In 1974, after the appointment of VP Glushko for the post of Chief Designer of NPO Energy in the Soviet Union started work on the heavy transport space system with a reusable orbital vehicle. Everyone understands that the winged spaceship is impossible without Minaviaproma only forces and means Minobschemasha, and among the pilots to do so can only G.E.Lozino-Lozinski, with its unique experience of the helix.
To create a glider orbiter (OK) "Buran" by the Minister PV EI Dementieva on the basis of three CB (CB "Lightning" CB "Petrel" and EMZ headed Myasischev) in 1976 was established a specialized company - Scientific-Production Association "Molniya", which became the lead on the development of airframe OK "Buran". Established NGO headed G.E.Lozino-Lozinski - Managing Director and General Designer.
Despite the offer of "Lightning" to apply the scheme of the orbital plane "spiral" in the "Buran", head developer of NPO Energia insisted on using the layout, close to the American shuttle. Nevertheless, the experience of working on "Spiral" significantly facilitate and accelerate the creation Burana. In domestic practice, rocket and space technology had no analogues in the complexity of the ship equal storm: a member of the JC over 600 units of the installation of onboard equipment, skompleksirovannyh in more than 50 on-board systems, combined into a single airborne, over 1500 pipes, more than 2500 assemblies ( harnesses) cable network, comprising about 15000 electrical connectors. The main result of intensive multi-year effort is a triumph dvuhvitkovy unmanned flight Burana with automatic landing November 15, 1988.
As now designed multi-purpose light aircraft Stork-2 and Lightning, a multi-purpose aerospace system MAKS etc. Developed under the guidance of Gleb Yevgen'yevich family aircraft triplanov (on six-airplane-taxi Lightning-1 to the super triplane Hercules carrying up to 500 m) is the greatest constructional achievements in aviation and aerospace technology.