Purpose of this forum and rules

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
Reaction score
The purpose of this forum is to alert other forum members to interesting items posted on Ebay (or other similar auction sites). These would be things you probably won't bid on yourself, but which may interest others. Posting them here means Google won't index the posts and casual browsers won't see them, but fellow enthusiasts, perhaps with bigger disposable incomes, might be able to buy the items (and hopefully share them :)

Post ALL interesting images and text from the auction inside the post, so they can be saved for posterity.

Once the auction is over the post will generally be moved to an appropriate topic elsewhere in the forum.
Addition to rules on Found on Ebay forum

We have had a couple of bidding wars between members of the forum, so it is probably worth posting a quick note in the relevant topic if you are going to buy something. If someone else is intending to buy something you want, you should PM them and try to resolve things amicably.

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