SpaceX (general discussion)

SDA and NRO are separate and independent constellations

In terms of mission, organization, and funding, yes, but I expect they were built to roughly the same standards and use compatible laser cross links to communicate. The SDA constellation is almost certainly the communication downlink for the NRO constellation, and I would expect their ground control segments to be highly coordinated as a result.
In terms of mission, organization, and funding, yes, but I expect they were built to roughly the same standards and use compatible laser cross links to communicate. The SDA constellation is almost certainly the communication downlink for the NRO constellation, and I would expect their ground control segments to be highly coordinated as a result.
no, They won't be integrated. they will be different spacecraft and have their own comsats and ground stations. NRO has multiple missions that can't be done by small spacecraft.
I find that hard to believe given the common commercial backgrounds of both constellations and the fact both are known to use optical links, but we likely will never know either way.
The dearmoon project is canceled
It is unfortunate to be announcing that 'dearMoon', the first private circum-lunar flight project, will be cancelled. We thank everyone who has supported us and apologize to those who have looked forward to this project.
The everyday astronaut on X
Can’t really do a bus tour if the bus keeps exploding.
I was curious so I had to look; SN8 flew in December 2020. I'd consider its state of development since then a bit stagnant. Yes, it did reach the orbit and can soon be used to deliver payload, but Elon and SpaceX didn't really deliver their promises. (This isn't a shocker when it comes to Elon though)
I was curious so I had to look; SN8 flew in December 2020. I'd consider its state of development since then a bit stagnant. Yes, it did reach the orbit and can soon be used to deliver payload, but Elon and SpaceX didn't really deliver their promises. (This isn't a shocker when it comes to Elon though)
Stagnant? Compared to what? Who is building a fully reusable super heavy launch vehicle on a shorter timeline?
More info about Maezawa Ending DEAR MOON

Time - Maezawa started program in 2018 expecting flight to moon in 2023
Now 5 years and pandemic later SpaceX has done 3 test launches with Superheavy/starship
Seems Maezawa doesn't seem to have any patience

Money - according art Technica
Maezawa worth of about $3 billion in 2018, is now down to $1.5 billion in 2024.
No bucks, No Buck Rogers…
For the fans from and out of Korea, here is TOP artist statement related to the project cancelation:

T.O.P’s full English statement is as follows:

Regarding the dearMoon project cancellation:

As you may have heard, the ‘dearMoon’ project has unfortunately been canceled.

However, I am deeply grateful to Mr. Yusaku Maezawa for conceptualizing the ‘dearMoon’ project.

He selected and brought together beautiful artists from all over the world to embark on a mission to travel to the moon and create art inspired by this journey. This was the greatest and most beautiful art project for the development of mankind that no one in the world would have dared to imagine, and the courage to even attempt this mission was truly extraordinary to witness.

My dream is by no means over.

Being selected as a ‘dearMoon’ crew member was one of the greatest honors of my life. My heart is full of gratitude for the experiences I gained and the friendships I made through this process.

Over the last few years since joining ‘dearMoon’, I feel that my body and soul have forged a deep, direct connection with the moon. My imagination has expanded to places I would have never expected as I prepared for moon exploration.

As a Korean artist, this experience has had a profound impact on my life and the music I make. My body and soul connected with the moon and space has already inspired me to compose a lot of new music, some of which I look forward to sharing soon. The moon has and will continue to nourish my soul and fill me up with meaning and inspiration forever.

The ‘dearMoon’ mission made my dream to go to space, something that seemed completely impossible, to feel possible for the first time. This invaluable experience has changed my life and perspective forever. My dream to travel to the moon is not over. It has become the ultimate and greatest goal of my life, an official challenge, and a core mission for my life.

I feel deep responsibility for all the people who cheered for and supported me through this process to make them proud.

I will never give up on my dreams, and I will continue to pursue new adventures that challenge me. This is for everyone who strives with love.

Life is most beautiful for you who believe everything is possible.


June 2nd_2024

Choi Seung Hyun
At Massey, Starship 26 made a static test ignition on the new test stand
I was curious so I had to look; SN8 flew in December 2020. I'd consider its state of development since then a bit stagnant. Yes, it did reach the orbit and can soon be used to deliver payload, but Elon and SpaceX didn't really deliver their promises. (This isn't a shocker when it comes to Elon though)
Starship is still in development; to say it hasn't delivered on its promises is to assume a static state that doesn't exist. Is it behind schedule? Absolutely. There's a lot of development ahead, no matter how successful they are with Polaris or Artemis. The ongoing development of Falcon 9 should be enough evidence that SpaceX has the flexibility to build a minimum viable product and then iterate on it, versus attempting to build a platonically ideal vehicle right from the start.

In other news, SpaceX is targeting 7 AM Central Time on Thursday for IFT-4: View:
I have got everything crossed as well Deino, let's see if we can get a full test mission where Starship actually lands this time.
Any imagery available of this even which is taken from the surrounding area (a vessel or whatever) and not from the on-board-camera?

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