Star Wars, Star Trek and other Sci-Fi

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... but they still need a properly flushing space toilet.
I'm sorry but in my list (which is very long) of things that is wrong with the three prequals, Jar Jar Binks is the top of it.

And you are not the only one... have a look at this alternate DBZ universe

Jar Jar was fine. There was very little wrong with him - he was not central to any poorly-thought-out story arcs, he had reasonable depth and character development (a clumsy outcast managing to blunder his way into a lucrative senate posting through sheer dumb luck), and he was not part of a fundamentally flawed backdrop and setting.

He was comic relief. Being annoying was his job description.
I found Jar Jar less irritating than I found Anakin in The Phantom Menace. I liked nothing about Anakin and I ended up borrowing from the Simpsons when I talked about TPM. Anakin wasn't a hero, he just pulled a Homer.
I found Jar Jar less irritating than I found Anakin in The Phantom Menace. I liked nothing about Anakin and I ended up borrowing from the Simpsons when I talked about TPM. Anakin wasn't a hero, he just pulled a Homer.
I wasn't keen on Anakin I though he should have been older about 12. I also thought it would have made more sense for him to have built R2 D2 to help with his pod racing, and for C3PO to be Amidala's protocol droid.
Hi folks,
I have just seen the first three episodes from the new season 3 of Star Trek: Discovery. :eek:
So I have finally came to the conclusion, that I am definite going to bail out of NuTrek.
By the 31st century, Federation starships like the USS Voyager (NCC-74656-J) and USS Discovery (NCC-1031-A) were being designed, constructed or upgraded with detachable warp nacelles. This upgrade improved the starship's maneuverability and enabled her to be more efficient in flight.
The addition of "cute" children is a Hollywood staple but Lucas and Spielberg are serial offenders (H G Wells' curious omission of children from War of the Worlds).
I once got invited to watch "Jurassic Park" with a mixed group of US expats. A mate of mine and I started going "oh poor thing" every time a Raptor or similar came to grief in their valiant but sadly doomed attempt to defend themselves from kid power.
I don't know about you but I'm getting back into Peter F Hamilton books, great to read and definitely worth the money, LOADS of depth,including the physical aspect. Big books.
I found Jar Jar less irritating than I found Anakin in The Phantom Menace. I liked nothing about Anakin and I ended up borrowing from the Simpsons when I talked about TPM. Anakin wasn't a hero, he just pulled a Homer.
I wasn't keen on Anakin I though he should have been older about 12. I also thought it would have made more sense for him to have built R2 D2 to help with his pod racing, and for C3PO to be Amidala's protocol droid.
Both Anakins were poorly casted. I thought someone like a younger Ray Liotta should have been picked for the older one. Someone larger who could turn on a dime from happy to badass mofo. What we got was a wannabe teen rocker. Either way it was still George Lucas.
They're works of fiction. NOBODY should take them seriously.
Of course. But it's especially difficult when the author always makes his main characters superbillionaires with harems of pretty girls, who go out and save the world.

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are amazing, sure, but the wish fulfillment gets pretty overpowering at times.
The Revelation Space series by Alastair Reynolds. For fans of hard science fiction.
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They're works of fiction. NOBODY should take them seriously.
Of course. But it's especially difficult when the author always makes his main characters superbillionaires with harems of pretty girls, who go out and save the world.

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are amazing, sure, but the wish fulfillment gets pretty overpowering at times.
Maybe you read a different book than I did. No "superbillionaires" in Night's Dawn.
So called 'super billionaires' exist now so why not in sci-fi?
So called 'super billionaires' exist now so why not in sci-fi?
You should read his stuff. The lovemaking scenes are pretty nice, and the descriptions of parades of variously attired attractive (and even themed) girls are fun to read, and the megamansions and big parties and private space stations are very cool.

The middle school library was pretty awesome and had all his stuff too. It was a Church-affliated school too.

I was a very impressionable young teenager when I read his stuff, and it was a lot of fun. Says more about teenaged me than Hamilton that I remember the pulp very well, I guess.

They're not bad books, just pulpy. The pulp is part of the charm.
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In my teens I read virtually everything that Isaac Asimov wrote. It amazed me how all his books formed a very subtle continuous timeline. I have to admit I did lose patients with the books written after his death; supposedly based on outline sketches he had written, they felt very contrived.
Perhaps one of the others will pick it up.
Not everyone in Star Trek is a hero. Some of them were just plain awful:

False. If Keiko were truly an awful character, she'd be given command of a starship :D

The Revelation Space series by Alastair Reynolds. For fans of hard science fiction.

My favorites from Reynolds are The Prefect and Elysium Fire. Hard scifi detective stories in space. Great stuff.
Not everyone in Star Trek is a hero. Some of them were just plain awful:

False. If Keiko were truly an awful character, she'd be given command of a starship :D

And everyone would constantly praise her and tell her how important she is. And there'd be nonstop emotional validation and Starfleet officers bursting into tears in every episode. Fortunately, nobody would be downright *stupid* enough to make a show like that and dare call it "Star Trek..." right???
My Favourite SF Books :)

All right! Someone else who knows about Dr. Conway and the bunch at Sector Twelve General Hospital. Have you, by chance, read White's stand alone novel The Silent Stars Go By?
"The Silent Stars Go By" is a very interesting read that includes a fascinating AU Earth as part of the background.

Regarding Star Wars, Lucas originally pitched the first movie and its immediate sequels as "space opera" and they work beautifully at that level. Then he appears to have wanted to do "serious science fiction" for the first trilogy and I don't think it near as good. The rest of the SW movies appear to have been corrupted too much by aspects of current culture. Lucas should have stayed with space opera, he did that well.
Speaking of space opera, there was a rumor that someone was going to produce a movie version of E. E. Smith's "Galactic Patrol" with JMS doing the writing (he has admitted to liking Smith's work and being inspired by it) but nothing seems to have eventuated.
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