NOTICE: potential problem...



overscan, owner(s), members, etc:

The Gov't owner (U.S. Veteran's Administration) of this computer I borrow 'upgraded' the operating system to something newer and now I don't have pictures show up on the monitor screen any more. I get a three pattern symbol on the left wide of a rectangle along with a written word of what should have been where the picture was.

I believe software compatibility is going to be a bigger issue in the future for those who may not be able to keep up with improvements to computers in the future.
overscan, quoted: "Lee, that sounds like a specific problem with that computer."

Well, you have a partial point. The computer I'm on now doesn't have the problem, but others may, depending on random software setup(s) between servers(s).
The first one with the problem didn't run as fast or print as fast after they finished with it, either. I'll assert not everyone's computer will run your software with fidelity, especially if the software originates on different continents. Those reading this post should already have some experience in that regard, I think.
No, the images should work fine. If they don't work for you, its a configuration error on the computer, not some new feature.

Can you download an image and then view it from disk?

sferrin, quoted: "you sure it's not a browser setting?"

True, that might be a factor, but since I can't look at or (certainly) change the settings of someone else's computer, I'm not sure about that.
From my past experience as a programmer in college classes, I gain the impression it's some kind of data/code incompatibility. I've seen it elsewhere in the past, particularly on older computers. The VA computer is a Pentium II , which is obsolete(!) to put it mildly.
I might try the first computer on a site I haven't visited in some time and see if the problem appears on that site's server compared to the VA server. If it actually does, it's probably the result if the 'upgrade'.
overscan, quoted: "No, the images should work fine. If they don't work for you, its a configuration error on the computer, not some new feature. Can you download an image and then view it from disk?"

Good question. I haven't tried that yet. As I told sferrin, I can try and see it the problem occurs there. It worked before.
Its perfectly possible to view the site on a Pentium, a Core 2 Duo, on Windows 98 to Vista, MacOS, Linux, on a computer or even a mobile phone.

JPG is one of the most universal picture formats, and all mainstream browsers will view them. If the browser no longer views jpegs then the person who upgraded it has broken the browser or operating system.

I recommend notifying the IT team responsible who can fix it.
I am (at home) on the XP with all the upgrades, latest IE7 and Firefox, all on Intel Quad and everything works without problems. I also tend to agree with the "local settings problem" conclusion.
Intel Quad
Cool machine ;)

I work with Apple MacOS 10.5.2 Leopard. My browser is Apple Saffari 3 (everything updated and working healthy) and everything runs fine. I also agree with Matej and Overscan.
overscan, quoted: "Its perfectly possible to view the site on a Pentium, a Core 2 Duo, on Windows 98 to Vista, MacOS, Linux, on a computer or even a mobile phone. JPG is one of the most universal picture formats, and all mainstream browsers will view them."

Right. I agree. My Dad has a Pentium II, and it's slow, but it'll view .html, .jpg, etc.

overscan: "If the browser no longer views jpegs then the person who upgraded it has broken the browser or operating system. I recommend notifying the IT team responsible who can fix it."

I told the librarian and he said all he could do is tell the IT section responsible. Another thing it does is run .PDF's in a different format screen presentation I hadn't seen. The approximate length of time remaining in the download is shown now, which wasn't the case before. The rate of data transfer is also shown. Also, a file paper from the globe on the left goes to the file folder on the right and disappears into the file. I remember seeing that on Windows systems about 6-8 years ago. Really.
However, I admit there are a whole lot of different systems out there.

I've just read the last 2 post while I was online. I have the hunch you're more right than anything wrong. The American Gov't does things their way and sometimes everyone else can go take a 'flying leap'. Got to go. I'll go back tomorrow and check Thanks, guys...
Okay, I'm back at the original Veteran's Hosp. site.

It appears this system's and the one right next to it is at fault for not displaying .gif images correctly. Nothing wrong with your systems.
I strongly believe one of the hospital patients angered the IT management when he changed this computer's settings and uploaded new a wallpaper screen saver to the hard drive that caused the librarian a headache to fix so the computer would boot up reliably.
It looks like to me IT had an older(?) operating system that's still compatible with PC's, but won't run some of the newest picture data formats but will at least operate the clickable buttons so that the system is usable. It's a hassle, though.
I've decided not to use this computer in the future. There are others closer to my home with more speed and reliability.
Just be aware not everyone has a compatible system, or, has the wherewithal to pay for upgrades. Case in point: The U.S. Patent Office now requires one to sign up to be able to download patent .PDFs of their material. The Univ. of Arizona, (science-oriented college) has an agreement to do this and I have to go there to look at the Patent Office site by itself. There are other sites to look at for patents, however.
Upgrading or a newer operating system may be the only way to go in that case.

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