Projects Forums and posting user artwork / models

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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I have little interest in the Naval Projects forum, so it's not that well "policed" as other sections.

Investigating a series of posts by "able" of (self-built?) model pictures for moderation, it is clear that this section is cluttered with a lot of user artwork.

The rules of the forum are reasonably clear. The Projects sections are primarily for original company documents, pictures and models. Drawings and information published by magazines or other reputable sources which might not be original per se are OK too. Posting self-made or fan-made drawings or models just muddies the waters.

Occasionally a researcher does a serious attempt at a drawing of a project which doesn't have a drawing available. This is allowable in the main topic. However, if real drawings exist, then there would not be a need for this.

There are separate sections for fan drawings and models which preserve the distinction between real sources and other material.

What are your thoughts?
Saw that, too, but though interested in that section and participating there, too, I sometimes have difficulties in deciding,
if a model is based on some source drawing. But in the cases, where it's clear, I'll move the posts to the Alternative History
section, at first those two: ,
Antonio already gave an appropriate answer, if that's not enough, maybe a clearer clue is needed.
I'm getting more and more interested in unbuilt ships. There is a bloom of projects surfacing from recent years. We are attracting a qualified community of specialist and the sub forum is very active. I regularly take an eye for my own interest in the subject and as a moderator. Recently discovered a new member that is posting his own pure fantastic model creations there. I addressed him both a public post and a detailed PM about forum rules, aims and how to decide where to post anything. And he found it ok. Just the problems of a novel and a very specialized member.

We have similar "personal fantasy" members in the forum: Graham1973 posts fictional warship names from novels, Advanced Boy post their on invented vehicle concepts, Pedrospe post models based on his own ideas about 6th Gen Fighters, Tophe (left the forum years ago) and his fantoms forchus and invented Mustangs...

I think nothing to worry about
There definitely could be a better sorting of the flow of speculative/never-were drawings between the Secret Naval Projects section and the User Artwork one.
Also with the Speculative Projects and the Alternative History sections.

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