Russian crackdown on the dissemination of space information


The Shadow knows what lurks in the hearts of men
13 May 2008
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Just on September 30 the Putin administration's FSB issued some new rules that will have a huge impact on how space activities get reported about that are connected with Russia. None of it is good.

Here's the URL link.

This will have a supra-chilling effect. Just about every news organization, every space enthusiast, every book publisher, every Air Show pavilion display will be violating these rules, and in retrospect, have violated these new rules.

Here is the article in English translation:

22:50 30.09.2021 (updated: 09:59 01.10.2021)


The FSB has approved the data, for the deliberate transfer of which you can become a foreign agent

FSB approved a list of information for the transfer of which one can become a foreign agent​

MOSCOW, September 30 - RIA Novosti. The FSB of Russia has approved a list of information in the field of military and military-technical activities that does not belong to state secrets, but which, being transferred to other states or foreigners, can be used against the security of Russia, and persons who purposefully collect such data for a foreign customer can be recognized as foreign agents.

The FSB order approving this list has been published on the official portal of regulations. The draft order was presented in July this year.

The list consists of 60 items. In particular, it contains information about assessments and forecasts of the development of the military-political and strategic situation; information on the deployment of the Armed Forces and units of power structures; data on the moral and psychological climate in the Russian army; information about the methods of combat training of servicemen.

Also in the list - information on the results of research and development work on the creation and modernization of weapons, military and special equipment; data on the use of quantum technologies and artificial intelligence in the creation of new weapons and special equipment (with the exception of information contained in the public domain); information about the work of the centers of the state system for detecting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks; data on the import of dual-use products used, among other things, to ensure the country's defense and security.

Most of the list concerns Roskosmos . As follows from the document, information that does not fall under the category of state secrets includes information about the financial condition of Roscosmos and financial and economic development forecasts, information about problems, including financial and economic ones, leading to the containment of the development of the space state corporation.

In addition, the list includes information on the technical condition of space rockets and ground infrastructure, as well as plans for their development. There are also data on the development and implementation of new generation innovations and technologies in space technology, including on new physical principles, information on the introduction of space technologies in the interests of the country's defense and security, information on the development of nuclear power, including the creation of interorbital tugs.

The FSB order was prepared, inter alia, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 2.1 of the Federal Law "On Measures of Influence on Persons Involved in Violations of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms, Rights and Freedoms of Citizens of the Russian Federation" (the so-called law on foreign agents).

According to the article, a person can be recognized as a foreign agent if in Russia in the interests of a foreign state, international or foreign organization, foreign citizens or stateless persons purposefully (under pressure, for money or any help) collects information in the field of military and military technical activities of Russia, and which, if received by a foreign source, can be used against the security of Russia (in the absence of signs of crimes provided for in Articles 275 ("Treason to the Motherland") and 276 ("Espionage") of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In accordance with part 2 of the same article 2.1, a person whose activities fall under the indicated criteria must apply for inclusion in the list of individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent.
why only 'space'? everything
I have heard that Marshall almost got to test channel wall RD-0120s....back 25 years or so ago.
"The strictness of Russian laws is balanced by the selectivity of their enforcement" (c) Nobody is gonna pull a crackdown on space enthusiasts; the goal is to have a legal means to stomp on those who became too annoying to powers-that-be.

A lot of enthusiasts may be unwilling to risk exposing themselves to the arbitrariness of this selectivity, though. That's the good thing about proper rule of law - you know where you are, whereas uncertainty has a stifling effect (probably intentionally so).
"The strictness of Russian laws is balanced by the selectivity of their enforcement" (c) Nobody is gonna pull a crackdown on space enthusiasts; the goal is to have a legal means to stomp on those who became too annoying to powers-that-be.
You like mean Roscosmos' own advisors?
If I am still receiving my space tass news sources on their rockets, nuklon developement or spacecraft than the "information" they are talking about is probably about the characteristics of their project developments like size of nuklon radiator, how it gets rid of heat, how did they go from 300 to 3000 seconds of burn time on next generation closed circuit rocket engines, etc.

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