moin1900 said:Magnetschwebebahn with rocket plane ? (ME-163?) 1943
Jemiba said:"they probably planned to transport half of Dresden at one go... "
..to bring them all to festivities in the "Volkshalle" (peoples hall, only 290m high) in
"Germania", as the name "Berlin" wouldn't have been used any longer then.
A bit OT, but as we are talking about Zeppelin projects : What would have the minimal
radius of the 3 metres track width, this monster would have used ? Probably quite
unsuitable for a modellers railroad .. :![]()
Must have been mental illness, or just an attempt, to impress the Nazi leaders !
(photo from http://de.altermedia.info/)
National Library of Scotland
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Scenes from the film GEORGE BENNIE RAILPLANE SYSTEM OF TRANSPORT (1929-1930). This is a technical record of the construction of the railplane, invented by George Bennie. The railplane glides into the 'station' with the propellor on the front whirling. It looks like a small aeroplane without the cockpit windows. The railplane hangs below its own line, above a steam train on the tracks below. The clip is from The Scottish Screen Archive collection. For more information about this film including details of how to obtain a copy please follow this link http://ssa.nls.uk/film.cfm?fid=1341 The Scottish Screen Archive holds thousands of films and videos from Scotland's 20th-century history. The archive contains everything from home movies and advertisements to educational films and documentaries. There are films detailing technical processes and others showing the imagination and innovation of Scottish film-makers over the years. http://www.nls.uk/ssa/