
    Code-name: SENIOR SMART
    Agency: USAF
    Department of Defense program: Intelligence and Communications
    Category: Gen. Int. and Cryptological Activities

    Advanced intelligence gathering "package" (SIGINT) for aircraft such as the newly modified U-2S.

  • PE number: 0301317F
    Code-name: SENIOR YEAR operations
    Agency: USAF
    Department of Defense program: Intelligence and Communications
    Category: Gen. Int. and Cryptological Activities

    "Current U-2 flights; SYPO (Senior Year Projects Office), located at Warner-Robbins AFB, GA, (oversees all SENIOR programs, not all are on aircraft; the U-2 main logistics support depot is also at Warner-Robbins) SYERS (Senior Year Electro-optical Reconnaissance System, not only used for U-2s."

  • PE number: 0401316F
    Code-name: SENIOR CITIZEN (H)
    Agency: USAF
    Department of Defense program: Mobility Forces
    Category: Airlift

    Advanced transport aircraft -- tactical airlift; special access program.

Letter "H" seems to indicate a higher level of secrecy, but I'm not sure about that.
Stargazer2006 said:
Letter "H" seems to indicate a higher level of secrecy, but I'm not sure about that.

H in this context should indicate "historical". SYPO is (one) of the offices that manages special projects such as SENIOR TREND.
Interesting - particularly from the life-support and human-factors standpoints.
Stargazer2006 said:
  • PE number: 0401316F
    Code-name: SENIOR CITIZEN (H)
    Agency: USAF
    Department of Defense program: Mobility Forces
    Category: Airlift

    Advanced transport aircraft -- tactical airlift; special access program.

Letter "H" seems to indicate a higher level of secrecy, but I'm not sure about that.

Of potential significance for SENIOR CITIZEN (since nothing much has ever come up other than perhaps ATT/SMUT) is a very interesting quote from a DARPA history which Quellish keyed upon in another thread:

...Cooper became Director. At the time, DARPA was also involved in a Special Operations aircraft for low-intensity conflict injection and retrieval."

That comment would have relevance to the early 80's.
Here's my list, based on info I found at http://www.designation-systems.net/usmilav/codenames.html some time ago (added a couple of bits in it):

Senior Blade ELINT/SIGINT program, U-2 related

Senior Blue Air-to-Air Anti-Radiation Missile (?) link

Senior Book U-2R COMINT system, used on flights from OL-20, 1970s-1980s

Senior Bowl 2 B-52Hs '60-0021' and '60-0036', modified to carry 2 Lockheed D-21B "Tagboard" reconnaissance drones link 1 | link 2

Senior Citizen Classified program; probably a projected Special Operations stealth and/or STOL transport aircraft topic | link 1 | link 2

Senior CJ Northrop/Boeing/LTV B-2A stealth bomber; continuation of Senior Ice

Senior Crown SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft, based on CIA-sponsored A-12 "Oxcart" link

Senior Dance ELINT/SIGINT program, maye U-2 related ?

Senior Glass ELINT/SIGINT program, U-2 related

Senior Guardian Grob/E-Systems D-500 Egrett, high-altitude surveillance / reconnaissance aircraft, German-US cooperation, 1980s link 1 | link 2

Senior High Study program for potential stealth applications in 1978, which led to the F-117A, B-2A and other stealth aircraft

Senior Hunter C-130E/Hs used for Senior Scout reconnaissance/ELINT missions, and/or maybe support aircraft for EC-130E(RR) / EC-130E(CL) Commando Solo missions; Conflict? Support of the shelters used by Rivet Rider, Volant Solo, Senior Scout

Senior Ice ATB (Advanced Technology Bomber) stealth bomber design by Northrop; won design competition against Lockheed Senior Peg and was developed as B-2A under Senior CJ program link

Senior Jade USAF Special Access Program

Senior Jump U-2 ELINT/SIGINT program, related to Senior Book

Senior Keyhole covers all overhead (photo) reconnaissance satellites

Senior Lance U-2R with Goodyear SAR in inflatable dome

Senior Mace SIGINT exploitation system

Senior Open U-2R with rotating LOROP camera nose system

Senior Peg ATB (Advanced Technology Bomber) stealth bomber design by Lockheed/Rockwell; lost design competition against Northrop/Boeing N-14 Senior Ice link 1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4 | link 5

Senior Pennant Classified stealthy air-launched cruise missile; USAF study under JTACMS (Joint Tactical Missile System) program; evolved into AGM-137 TSSAM (Tri-Service Standoff Attack Missile) link

Senior Prom Stealthy air-launched cruise missile by Lockheed link 1 | link 2

Senior Ruby U-2R with E-Systems ELINT/SIGINT gear

Senior Saber ELINT/SIGINT program, maybe U-2 related ?

Senior Scout PHOTINT/ELINT package/modification (a roll-on/roll-off shelter, fitted with DCPS - Data Collection & Processing System) for C-130E/Hs, including: EC-130E(CL) '63-7815', C-130H '74-2134', C-130H '89-1185'

Senior Shuffle ELINT/SIGINT program, maybe U-2 related ?

Senior Sky ATF (F-22) development of stealth fighter, Lockheed link

Senior Smart ELINT/SIGINT program, maybe U-2 related ? link 1 | link 2

Senior Span U-2R satellite data link, aka 'C-Span III'

Senior Spear U-2R with ELINT/SIGINT pods, at least 4 different Phases: I, II, III, IV, 1980s

Senior Spur ELINT/SIGINT program, U-2 related

Senior Stretch U-2R with ELINT/SIGINT pods

Senior Surprise AGM-86C CALCM (for Operation Desert Storm in 1991)

Senior Trend Lockheed F-117A stealth fighter, follow on to Have Blue link 1 | link 2 | link 3

Senior Troupe AN/AIC-38(V)2 communication system

Senior Warrior Marine Corps PITINT/ELINT system; uses Air Force Senior Scout on USMC C-130s

Senior Year covers all overhead (photo) reconnaissance aircraft; SYPO (Senior Year Projects Office), located at Warner-Robbins AFB, GA, (oversees all SENIOR programs, not all are on aircraft; the U-2 main logistics support depot is also at Warner-Robbins); SYERS (Senior Year Electro-optical Reconnaissance System, not only used for U-2s link 1 | link 2
SENIOR SKY for the F-22 is now obsolete. But I cannot tell you its replacement, because, in the words of Maverick Mitchell, I'd have to kill you..... :eek:

A good source for all of these is the book "Code Names" by William Arkin.
wasn't Senior Sky codename for whole ATF effort?
regarding current name, it can be related or not...

Job Location: TX: Fort Worth
Pay Rate: open
Job Length: full time
Start Date: 2005-05-26

Company Name: Lockheed Martin Corporation
Contact: Lockheed Corporate
Phone: email or fax only
Fax: 877-244-0989

Description: Candidate will be responsible for creating and managing the integrated, multi-company, multi-national F-35 Science & Technology Roadmap. He/she will independently coordinate with US Government Laboratories, JSF Partner Laboratories, JSF Partners Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems, major JSF suppliers, JSF baseline Integrated Product Teams, ADP Technology Development & Integration groups, JSF New Initiatives, Combat Air Systems Integration and Demonstrations, Business Development, Operations Analysis teams, the JSF and F/A-22 program offices, and the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) offices for both the USAF and USN. He/she will plan research and development programs and recommend technology transition programs to accomplish long-range objectives. He/she will design research and develop highly advanced new applications with a goal of creating new products/business opportunities. The total annual value of the S&T budgets to be coordinated and influenced will exceed $50M, and the value of F-35 upgrades and derivatives is on the order of $10B.Candidate must have a broad knowledge of all technology used on the F-35, and the ability to map potential requirements and enabling technologies to each other. He/she must qualify as an expert in field of Integrated Warfare within the corporation and externally within the industry. He/she must be able to communicate very effectively with tactical pilots, aircraft maintainers, expert technologists, and senior management. Coordination of a multi-disciplined engineering team will be required.

Position requires a Top Secret security clearance with Senior Bolt, Senior Jersey Raptor, Cloak Raptor, SI/TK, and other special access clearances.
SENIOR BOLT, I believe, is a blanket program for tamper-resistant LO technologies (i.e. for export).
Stargazer2006 said:
Here's my list, based on info I found at http://www.designation-systems.net/usmilav/codenames.html some time ago (added a couple of bits in it):

Senior CJ Northrop/Boeing/LTV B-2A stealth bomber; continuation of Senior Ice

Actually, it's "SENIOR CEJAY".


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Senior Jersey
F/A-22 SJ Raptor Program (SJR)
-> concerns (then? still? meanwhile declassified?) "Top Secret Senior Jersey Alpha material" with regard to F-22 production lot 2 blk 10/11 and the "approved cloak implementation plan".
Presumably closely related to "Cloak Raptor" (CLR) program.

Quotes from a file (date late 2001) from google's cache, about F-22 production;

Ref Blk 10f: The appropriate portions of the NISPOM Supplement (NISPOMSUP), 29 Dec 94, and the DoD overprint to the NISPOMSUP, Feb 98 have been incorporated into the Senior Jersey (SJ) Program Security Directive (PSD), dated 1 May 98, including Change 1, dated 1 Jun 99. Special considerations reference AFMAN 33-214, Vol 2, dated 21 Sep 01."

Ref Blk 10f: Special Access security requirements and program security procedures are contained in the USAF Fighter-Bomber Systems SJ PSD, the Senior Jersey Security Classification Guide (SJ-SCG), 7 Jan 04, along with the approved Cloak Implementation Plan, the F/A-22 Program Protection Plan (PPP), dtd 1 Sep 01. SEE CONTINUATION SHEET"

Ref Blk 10k: Protection of Unclassified Critical Program Information (CPI) is governed by the SJ SCG and the F/A-22 PPP"

Ref Blk 11c: Any classified information generated in the performance of this contract shall require the contractor to apply derivative classification and markings consistent with the following security guidance references: USAF Fighter-Bomber Systems SJ PSD, the SJ-SCG along with the approved Cloak Implementation Plan, the F/A-22 PPP. Receipt and generation up to Top Secret Senior Jersey Alpha material is authorized."
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]Found some more info about "Senior Jersey" and this F-22 Special Access Program, imo it mostly concerns the aircraft's skin/stealth coatings.

Another job description, this time for an aircraft worker on F-22 LO coatings.]In the qualifications-paragraph at the bottom it is mentioned he/she must have secret security clearance and must be able to obtain and maintain "F-22 Senior Jersey Raptor" access;


EDIT: Changed my mind, I now think "Senior Jersey" is (was?) (10 and more years ago) the follow-up name for "Senior Sky", thus being the general name for F-22 Special Access. (some more info seems becoming available on the web, I also read a doc about flight-personel for F-22 demo flights needing "Senior Jersey" clearance.)

"Cloak Raptor" then maybe is (was?) a SAP more specifically about enhancements to the aircraft's LO-features...

EDIT II: Oops... only just now I payed closer attention to the date of that job-posting I linked to... 21 May 2012! Just 2 years ago, "Senior Jersey" might still be... an active/actual F-22 SAP? Hum... I don't know you guys and you don't know me, right? :-X
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quellish said:
SENIOR BOLT, I believe, is a blanket program for tamper-resistant LO technologies (i.e. for export).

When googling "F-35" and "Senior Bolt", one search-result that comes up is a secured link date 24 Jan. 2011 to a mil. pdf-file, couldn't be opened. But google showed below the search-link the following partial phrases:
"The F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program adresses the..." and "... Support Senior Bolt Initial Training (3 days) at Crystal City, VA."
Not sure about any F-35 training (outside simulators) at that location and both phrases are not necessarily connected, but as lightnings and bolts sometimes come together...
Dreamfighter said:
...I don't know you guys and you don't know me, right? :-X

You might want to lay in some anti-helicopter mines. ;)
IRIS was a panoramic optical camera system used in the U-2 aircraft program. IRIS stood for Intelligence Reconnaissance Imagery System.
Shouldn't there be a Senior Moment somewhere in there?

By this metric, SENIOR BOLT should have been an ultra-ultra-ultra-fast SENIOR CROWN replacement... to be used over Jordania (King Ussain, in case you didn't get my awful joke).

ma el senior bolt he is oultra fast !

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