Spanish INTA Designations - Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeronáutica


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25 July 2007
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This designation listing was prompted by discussions of the Spanish Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeronáutica on the INTA Aircraft & Projects thread in the Secret Postwar Aircraft Projects section.

I doubt that there is much new here but I thought it might be useful to have it all in one place.

For the record, INTA was formed in May 1942 as a government research agency meant to advance the aeronautical industry in Spain. As such, it was expected to produce airframe designs suitable for production by a fledgling Spanish aircraft industry. However, INTA did not build - prototype and series production was farmed out to industry.

The earliest designs were produced by a team under the control of TCol Pedro Huarte-Mendicoa Larraga. As a result, built aircraft are often referred to as Huarte Mendicoa (usually without the hyphen). The designer's name also explains the 'HM' series of designations. As noted in the listings, these numerically sequenced designations are as likely to be preceded by the manufacturer's names as that of INTA.

A new designation sequence was begun with the 1944 INTA-1 light transport design. However, as design changes were introduced, there was also an attempt to rationalize the numbering system. By 1945, the evolving INTA-1 design was being referred to as the INTA-10 and, on occassion, as the HM.10. This brief rationalization attempt fell apart sequentially when the next iteration became the INTA-20. For convenience, I have listed all of the twin-engined transport concepts under HM.10.


Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeronáutica - INTA 'HM' Series Designations

INTA HM.1 : 1942 2-seat tandem military elementary trainer
- HM-1: Low-wing, fixed u/c, ply-covered wooden constr'n
- HM.1 : 1 x 150 hp Hirth HM 506 inv. 4-cyl., span 9.65 m
-- Handling problems & defects delayed accept. until 1952
- HM.1B: Improved production variant, sliding canopy fitted
- HM.1B: 1 x 150 hp Elizalde G-IV-B Tigre, x 190 for EdA
-- aka EE.4 or E.4 (Ejército del Aire desig,) [1] aka AISA H.M.1
-- aka Huarte Mendicoa HM-1, [2] aka 'Hombre Muerto'
-- Built by Aeronáutica Industrial S.A. (AISA)
-- 3v:

INTA HM.2 : 1945 2-seat tandem military basic trainer, x 1
- HM.2: Retr. main u/c development of INTA/AISA HM.1B
- HM.2: 1 x 150 hp Hirth HM 506 inv. 4-cyl., span 9.65 m
- HM.2: (Project) Prod., 150 hp Elizalde G-IV-B Tigre
-- HM.2 failed to compete w/ Iberavia (AISA) I-11 (EdA L.8C)

INTA HM.3 - 1946 floatplane vers. of open-cockpit HM.1, x 3*
- HM.3: Twin floats (attached using faired-over main u/c)
- HM.3: 1 x 150 hp Elizalde G-IV-B Tigre, span 9.65 m
-- * Some sources claim only 2 HM.3 floatplanes were built
-- 3v:

INTA HM.4 - (??) no details
-- Ref. to INTA HM.4 being repaired by MAA prob. a typo [3]

INTA HM.5 - 1943* single-seat advanced aerobatic trainer, x 2
- HM.5: A reduced-scale, single-seat deriv. of HM.1 trainer
- HM.5: 1 x 160 hp Hirth 506 inverted 4-cyl.,** span 8.20 m
- HM.5: Wheel spats shown in drawings (but not in photos)
-- * Not tested by EdA until 1950, rejected, civil EC-AHR***
-- ** Many sources mis-list 150 hp Elizalde G-IV-B Tigre
-- *** Single civil reg. may imply that only 1 x HM.5 completed

INTA HM.6 - (??) no details

INTA HM.7 - 1947 4-seat cabin a/c, enlarged HM.1B development
- HM.7: Low-wing, retractable main u/c (taildragger), higher power
- HM.7: 1 x 240 hp Argus As 10C air-cooled IV-8, span (??) m

INTA HM.8 - (??) no details

INTA HM.9 - 1948 2-seat tandem, open cockpit, glider tug, x 30
- HM.9: Slightly enlarged HM.1B w/ strengthed undercarriage*
-- * Reinforced by twin struts (compared w/ cantilever HM.1B)
- HM.9: To flying clubs but short service due to poor handling

INTA HM.10 - (Project) Alternative designation for INTA-10 design
-- INTA overseen sequence of transport designs grouped here:
- INTA-1 : May 1944, small light transport concept announced
- INTA-1 : Early 1945, development funding of 2.5M pesetas
- INTA-1 : 13 March 1945, 300-to-450 hp Spanish-built engines
- INTA-10: aka HM.10, more powerful/advanced INTA-1 evolution
- INTA-10: 2 x 450 hp Elizalde Sirio 7-cyl., span 18.00 m
-- INTA originally advocating 300 hp radials for INTA-10 design
- INTA-10: Design involvement by Émile Dewoitine, aka D.700
-- INTA-10 led to (or parallel to) built CASA C-201 Alcotán
- INTA-20: Enlarged, tricycle landing gear evolution of INTA-10
- INTA-20: 2 x 420 hp P&W Wasp 9-cyl. radials, span 20.00 m
- INTA-20: Design involvement by Émile Dewoitine, aka D.700-T2


[1] E for Escuela (School), being operated by the EdA's Academia General del Aire. EE coming from Entrenadore Elementale.

[2] After the head of its design team, TCol Pedro Huarte-Mendicoa Larraga (who was assigned to the Dirección General de Industria y Material).

[3] Revista de Aeronautica y Astronautica, No 549, Sept 1986, in El mantenimiento en la Maestranzas aérea de Albacete by Angel Cases Costa & José R. Ramiro Inoges, page 992.

As note in the INTA Aircraft & Projects thread, it's debatable whether the IP-2 (aka IE-02) is best regarded as a product of INTA or its maker Iberavia. Certainly the designation came from Iberavia. Nonetheless, I will repeat the IP-2 listing here for completeness.

IP-2/IE-02 - 1950 tandem 2-seat military training glider
- IP-2: Assault glider trainer, 2-seats under canopy
-- aka Iberavia IP-2 (Iberavia Planeador or glider)
- IP-2: Retr. tricycle u/c, high aspect ratio wings
- IP-2: welded steel-tube frame, plywood-covered const.
- IP-2: Vne 95 mph, landing speed 36 mph, span 12.00 m
-- Commissioned from Iberavia, design Émile Dewoitine
- IE-02: Prototype testing revealed poor flight charac.
- IE-02: aka AISA IE-02, after AISA took over Iberavia
-- Second prototype IP-2/IE-02 (completed?) never flew
-- 20 x planned prod'n IE-02 by AISA for EdA cancelled[/B][/B]

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