i have read the Issue V1N5 of Aerospace Projects Review
(include sferrin cover art
back to Nuke in hands of SPECTRE or Saddam Hussein (in South Park) or Kim Jong Il of Babrbara Streisand or Osama Ben Laden.
only Kim Jong Il made big bang (how ever was this nuclear or big pile of TNT ?)
Still, the knowledge that this bomb design will actually work would give any decent bomb development team a leg up. If they happen to have one or more particularly clever member, or if their team of spies is on the job, the mysteries might well be resolved.
Pakistan stundents visit the archive of Belgium Nuclear recarch Center SCK/CEN in MOL
used all lot the Photocopier maschine, the Fax, Scanner and send allot of big Email back home
it was a littel strange for worker at SCK/CEN
until Pakistan made first Nuke Test... (I got the story from worker at SCK/CEN)
but don't worry
Iranian stundents (and from others evil contury) can not visit the SCK/CEN in MOL
to Osama ben laden bunch of Idiots
they don't made a Nuke, let something look like a "dirty" bomb.
but Wat you wand bunch of guys with out proper education or no university degree ?
and even if Osama build a nuke all by him self,
then Tony Stark comes in his Ironman exoskeleton and beat Osama the crap out ;D
jep Osama build nuke is a Comic strip senario...
by the way, IRONMAN is a cool movie