Soviet Spyplanes of the Cold War and Russian Gunship Helicopters


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
26 September 2008
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They should be available this month, but Amazon is listing them as "Temporarily Out of Stock," so I suspect that they have not been published yet.


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i've also been tracking these new series closely - esp with Ian Allan terminating Yefim Gordon's magnificent Red Star and Famous Russian Series - i had high expectations in this new Flighcraft series from Pen & Sword

Both these books have been released in late Dec in the UK - i've seen these at Foyle's in london and unlike most of the Gordon's books - i've discarded these as being skimpy in content though the printing and layout meet the expectations

For instance in around 90 pages on the Gunships - the Hind, Hokum and Havoc are all covered - potted history , tech details , walk around , some profiles not enough for the discerning reader or the serious modeller

So if you dont have any of the previous Aerofax/Red Star/Airlife/WAPJ series then i would recommend the Gun ship book else even Alexander Mladenov's Mil 24/35 released by Osprey has far more detail for half the price and a good buy
Since no one has replied as yet - here's my 2 cents - it covers only Mig 25 and Yak 25

its meant more for modellers - approx 70 Pp out of 95 Pp is on the Mig 25 - most of the non modelling material is better covered in the Red Star series for the Mig 25 by the same author

The balance 20 Pp odd covers the Yak 25 - again only around 7 Pp covers a bit of history not much on spy missions etc - the balance 15 odd pp is on modelling the same - hope this helps

If you are familiar with SAMS modeller series - these are better
Thanks. That helps. I was hoping that it would have information on the M-55 Mystic. I'm not interested in a book for modelers.
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