South Africa Flowchart UAV?

It was called the Kentron Flowchart (sounded like a Douglas Adams character to me) and it was a UAV of vaguely stealthy aspect. I never saw it associated with any mission systems (weapons or sensors) and never heard anything about it going any further than an air-show model.
Flowchart 2 and Seraph. Related but not identical.


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Who has more infromation about this project?
It looks like F-117 and B-2 mixed.

I have listed it and placed some more info in the South Afircan missiles/PGM's/Rockets in the missile forum. It was actually meant to be a stealthy cruise missile, designed to deliver a nuclear warhead.
"One of the most interesting developments during this period was the foray into stealth, as a response to the SAAF’s High-speed Reconnaissance Drone (HRD) Technology Demonstrator Programme. The first experiments were with the Flowchart series of technology demonstrators (a Flowchart 2 is on display at the SAAF Museum, AFB Swartkop) before the Seraph design was finalised between 1996 and 1998. The system’s statistics were impressive for the time, able to fly 1 300 km at a speed of Mach 0.83 at 40 000 ft, carrying an 80 kg payload of either optical cameras, a synthetic aperture radar or electronic surveillance sensors. Development was well-advanced by 1997 but severe South African defence budget cuts killed the SAAF’s HRD programme and with it the Seraph’s prospects of final development."


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