Pictures of MiG models.


ACCESS: Top Secret
20 March 2008
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Maybe old for someone, but still, interesting to look at this.
Sergey Kuznetcov aka Pilot, an anchor of NTV channel army Muster show, is a guy who never keeps stuff he gets, under wraps.
All we must be grateful to him for that.

On a photo with Yakovlev chief test pilot Andrey Sinitzyn


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Thanks for raising our attention about these photos Flanker.
I have visited the MiG museum some time ago, and photos were not allowed (maybe now they are?).
It is with great pleasure that I see the model 815 in the museum now - although I wish it had become reality as I worked on that project.
Brings back good memories.
thanks for sharing those with us.

what is the space vehicle, pictures P1010727_mig, P1010728_mig, and P1010729_mig? [is it a space vehicle?, i can see an R-7 model in the picture]

MiG space interceptor a-la Chelomey's IS ca.1958
Machdiamond said:
Brings back good memories.

Wow, a little bit more on that, if possible?
MiG space interceptor a-la Chelomey's IS ca.1958

Thanks, I don't suppose there's more information avaible on this???

so far you are right
Oh, well, thanks anyway......

flateric said:
Wow, a little bit more on that, if possible?

Sure, the project 815 had been on the verge of formally entering the JPATS competition as a Boeing-Mikoyan entry. It went pretty far and most of the detailed drawings had been completed, MiG has even started cutting metal on the first prototype in 1993.

My job was interfacing Western equipment manufacturers with MiG on the technical side, as pretty much all systems were from the US and W. Europe. The 815 wing and tail were those from the Promavia Jet Squalus, that's how I got sucked into the project as a fairly inexperienced engineer.

So when I was there on Leningradskoe Shosse, the amount of energy and passion that was going on inside those walls simply blew my mind. It was an extraordinary experience, and I do not remember all the evenings...


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