PIK Aircraft List


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26 May 2006
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here is a the old site,which speaks about PIK aircraft and projects,from PIK-1 to
PIK-27,and I made a topic for his Projects before,you can use the google translate;

A PIK list done in text. DI stand for Diplomi-insinöör.

Polyteknikkojen Ilmailukerho - PIK Aircraft Designations

PIK-1 -- (Project) 1938 sailplane design,* not built
-- * Designed by Sergei Forsblom and Paavo Järvenpää
- PIK-1: Originally named PS-1 (Paavo-Sergei 1)

PIK-2 -- (Project) Wrona-type* primary training glider
- PIK-2: Open-framed glider, unbuilt due to Winter War
-- S. Forsblom adapt. of Antoni Kocjan's 1932 WS Wrona

PIK-3 -- Single-seat parasol (faired) sailplane, x 40
- PIK-3 : 1st prototype with wingspan of 13 m (47 ft 8 in)
-- Design begun 1942 by Lars Norrmén,* orig. desig. LHN-3
-- * DI Lars H 'Pappa' Norrmén, with Ilkka Lounama
- PIK-3a: Kanttikolmonen,** initial prod'n vers. of PIK-3
-- ** Kanttikolmonen = the Square Number Three
-- http://ilmailumuseo.fi/kokoelma/pik-3a-kanttikolmonen/
- PIK-3b: PIK-3a variant, flaps replaced with air brakes
- PIK-3c: Kajava, revised high-perf. vers. of PIK-3B***
-- PIK-3c combine features of PIK-3b and the PIK-13
-- *** Kajava = Kittiwake, span 15 m, new cockpit canopy
-- http://ilmailumuseo.fi/kokoelma/pik-3c-kajava/

PIK-4 -- (Project) 1944 Wrona-type* primary training glider
- PIK-4: Open-framed glider designed by Kaarlo J. Temmese
-- * Orig. desig. PIKI-1, based on Polish 1934 WS Wroka bis

PIK-5 - Cumulus high-winged single-seat training glider,* x 34
-- * PIK-5 design based on 1936 Polish WWS 1 Salamandra glider
- PIK-5a: 1945 design by DI Kaarlo Temmese, aka Vitonen (Fiver)
- PIK-5b: 1948 prototype rebuild, revised fuselage design
- PIK-5c: 1951 rebuild, revised wing, led to prod'n model

PIK-6 -- (Project) 1946 high-performance high-wing sailplane
-- Design by Pehr Schalinin, not built (lack of funding)

PIK-7 -- Harakka (Magpie) primary training glider, x ~50
- PIK-7 Harakka I : init'l vers., inspired by Soviet 'UC-3'*
-- * Antonov U-s1 captured at Petrozavodsk in East Karelia
-- Design by Juhani Heinonen, J. Nurmi, and Raimo Häkkinen
-- http://1000aircraftphotos.com/Contributions/VigneronPhillipe/10991.htm
- PIK-7 Harakka II: span 10.06 m,** strengthened vers., x 27
-- ** Some sources list the Harakka II's span as 10.56 m
-- http://iwaru.fi/ppics/101%20harakka/101-10-Harakka-fuselage-09-.png
-- http://vgc2016.fi/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/jukka-rautamaeki-300x191.jpg
- PIK-7 Harakka III: Pole tailboom, redes. by J Nurmi, x 1
- Moottori-Harakka: Motor glider development of PIK-7
-- http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m19/citroen_2cv6/Moottoriharakka.jpg

PIK-8 -- (Project) 2-seat single-engined, low-wing monoplane
- PIK-8: Wooden constr., intended as glider tug and trainer
-- Design by Juhani Heinonen, 115 hp (HO4 ?) engine planned

PIK-9 -- (Project) 1-seat single-engined, low-wing monoplane
- PIK-9: Wooden constr., intended as glider tug (& sport?)
-- Design by Raimo Häkkinen, ~65 hp HO4 engine planned

PIK-10 - Paukkulauta (Banging Board) aka 'Moottoribaby'
-- Motor glider deriv. of Grunau Baby II glider
- PIK-10: As built, BMW (?? hp) motorcycle engine
- PIK-10: Re-engined, , 1 x 17 hp Aubier & Dunne 2-cyl*
-- * French 540 cc 2-cyl inline motorcycle engine
- PIK-10: Re-engined, , 1 x 28 hp Pincard (??) engine

PIK-11 - 1953 Tumppu (Mitten) single-seat sport a/c, x 4
- PIK-11: Low-wing monoplane, taildragger u/c, span: 8.0 m
-- 1 x 65 hp Continental A65-8 HO4, replica under constr.
-- http://pik.ayy.fi/joomla/images/stories/PIK_sarja/pik11.gif

PIK-12 - 1956 2-seat training glider, span : 16.0 m, x 4
- PIK-12: Wooden constr., designed by Ilkka Lounamaa*
-- * Same wing shape/profile as PIK-5c but 1.0 m more span
-- aka 'Kakstoistapaikkainen' (12-seat aircraft)
-- https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/PIK-12

PIK-13 - 1954 open class sailplane, span: 18 m (or 17.6 m?)
- PIK-13: Flew 1954-56, crashed at Malmi, 25 March 1956
-- PIK-13 sailplane designed by Antti Koskinen

PIK-14 - (Project) 1956 glider design by Olavi Roinisen
- PIK-14: Construction eclipsed by PIK-3c, not built

PIK-15 - 1964 Hinu single-engine,* low-wing monoplane, x 10
- PIK-15: Hinu (Hinauslentokone = tow a/c), span 10.00 m
-- * 1 x 150 hp Lycoming O-320A HO4, wooden constr.
-- Design by Kai Mellén, Ilkka Lounamaa ja Jussi Rinta.
-- http://aviadejavu.ru/Images6/AI/AI77-11/19-4.jpg

PIK-16 - 1961 Vasama single-seat mid-wing sailplane, x 56
-- Vasama = Blunt Arrow, des. by Tuomo Tervo & Kurt Hedström
- PIK-16a: Prototype, wooden, monocoque fuselage, 'V' tail
- PIK-16b: Revised prod'n vers. with cruciform tail, x 4
- PIK-16c: Prod'n vers., FAI Standard Class sailplane

PIK-17 - 1966 single-seat shoulder-wing sailplane, x 2
- PIK-17a: 1966 Tumppi ('Shorty'), wooden constr.
-- http://www.j2mcl-planeurs.net/dbj2mcl/planeurs-machines/planeur-fiche_0int.php?code=3588
- PIK-17b: 1968 Tintti (Thermal Updraught), GRP constr'n
-- http://pik.ayy.fi/joomla/images/stories/historia/oh-tix.jpg

PIK-18 - Sytky (Phon.)* 1950s design ultralight, x 1**
- PIK-18: Single-seat, high-wing, 1 x VW 1500 HO4 conv.
-- * Phonetic: Sound of a VW motor running
-- ** OH-XTI, designed by Ilkka Lounamaa, flew 1976
-- http://www.modeldesigns.iwaru.fi/tag/pik-18-sytky/
-- http://www.modeldesigns.iwaru.fi/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/OH-XTI-title-fea.jpg
-- 3v: http://www.modeldesigns.iwaru.fi/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/skaalaus-siirretty-02-siist1.gif

PIK-19 - 1972 Muhinu* single-engined,* low-wing glider tug, x 1
- PIK-19: Muhinu = Brewing, sole prototype OH-MHX, no prod'n
-- * Muovi Hinu = Plastic (constr.) tow-plane
-- ** As built: 1 x 160 hp Lycoming 0-320
-- ** As modified (1978): 1 x 180 hp Lycoming 0-360
-- Design by Jukka Tervamäki, Ilkka Rantasalo, & Pekka Tammi
-- http://aviadejavu.ru/Images6/AI/AI77-11/19-3.jpg

PIK-20 - 1973 Tiu Standard class sailplane, span 15 m, x +425
- PIK-20 : 1973 prototypes and first series, 3+24
-- PIK-20: Fiberglass construction, 2-part canopy
- PIK-20A: Not officially applied
-- PIK-20A: Unoff. used to disting. PIK-20 from PIK-20B
- PIK-20B: 1975 Standard class vers., intercon. flaps
-- PIK-20B: Featured single-piece canopy
- PIK-20C: Desig. not used (reserved for the JT-6)*
-- * JT-6 was proof-of-concept prototype for PIK-20E
- PIK-20D: 1976, flaperons, Schempp-Hirth airbrakes
-- PIK-20D : Nose & horizontal tail as per PIK-20B
-- PIK-20D-78: Pointed nose, horiz. tail moved fwd
- PIK-20E: Self-launching 'D, 1 x retractable engine Rotax 501
-- PIK-20E : Rotax 501, retracting crank in cockpit
-- PIK-20E II: Rotax 505 (two spark plugs per cylinder)
-- PIK-20E II/17: (Project) 17 m vers., sold to France
-- http://aviadejavu.ru/Images6/AI/AI77-11/19-2.jpg
- PIK-20F: (Project) Standard class, no flaperons
-- PIK-20F: Prototype started, never finished
- PIK-30 : French Issoire-built PIK-20E II/17
-- PIK-20 by Molino Oy, Eiri-Avion Oy, then Siren SA

PIK-21 - 1981 Super-Sytky mid-wing monoplane, x 2*
- PIK-21: Formula V racer, 1 x 53 hp VW-1600, span: 5.3 m
-- * OH-XTM & OH-XMR
-- NB: 'Issoire PIK-21 Super-Sytky' is erroneous
-- Wooden constr., Tavastia College student project
-- http://www.jetphotos.net/photo/7176358

PIK-22 - (Project) 1977 2-seat glider, GRP construction
- PIK-22: Erkki Ahopelto's master's thesis, abandoned*
-- * Sim. a/c already flying, removable engine on pylon

PIK-23 - 1982 Suhinu* 2-seat low-wing monoplane, x 2
- PIK-23: Composite constr. glider tug/primary trainer
-- 1 x 180 hp Avco Lycoming O-360-A4M HO4, span 10.00 m
-- aka Valmet PIK-23 Towmaster, OH-TOW, OH-TUG (w/o 1991)
-- * Contraction of Super Hino = Super Tow-plane

PIK-24 - (Project) 1977 Pileus* motor glider, span 15 m
- PIK-24: Fournier RF-4D fuselage with PIK-20 wings
-- Pileus was hobby project of Björn-Olof Lagercranz
-- * Pileus is a type of cloud

PIK-25 - (Project) 1983 Varttimarkka (Quarter Mark) a/c
- PIK-25: 2-seat ultralight, GRP constr., 1 x VW HO4
-- PIK-25 abandoned, compl. privately,* 2007, OH-XXV
-- By Jarmo Hakala of the Finnair flying club
-- Engine: 1 x 100/120 hp WV 1.9 TDI JH1
-- http://www.elisanet.fi/ohxxv/varttimarkka.html

PIK-26 - 1996 Mini-Sytky single-seat ultralight
- PIK-26: Low-winged, wood/foam constr., span 5.24 m
- PIK-26: 1 x 35 hp Mosler MMCB HO2, Kai Mellén design
-- http://gamma.nic.fi/~wilpu/panu2.htm
-- OH-U355, OH-U356, OH-U403, OH-U404

PIK-27 - 1997* Sehinu, single-seat glider tug, span 9.10 m
- PIK-27: Low-wing monoplane,** 1 x 115 hp Rotax 914 HO4
-- * Design begun by DI Aki Suokas, first flown Dec 2006
-- ** GRP wing constr., fabric-covered steel-tube fuselage
-- Sehinu is contraction of "se hinu", see Reply #8
-- Windcraft Oy built prototype (OH-XYA), offered as kit
-- http://www.windcraft.fi/pik27/aloitus.htm
-- 3v: http://www.windcraft.fi/pik27/spec/pik27_3view.jpg

PIK-28 - (Project) single-seat single-engined ultralight
- PIK-28: Low-wing monoplane, trike or tail-dragger u/c
- PIK-28: 1 x ~65-to-107 hp HO engine, span 8.136 m
- PIK-28: Primarily wooden constr. w/ some carbon fibre
-- NB: PIK-28 design infl. by 1953 PIK-11 Tumppu
-- http://www.hooteehoo.org/pik28/index.html

PIK-29 - Designation not assigned

PIK-30 - French Issoire-built PIK-20E with 17 m wingspan
- PIK-30: Non-sequential Issoire designation

Hi Apophenia :)
Excellent work! Allow me some additions. A second PIK-21 was OH-XMR (see photo). Does anyone know what engine was used?
The PIK-27 was completed/flown. See photo.


  • PIK-21 Super Sytky.jpg
    PIK-21 Super Sytky.jpg
    60.1 KB · Views: 160
  • PIK-25.jpg
    180.3 KB · Views: 160
Excellent, thanks Walter :) I've made the corrections and added a few details, links, etc.

Online refs to OH-XMR (c/n 4/453) list Arto Mäntylä Teuva as owner and builder (2001) but no engine details given. Perhaps, as with OH-XTM, a VW 1600 ... but with a more pointed spinner?

The original 1985 student paper shows that PIK-21 variants with 80 hp, 100 hp, 115 hp, and 125 hp engines were compared. http://www.elisanet.fi/ohxxv/pdf/PIK25.pdf

I notice that Airliners.net identifies both OH-XMR and OH-XTM as 'Issoire PIK-21 Super-Sytky'. No mention of that on the Issoire Aviation website (in fact, searching "PIK" brings 0 results) ???
Apophenia said:
PIK-20 - 1973 Tiu Standard class sailplane, span 15 m, x +425
- PIK-20 : 1973 prototype fiberglass construction
- PIK-20A: 1973 Standard class with flaps & ailerons
- PIK-20B: 1975 Standard class variant with flaperons
- PIK-20C: 15 meter class variant
- PIK-20D: 1976, Schempp-Hirth airbrakes, tail moved forward
- PIK-20E: Self-launching 'D, 1 x retractable Rotax 501
-- http://aviadejavu.ru/Images6/AI/AI77-11/19-2.jpg
- PIK-20F: Mod. wing profile & fuselage, fwd-opening canopy
- PIK-30 : French Issoire-built 17 m wing vers. of PIK-20E

I was designer in Eiriavion at that time, so source of information is my memory.
Some corrections and additions.

Pik-20. 1973 Prototype and first series (3+24), two part canopy.
Pik-20A was not an official designator. Used later to distinguish Pik-20 from Pik-20B
Pik-20B 1975 ailerons interconned to flaps. Single piece canopy.
Pik-20C was not used. Was reserved for what become JT-6, which was proof of concept prototype for PIK20E
Pik-20D. 1976 Flaperons, Schempp-Hirth airbrakes. Same kind of nose as 20B, horizontal tail in same location
Pik-20D-78, pointed nose and hor. tail moved forward
Pik-20E. Selt-launcing. Rotax 501
Pik-20E II, Rotax 505 (two spark plugs per cylinder)
Pik-20E II/17, planned and designed 17 m version. This was sold to France
Pik-20F. Planned standard class (no flaperons). Prototype started, never finished.
Some correction for designer names

PIK-4 Kaarlo J Temmes
PIK-5 Kaarlo J Temmes
PIK-6 Pehr Schalin
PIK-16 Tuomo Tervo & Kurt Hedström
PIK-18 Ilkka Lounamaa
PIK-24 Björn-Olof Lagercranz
PIK-26 Kai Mellén

For information, my list of finnish designed aircrafts that have also flown.
So Pik-28 is not included in that.
Welcome aboard Aki,

and thank you for the Info.
Finnish names for types.
Some are so specific finnish slang, that translation might be misleading. At best!

Pik-3a ok
Pik-3c ok
Pik-7 ok
Pik-10 Paukkulauta; banging board. Plank that makes banging sound.
Pik-11 ok
Pik-12 Kakstoistapaikkainen; aircraft with 12 seats.
Pik-15 ok Hinu is short version of "Hinauslentokone" / tow aircraft.
Pik-16 ok
Pik-17a Tumppi; shorty
Pik-17b Tintti; thermal, updraft
Pik-18 Sytky; in finnish fonetically how that VW engine sounds like.
Pik-19 Muhinu; Muovi Hinu -> shortened to MuHinu, (muovi=plastic), so plastic towplane, see Pik15
Pik-21 Super-Sytky; see Pik-18. Note that that "Issoire" is not correct. Issoire has nothing to do with this aircraft
Pik-23 Suhinu; Super Hinu -> shortened to SuHinu, see Pik15
Pik-24 Pileus; certain kind of cloud.
Pik-25 ok
Pik-26 see Pik-18
Pik-27; Sehinu; the last part "hinu", see Pik-15.
The first part (Se) is slogan sticking to a/c during construction. People were asking; What "Hinu" this is?
And after explanation, they understood and replied by sentence "Ai, se hinu". Meaning "Oh, so that Hinu!"
"se" is finnish word for "that" or "it".
Wow! Great stuff Aki :D

Changes have been made and correction added to Reply #2

Many thanks!
Actually that Pik30 should not be in this list.
If this listing is for ”Polyteknikkojen ilmailuker....” then this Issoire factory given designator is not correct.
Pik ry has assigned designators for up to pik28 only. If someone gives a look-alike designator, the correct place would be a separate ”Issoire designators” list.
Any idea how PIK-A could fit into the list?

Here is a quote from Antony Kay's Turbojet History and Development 1930 - 1960 Vol. 1 (p124):

The Helsinki University of Techmology also used the Adder to power its PIK-A experimental jet aircraft.

EDIT: It seems the author has confused PIK-A (Finland) with Pika (Australia) ... :cool: . Pika was really fitted with the Adder jet engine.
Last edited:
I think you are right my dear Boxkite,and there was no PIK-A.

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