It was relatively straightforward. Since I'm a PR, ;D I phoned the Agusta Group PR who I knew is from SIAI (Agusta absorbed SIAI a few years ago after buying them in the '90s) and asked him info. He told me that the SIAI archives had been transferred to the former employees group (a sort of SIAI Alumni). I knew them by fame since they contributed to a score of history books on SIAI Marchetti (pre-war and wartime projects). My collegue asked the president of the group to contact me, he did, we arranged a meeting in the new see of the group itseldf (which BTW is located inside the old SIAI factory in downtown Sesto Calende). I met with two of the group, amazing people, both well over 75 but with an elephant memory (dates, names, facts...). The paper archive is in total disarray, since they just moved from an old see and the moving company did a mess.... I explained them what I was interested in and they helped me in searching: in an hour we found a lot. I'm convinced a lot more waits to being discovered. I lent my help to reorder the papers (some are amazing, I'll post later after scanning them, I evenn found the original brochure of the SV10, the compound helicopter SIAI was ready to fly when Agusta bought them; and cancelled it imemdiately since was fine years ahead of their programs...

That's it. If the SIAI agreement goes well, I'll try with Macchi.... One of the guits from SIAI knew Ing. Bazzocchi personally..