Skoda-Kauba Atomic Bomber

Jan den Das

ACCESS: Secret
27 December 2008
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During my inquiry concerning Skoda-Kauba aeroplanes/projects, I found the enclosed pictures concerning a scale model. This was mentioned as a Skoda-Kauba Atomic Bomber further no information.

Who can help me with more information?

Was this fantasy or a real project?
If a real project, if possible, more details/drawings/etc.?



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sorry, I think that is 100% fake
it resemble not the design philosophy of Skoda-kauba
also the naming "Atomic bomber" make it doubtful that is a real project...
MOVED. Completely fake but beautiful nonetheless!

May I suggest for the future that when an project's reality is questioned, it be shared in either this or the "Bar" section?

(if it proves a real project, it's always possible to move it to the proper section afterwards). Thanks!
May I suggest for the future that when an project's reality is questioned, it be shared in either this or the "Bar" section?

I agree with you

That was clearly fake. Skoda Kauba nuclear bomber That Luft 46 fan universe is amazing!
Source of this image is

Friedrich Georg, Hitlers letzter Trumpf

Which makes it pretty suspect.
Nothing against Friedrich Georg ! Pretty sure, that without his masterpiece "Mit dem Balkenkreuz
zum Mond" (With the Balkenkreuz to the moon) we wouldn't have had the great movie "Iron Sky" !

;D ;D ;D
Pierre TIAN answer:
About Skoda-Kauba: it was primarly a small aircraft designer named Otto Kauba. Its office in Prag was 13, Na Florenci. during WWII it went as the screen company of the Skoda Konzern especcialy about futuristic designs, theoretical aircraft R and D, and because of SKODA involvment in Jachymow Uran tech, also in atomic airborne propulsion , even today. You can check. Don t forget that Skoda , Emil Freiherr von Skoda became a natioinal Austria Hungarn Konsern in 1889, ans most of his acdemical forces came from Teschniche Hohescule Wien. Further more, at 30 april 1945, Kauba made burn the whole documentation. SS OberGruppenFihrer Hans Kammler shortly appeared , see small article in l Aviation mMagazine. He was in secret contact with the US Forces from October 1944 already, first Rugen atomic test, then March 1945 Rudisleben middle range a4b a10 compound flight to the middle Atlantic
Otto Kauba was to be in the found back in the Vernon french rocket proving ground organigram, alongside with Irene Bredt, Habermann, Binger,etc LeVif Lexpress publication of 1999

The original model of the SK SSAB, I made it of balsa wood and epooxy in the winter 1998 1999 in St Malo Cite Intra Muros, painted under ReichsProtektorat
Bohmen und Mahren black cross and Preussische farben for the fin
Later will I explain you why and how I went to attribute that drawing taken of an The Aeroplane Magazine article of 1957 to the idea of a SK enginee

More to follow

Pierre TIAN:
I made some fotografs of the scale model and send it to Friedrich Georg that never saw it before. He send me Bill Gunston extracts about NX 36 , the nuclear test plane that only flew 14 minutes on critical with his airborne Westinghouse nuke reactor, so I could compare with the smaller vertical fitted soviet nk airborne on Tupolew 94 Bear LAL Letatmie Atomiki Laboratorii.
My scale model came out of a The Aeroplane 1957 articles about the appropriation ans feasability of airborne nuke reactor, with the conclusion that it was finally a very bad and inefficient solution, for the usefull payload would be negligible
in regard of the nuke reactor and shielding weight. In the very article the clear shape of the Blohm and Voss 6 motors huge troop transport seaplane BV 222 with central Rolls Royce nuke reactor was shown. The BV222 test scale model 1 10 was the job on Richard Vogt, the unconventionnal BV 141 and other asymetric planes. After WWII, Vogt worked for Georges Schairer, Boeing , to draw nuke air liner, and presenting Boeing his SKODA mates very actives in SKODA Konzern · circles protected laboratory . At the same time, The Aeroplane Magazine underlined the heavy theoretical work that the Nazis had made on behalf aerodynamics , duck wings, forward swept wings, during WWII. Much has to be told about the Skoda Works and Hermann Goerings Werke. Many people were involved, especially from 1943 after the British Bombing Raid Hydra on PeenemUnde, and also when Himmler received permission from Hitler to build a huge industrial Konzern depending from the SS Black Order, that would strongly concurrence the German big bosses and Army establishment. Himmler , from 1938 and the Sudeten inclusion in the IIIR, was leaning his industrial and technological efforts on the SKODA Konzern and his manager Wilhelm Voss, that from 1943 was closely under the rule of Hans Kammler, that gradually took the eminence on Peenemunde, chasing von Braun team to place his Skoda team, so soon the A4b wing rocket was ready, and organising the firing of A4b A10, in presence of US testimoners March 1945
Tom Agoston book Blunder or Teufel oder Technokrat, about SKODA, Kammler, Voss, during and after WWII, Nasser Egypt and Mao Tse Toung nuke efforts and underground cities of Peking, Shanghai , etc cities against possible nuclear attacks from part of the Soviets

If Friedrich Georg which is damned good and seriously informed, added a glazed cockpit to the SK SSAB, I strongly suspect my suppositions to be right.
Did anybody read Atomziel New York and Hitlers Nuclear Bomb, with surprising fine photografs of Heinkel 177 Greiff with its enlarged bomb bay and aimer in Prag Rushin ?
This is fairly typical of much WWII Nazi super-project speculation. The background stories of Skoda-Kauba and Richard Vogt are reasonably accurate. Some other proffered sources provide discussions of postwar Western research into nuclear-powered aircraft. However, despite my immediate and extensive recognition of many true details here, I never once came across anything "atomic" in the German WWII contexts, nothing to join the two worlds together. Also, if you search for Friedrich Georg on this forum you will find a ruck of posts discussing his nuclear obsessions and fake inventions.
Verdict: Nice and informed attempt at backstory, you picked the wrong horse to try and make this what-if fiction fly.
The moon or bust... ::)
I remember that book! The premise is that the Nazis launch a moon rocket right at the end of the war, except that von Braun realizes he can't send everything the astronaut needs in one ship. So he's going to fire the bare-bones manned ship with the astronaut and then the supply ship to join him. Except the supply ship gets blown up on the pad by an allied strike (the manned ship is already safely away), so humanity's first space traveller is left hanging on the moon without his supplies or return fuel, but he doesn't know that yet and he won't until after he lands...

Cue the 1960s and the Apollo missions are doing their first close fly-by. Guess what they find and report, with von Braun in the room to hear the discovery...

As for the Skoda-Kauba "atomic bomber", it looks very like some of the things we see in BSP: Bombers after 1949 with regard to early Mach 2 bomber thinking. It might be a fantasy, but it's the sort of fantasy that indicates how aerodynamicists were thinking back then.
Although Pierre TIAN claimed responsibility for the shown model, I have also seen it on eBay as produced by a German model-maker named Vogel, who sells his kits under the name "Bird Models". All Luft '46 ideas, with dubious basis in reality, although they DO build up into nice looking examples. I bought several a number of years ago and was well-pleased with the outcome, even if they are total fantasy.
John Braungart
The moon or bust... ::)
I remember that book! The premise is that the Nazis launch a moon rocket right at the end of the war, except that von Braun realizes he can't send everything the astronaut needs in one ship. So he's going to fire the bare-bones manned ship with the astronaut and then the supply ship to join him. Except the supply ship gets blown up on the pad by an allied strike (the manned ship is already safely away), so humanity's first space traveller is left hanging on the moon without his supplies or return fuel, but he doesn't know that yet and he won't until after he lands...
And that's why in real life mission planning you'd send the supplies ahead...
The moon or bust... ::)
I remember that book! The premise is that the Nazis launch a moon rocket right at the end of the war, except that von Braun realizes he can't send everything the astronaut needs in one ship. So he's going to fire the bare-bones manned ship with the astronaut and then the supply ship to join him. Except the supply ship gets blown up on the pad by an allied strike (the manned ship is already safely away), so humanity's first space traveller is left hanging on the moon without his supplies or return fuel, but he doesn't know that yet and he won't until after he lands...
And that's why in real life mission planning you'd send the supplies ahead...
When you're not limited by wartime constraints, yes. I don't recall the details, but my guess is they had the rockets ready nearly together and had once chance to get them off before they were discovered - but they were literally interrupted in the middle of a double launch.

Although Pierre TIAN claimed responsibility for the shown model, I have also seen it on eBay as produced by a German model-maker named Vogel, who sells his kits under the name "Bird Models". All Luft '46 ideas, with dubious basis in reality, although they DO build up into nice looking examples. I bought several a number of years ago and was well-pleased with the outcome, even if they are total fantasy.
John Braungart
I think we can enjoy them for what they are, keeping it in perspective. It's nice to look at the ideas and wonder how feasible they would have been with 1945 technology if they hadn't been rudely interrupted by things like their factories being bombed, their designers being drafted, and embarrassing shortages of critical materials.

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