Sukhoi PAK FA news and speculation (T-50, I-21) Part I [2006-2008]

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it's all depending of what exactly translator did you use=) Article has no any word of it.
At Komsomol factory "Sukhoi" have summed up competition of projects on perfection of manufacture with use of lean-technologies
На комсомольском заводе «Сухого» подвели итоги конкурса проектов по совершенствованию производства с использованием lean-технологий

Moscow, on November, 11th. The presentation of competitive projects on perfection of industrial system of company "Dry" with use of tools economical manufacture has passed in Komsomol-on-cupid aviation industrial association of a name of J.A.Gagarina »(КнААПО). The order on competition carrying out at the holding enterprises has been signed in September by general director АХК"Dry"Michael Pogosjanom.
Москва, 11 ноября. Презентация конкурсных проектов по совершенствованию производственной системы компании «Сухой» с использованием инструментов бережливого производство прошла в Комсомольском-на-Амуре авиационном производственном объединение имени Ю.А.Гагарина» (КнААПО). Приказ о проведении конкурса на предприятиях холдинга был подписан в сентябре генеральным директором АХК «Сухой» Михаилом Погосяном.

Competition is spent to two stages. The first – at each enterprise of holding and final – in the head company among the best works which have been selected by the competitive commissions on places. Projects are estimated by such criteria as reduction of time of a cycle of manufacture, reception by the company of the additional profit received from realisation of the given project, labour input decrease, материалоемкости and power consumption.
Конкурс проводится в два этапа. Первый – на каждом предприятии холдинга и заключительный – в головной компании среди лучших работ, отобранных конкурсными комиссиями на местах. Проекты оцениваются по таким критериям как сокращение времени цикла производства, получение компанией дополнительной прибыли, полученной от реализации данного проекта, снижение трудоемкости, материалоемкости и энергоемкости.

To jury KnAaPo it has been presented eight works, aimed at perfection of process of building of the regional plane «Dry Superdzhet 100» (SSJ 100) and a fighter of the fifth generation. The competitive commission has selected from them four best. The first place the project «the Organization механообрабатывающего has occupied manufactures on manufacturing of aluminium details for SSJ 100», the second – «Assemblage пилона SSJ 100» and «beam Manufacturing пилона SSJ 100». On the third position there were two works - «Manufacturing of cable network SSJ 100» and «Assemblage центроплана a fighter of the fifth generation». They are directed to the head company where they in the end of the year will be considered by a commission of experts of company "Dry" which will define winners.
В жюри КнААПО было представлено восемь работ, нацеленных на совершенствование процесса строительства регионального самолета «Сухой Суперджет 100» (SSJ 100) и истребителя пятого поколения. Конкурсная комиссия отобрала из них четыре лучших. Первое место занял проект «Организация механообрабатывающего производства по изготовлению алюминиевых деталей для SSJ 100», второе – «Сборка пилона SSJ 100» и «Изготовление балки пилона SSJ 100». На третьей позиции оказались две работы - «Изготовление кабельной сети SSJ 100» и «Сборка центроплана истребителя пятого поколения». Они направлены в головную компанию, где их в конце года рассмотрит экспертная комиссия компании «Сухой», которая и определит победителей.

In position about competition carrying out encouragement of participants of competition is provided. Working group, whose project has won first place, will receive the award at the rate to 2 million roubles. For the second place it will be paid 1,25 million rbl. of 700 thousand rbl. will pay to developers of the project which has taken of the third position. The caused most a stir participants of working groups who become further curators and instructors at the enterprises for introduction of principles of economical manufacture, will be directed for an exchange of experience for the aviabuilding enterprises of the USA (1 place), Europe (2 place) and Russia (3 place). Besides, workers, whose projects have been put forward on competition, have prospect картерного growth, increase in the salary or an establishment of the personal extra charge.
В положении о проведении конкурса предусмотрено поощрение участников конкурса. Рабочая группа, чей проект занял первое место, получит премию в размере до 2 миллионов рублей. За второе место будет выплачено 1,25 млн. руб. 700 тысяч руб. выплатят разработчикам проекта, занявшего третью позицию. Наиболее отличившиеся участники рабочих групп, которые в дальнейшем станут кураторами и наставниками на своих предприятиях по внедрению принципов бережливого производства, будут направлены для обмена опытом на авиастроительные предприятия США (1 место), Европы (2 место) и России (3 место). Кроме того, работники, чьи проекты были выдвинуты на конкурс, имеют перспективу картерного роста, увеличения зарплаты или установления персональной надбавки.

The program "Dry" on technology introduction «economical manufacture» (LEAN-technology) is realised in all structures of the company. Its purpose is increase of a production efficiency and its planning on the basis of use of modern techniques, preparation of factories for certification for participation in the international cooperation in the field of aircraft engineering, optimisation of process of purchase of the equipment, minimisation of labour and time expenses. Training to Lean-management only this year there have passed tens heads and employees of holding of different level.
Программа «Сухого» по внедрению технологии «бережливого производства» (LEAN-технология) реализуется во всех структурах компании. Ее целью является повышение эффективности производства и его планирования на базе использования современных методик, подготовка заводов к сертификации для участия в международной кооперации в области авиастроения, оптимизация процесса закупки оборудования, минимизация трудовых и временных затрат. Обучение Lean-менеджменту только в этом году прошли десятки руководителей и сотрудников холдинга разного уровня.

Today the company masters new modern kinds of production – the regional plane «Dry Superdzhet 100», the newest multipurpose fighter Su-35 and a fighter of the fifth generation. Necessity of introduction of the advanced methods of the organisation of manufacture is dictated by a rigid competition in the aircraft engineering world market.

What is the meaning of this word "центроплана" ?
Date:11.11.2008 :)

And I wonder how many PAK-FA prototypes did they assemble almost now?
Or can it be the Indian version?
As far as I remember, three, one is being assembly technology test article (non-flyable). Indian bird is still something from the powerpoint presentations.
Do you think that will Ruaf use indian (or two seater version) version of the PAK-FA against the su 34? Because the production amount of the su 34 aircraft is very low! and as you know it's developed from the su 27! Or is the problem about the productin of the su 34 is funding?Do you have any comment?And when can indian version fly?Is it possible for 2009 for you?
I'm not going to rush in meaningless guesses. We can't afford enough Su-34s, and you are talking on switching to non-existant, and surely much more expensive paper airplane?

Lack of funding is a smart idea.

2009? Are you serious?
The funding word is getting me anxious about the PAK-FA's future!I hope they solved this problem ???But if the creation of PAK-FA takes more and more years it can effect the Russian aircraft industry's succesful status, in the future!

Official: Russian defense hit by lending crisis

A senior Russian Cabinet official said Tuesday the country's defense industries have been crippled by the financial crisis and called on state banks to provide more funding.

The comments by Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov come as the Kremlin pushes a 25 percent increase in defense spending next year, earmarking billions of dollars on new weaponry for the country's aging armed forces.

Many Russian defense plants have suffered a dire cash shortage, making it difficult for them to fulfill government orders for new weapons, Ivanov said in televised remarks.

"The current global financial problems have badly affected some defense industry plants," Ivanov, who is in charge of military industries, told a government meeting. "The situation could become quite painful for the industry."

Ivanov blamed bankers for trying to profit from the industries' desperate situation by raising interest rates. He said the government should order state-controlled banks to give loans to defense plants.

The global financial crisis has made many Russian banks reluctant to lend money to industries, and the government has injected billions of dollars into the banking system to try to unfreeze the credit situation.

Even before the crisis, the Russian defense industries have suffered from years of brain drain and the loss of key technologies resulting from post-Soviet economic meltdown.

Industry experts warned that aging industrial equipment, the shortage of qualified personnel, and the lack of components could jeopardize the Kremlin's ambitious military modernization tasks.

Experts say the degradation of Russian weapons industries may also undermine the government's hopes to expand arms sales to global markets.
I think this should go into the bar, while we make a new thread which is only purely for real info and discussion surround those stuff.
After 31 pages, the content-to-noise ratio is pretty low. I think I'll lock it and make a new topic.
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