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The Northrop design (U.S. patent No. 5,984,231)

I saw this in a Popular Science a while back. Was this ever built or did it only go as far at the patent phase?
This is pre-production artwork I created for the movie “Stealth,” which was released in 2005. This is the F/A-37 Talon manned strike aircraft I designed for the film along with my partner Peter Barnett. After the film was greenlighted, the Sony art department took our concepts and “hollywoodized” them into the final design you see in the film. Digital illustration.
Triton said:F/A-37 Talon design concept for the motion picture Stealth (2005) by Aldo Spadoni and Peter Barnett. I understand that both Spadoni and Barnett were with Northrop Grumman at the time, confirming that Northrop Grumman had a hand in the design.
pedrospe said:I was surfing the web today and found this picture on Erik Simonsen facebook,it has alot of very cool images.
XP67_Moonbat said:I haven't seen it yet. It can't be that bad?
I give Erik Simonsen the benefit of the doubt, that these two illustrations were maybe done quick for the Air Force Magazine or are even early/older ones.fightingirish said:Some of his illustrations are great, but his latest illustrations of a future bomber and fighter,shown on page 20 in the Air Force Magazine, January 2015 , were not so good. :-\
DrRansom said:I have a question about the Switchblade concept:
Why was it done, as opposed to regular variable geometry, and did it offer anything useful?