Problems with publishing books


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25 June 2009
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Very cool! I've said this before, but a series of glossy paper books in landscape format collecting all your works would be just awesome.
Alternately, sets of collectible cards would be neat, too!
Skyblazer said:
Very cool! I've said this before, but a series of glossy paper books in landscape format collecting all your works would be just awesome.
Alternately, sets of collectible cards would be neat, too!

I've approached a few possible publishers over the last couple of years without the slightest interest. But I did get an enquiry from a guy who wanted to commission me at a ridiculously low rate (that would have worked out at less than a £1 per hour) plus he wanted sole rights. I told him I was not interested as nicely as I could.
So I'm a bit bemused by it all. But if anyone has other ideas I'm all eyes and ears.
I had almost exactly the same experience about 15 years ago, first with a well-known publisher of aviation titles and a couple of model magazines. The well-known publisher wanted sole rights to my art and text "in exchange" for the honor of being seen in a periodical he published. The others just paid too little for me to handle the paper work. SO I eventually ended up publishing my stuff on my own website for free. It was less trouble and didn't let anyone exploit me for his own sole profit.
Flitzer said:
I've approached a few possible publishers over the last couple of years without the slightest interest. But I did get an enquiry from a guy who wanted to commission me at a ridiculously low rate (that would have worked out at less than a £1 per hour) plus he wanted sole rights. I told him I was not interested as nicely as I could.

iverson said:
I had almost exactly the same experience about 15 years ago, first with a well-known publisher of aviation titles and a couple of model magazines. The well-known publisher wanted sole rights to my art and text "in exchange" for the honor of being seen in a periodical he published. The others just paid too little for me to handle the paper work.

Justo Miranda said:
Me too in the Reichdreams Series :-\

How very sad, really! :-\
Flitzer said:
Skyblazer said:
Very cool! I've said this before, but a series of glossy paper books in landscape format collecting all your works would be just awesome.
Alternately, sets of collectible cards would be neat, too!

... So I'm a bit bemused by it all. But if anyone has other ideas I'm all eyes and ears.

If you offered your work online as large downloadable images I would be interested. The price couldn't be too high, but you could sell them ala carte (individual) or a subscription price if you were to keep adding new works. Just keep the price down and hopefully the volume of customers will allow you to make something for your efforts. You could also team up with other artists here and elsewhere and sell all your works from one website.
Publishing of books may be frustrating - in particular for the author. The author had the idea and all the works... but the in the end, the author is the one who earns the smalles amount out of the publication. I remember an offer of a big Italian bookshop for my first publication. It was so, that I would have to invest additional money into each book he would have sold "for me". I could not do else than reply to him that I would rather prefer to burn my books instead of sending them to him (at least this would have kept me work for a wile). In the meantime I have changed to "Books on Demand". Nothing to be paid in advanced anymore... (but still: It remains a "labour of love"):

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