New business Jet aircraft


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26 May 2006
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The Embraer Phenom 100 is very light jet aircraft project,
power by two P & W Canada PW617F turbofans and the
Embraer Phenom 300 is light business jet project power by
two P & W Canada PW535 turbofans.

The Evation jets EV-20 is twin engined 8-10 seat all composite very light
business jet project,it will be powered by Williams FJ44 1AP turbofans.


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hesham said:
The Evation jets EV-20 is twin engined 8-10 seat all composite very light
business jet project,it will be powered by Williams FJ44 1AP turbofans.

The EV-20 started out as the VisionAire VA-10 Vantage single-engined light jet. The proof-of-concept Vantage was designed and built by Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites in 1996. Eviation bought the design from bankrupt VisionAire in 2003 and redesigned it to two engines. They also relocated the project to Sao Jose dos Campos in Brazil so they could hire engineers from Embraer, but the project is now stalled for lack of financing.

That happens a lot in general aviation. In 2003, Avocet Aircraft tried to get the ProJet off the ground. It was a light twinjet designed by Israel Aircraft Industries, which would have built the aircraft had it gone into production. The project folded when they could not raise the funding.

There is a very long list of other failed GA projects...Century Jet, Safire Jet, etc, etc


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Here's the Century Aircraft CA-100 Century Jet. Powered by two Williams FJ33s. Got as far as windtunnel testing.


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And this is the Safire Aircraft S-26 Safire Jet. Two Williams FJ33s again. Failed due to lack of funding.


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The Aircraft Investor Resources of Canada and Tbilisi Georgia-
based manufacturing are developed anther aircraft called Epicjet,
it is light twin engined business aircraft,power by Williams FJ33-4A
turbofans.It cancarry seven passengers.
This is complicated. Aviation Investor Resources (AIR) is a US company, which owns Epic AIR, which is based in Bend, Oregon. Epic makes a single-turboprop all-composite kitplane, the Epic LT, and is working to certificate a factory-produced version of this aircraft, the Dynasty, in Calgary, Canada, where it also plans to set up a factory to produce the aircraft. Epic confuses things by labelling the Dynasty a VLJ, which it is not.

Epic also plans - emphasis on plans - to certificate a light twinjet, the Elite. Meanwhile, it is working on two other kitplanes, the smaller single-turboprop Escape and and the single-jet Victory. Epic says the Victory may be certificated at some time.

So we have:

LT - experimental-category kitplane - 6 seats, one 1,200shp PT6A-67A turboprop - available now

Dynasty - certificated single-turboprop - 6 seats, one PT6A-67A - to be available 2008

Elite - certificated twin-jet -6-8 seats, two Williams FJ33-4s - to be available 2009

Escape - experimental-category kitplane - 4-5 seats, one 1,000shp turboprop - available 2008

Victory - experimental-category kitplane - 4-5 seats, one Williams FJ33-4 - to be available 2007

I try not to be cynical, but...
Forgot the pictures:


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Thank you CammNut,

The Spectrum Aeronautical is developing the Spectrum 33,nine
seat light business jet aircraft,power by two Williams FJ33 turbofans,
its estimated speed will be 415 kt,ceiling 45,000 ft and range 3700 km.


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Spectrum Aeronautical is a new US company formed by Linden Blue, the man behind the Beech Starship, to develop business jets using a new composite manufacturing technology. The company built a proof-of-concept aircraft, the Spectrum 33, that crashed last year. Now it says it is developing two jets - the S-33 Independence light jet, basically a certificated version of the Spectrum 33, powered by two Williams FJ33-4 engines; and the larger, mid-size S-40 Freedom, powered by two GE Honda HF120 engines. The Independence is targeted for certification by 2008, and the Freedom for 2010.


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The Embraer legacy 600 is medium size business jet aircraft,power by
two Rolls-Royce AE 3007A1E engines,it is developed from EJR-145.


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The Excel Jet is developed the Sport Jet,it is single engined
five seat light business aircraft,power by 1,500 1b thrust
Williams FJ33-4A turbofan,it has a cruising speed 375 kts.


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And the new Cessna Model-680 Sovereign.


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The Embraer Lineage 1000 is developed from E-190
twin jet regional aircraft as business jet aircraft.


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Does anyone know the ATR Airjet regional and business jet
aircraft project ?.
Maybe I should label this one "Can anyone guess what this is?" - it is something that has not happened yet, but may still...a business jet from the makers of the three-surface, twin-pusher Piaggo P180 Avanti. The image came from a market survey Piaggio commissioned to assess interest in a couple of different designs for a mid-size business jet. This one was intended to echo the curvy look of the Avanti.


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You can tell it's lunch time here, because I start ferreting through my hard drive and find things like...

This is the MH02 designed by Honda with Mississippi State University and a precusor to the HondaJet. Flown for a total of 170h between March 1993 and August 1996, the MH02 had two Pratt & Whitney Canada JT15D turbofans mounted above a high-set, forward-swept wing. The design was optimised for runway performance, and is claimed by Honda to have been the first all-composite small business jet.


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Greetings All -

I came across an article in the August '07 issue of Av Week Business and Commercial Aviation detailing the previously unknown Eclipse Singe Engine Personal Jet. This is presently a concept plane but it is interesting nonetheless.

Enjoy the Day! Mark


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the Lockheed SSBJ concepts,of course the middle one is well known.


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Cirrus' "The-Jet" is currently in the concept stage as well, meant to compete head-on with the Eclipse Single Jet. It has less performance so that it'll be "easier to fly" and will seat up to 7.

Don't read too much into the (lack of) panel, this is just a display mock-up.


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the Century Jet in 1996.


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did we speak about this aircraft?,or is it a real project or not ?.


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Ohio State University's supersonic business jet design won the award for Best Use of Technology Developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory.


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Greetings All -

I met a gentleman over this past weekend that was an engineer involved with the Visionaire Vantage. The Vantage project was based here in St. Louis where I live and some of the design team came from the McDonnell Douglas ranks. Here's a couple of drawings of the Vantage. Turns out the airframe is up at Ames, Iowa and being used as a teaching aid at the University of Iowa.

Enjoy the Day! Mark


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I think the dust has settled on the SafireJet, so here is my contribution to this thread (maybe in a few years I will add one or two other aircraft):
First rendering with the SafireJet model 262 and the one in the middle is the never publicly released (moot now) stretched model 282.
Then two photos from the prototype construction, fuselage and wing.


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Mark Nankivil said:
Greetings All -

I met a gentleman over this past weekend that was an engineer involved with the Visionaire Vantage. The Vantage project was based here in St. Louis where I live and some of the design team came from the McDonnell Douglas ranks. Here's a couple of drawings of the Vantage. Turns out the airframe is up at Ames, Iowa and being used as a teaching aid at the University of Iowa.

Enjoy the Day! Mark

Awesome! The Visionaire VA-10 Vantage was developed by Scaled Composites as their Model 247. It was a revolutionary design that was unfortunate to come at the wrong time.

More info on the Vantage here: > click on JET AIRCRAFT > BUSINESS JETS > Vantage Model 247.

There was a plan to market it a simplified version called the Eviation EV-20A (in Brazil I think) but I don't know what became of that.
Eviation could not get the project funded.
Guido Pessotti who was behind it is now working on another jet the GP-210 for GP Aerospace.
IIRC, it was the designer of the Safirejet that sent me a copy of 1/48 MiG-31 drawings that he actually received from the MiG designers at an airshow in Europe. They're a nice set of drawings. I think you can also get them at one of the Russian blueprint/drawing sites.
Is the piperjet worth mentioning in this thread?
Machdiamond said:
Yes, that was me ;D


I was wondering if you were here. :) So, are you designing anything interesting that you can talk about? Or are you retired from designing?
Not planning to retire anytime soon - I just started ;D
After the SafireJet, I lofted the Diamond D-JET (the second prototype and production aircraft, not the first proto) and still working on other aspects of its development nowadays.
Also the Epic Victory and Epic Escape.
Other than that, who knows ;)
Machdiamond said:
Not planning to retire anytime soon - I just started ;D
After the SafireJet, I lofted the Diamond D-JET (the second prototype and production aircraft, not the first proto) and still working on other aspects of its development nowadays.
Also the Epic Victory and Epic Escape.
Other than that, who knows ;)

That's good to hear, especially since I'm truly fond of the Victory. I should be able to fly it in flight sim soon. ;)

The Embraer Legacy 450,Legacy 500 and are a new
business jet aircraft projects,also the Legacy 650
is a long-range version of Legacy 600.


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here is the Learjet Model 85;


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"unchartered waters"?? To me each new Learjet is like each new Porsche... it looks exactly like all the others before it!
hesham said:

Does anyone know the ATR Airjet regional and business jet
aircraft project ?.

The ATR Airjet was a low-wing jet development of the ATR.42,to accommodate between
fifty-eight and seventy seat,regional jet aircraft project.

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