Super Griffon


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
13 May 2006
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  • SuperGriffon.jpg
    251.2 KB · Views: 1,430
That is a deadly looking machine. I like your rendering very much and look forward to more.Thanks Jozef.
Looks like it'd go fast as hell for about 100 miles ;D Cool though.
Super Griffon !!! ? Super! Fine! Super the very SUPER GATIAL !
(Maestro do not consider this for flattery) :)
It's really a very beautiful work :)

And, ahem... is there an hope to see a Payen's plane or project by the fantastic Mister Gatial in the future... ::) ;)
That plane is so cool looking! Thanks for modeling it. :)
That's a very unique canard. Is it also a speed brake or is mostly used at high aoa? Once again you've created a wonderful rendering of an aircraft that is little known and brought it to life. Thanks!
Very unique indeed.
The effect on airflow to the intakes must have been rather unique too!
Modeler: Rhinoceros
Textures: Photoshop
UV Mapping: my own soft
Rendering: Vue 6 Infinite or Carrara 5 Pro
Backgrounds: Vue 6 Infinite or photos
I've been unable to find any references to this aircraft. Did it exist? Does anybody have any data/history for it?

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