Surveilance aircraft from BAE


ACCESS: Top Secret
4 May 2008
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Ok I just found a photo :

surveilance aircraft from BAE. over colne, 9.55am. 2009-03-29


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Looks like a Sentinel R.1 ASTOR aircraft to me.
Latest 'spyplane' flap in the Telegraph

Must be rubbish plane-spotters in Scotland to be baffled by this. Rather insulting actually, same spotters broke the rendition story years ago.

All good clean fun on Flightradar.

I wonder what they'd make of the Voyagers in their refueling patterns over Dogger Bank and the Cobham Falcons that operate from Teesside. One of these was doing polygons the other week. Dunno what that was about. Mind you I have seen (actual not virtual) Tornado F.3s doing alternate 90 degree turns over the Southern North Sea a few years ago. Never did find out what was going on there.

Aye, well, I always say people never look up. Now with virtual radars they don't need to.

CJGibson said:
All good clean fun on Flightradar.

I wonder what they'd make of the Voyagers in their refueling patterns over Dogger Bank and the Cobham Falcons that operate from Teesside. One of these was doing polygons the other week. Dunno what that was about. Mind you I have seen (actual not virtual) Tornado F.3s doing alternate 90 degree turns over the Southern North Sea a few years ago. Never did find out what was going on there.

Aye, well, I always say people never look up. Now with virtual radars they don't need to.


I on the Ayrshire coast recently when a very high very fast aircraft came barreling across the skies, pulls what I can only describe as a hard 90 right, hard 90 left, another 90 left then back onto a.sweeping course across the inner Hebrides.

Was bloody weird to say the least.
Oooooer! I better send this to the papers. Over my house! How dare they.

It's a Ravenair Partenavia P68, obviously the best type for laying INVISIBLE chemtrails.



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Photo surveying tracks, presumably.
I think, given it goes out over the sea, in a former coalfield that famously goes under the sea. it might be geophysical survey.

Makes sense. I thought the turns over the sea indicated that they were trying to map out to the coastline, but it certainly could be geophysical instead.
What intrigues me is; does someone think there's money to be made from the coal reserves under the UK? ;)
an early ASTOR confoguration


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