Missile-Like UFO Seen Over New Mexico


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4 May 2008
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Missile-Like UFO Seen Over New Mexico

Created: Jul 25, 2011 Last Updated: Jul 25, 2011

A missile-like UFO was spotted above Roswell, New Mexico on July 17, according to footage shown by television station Estudio XN.

A small bright ball of energy appears to launch from the ground, shooting into the sky at an incredible speed.

At first it leaves a glowing red trail, which turns bright yellow after just a few seconds. As it gains velocity, the trail becomes thicker and the orb expands into a translucent globe of light.

Shortly after the globe forms, the object separates from its trail and becomes kite-shaped.

After the object itself disappears, a large mass of bright yellow light is visible in the sky with a smoky trail of reddish-yellow marking the UFO's trajectory.



Nothing particularly unusual, just unusual lighting. It launched shortly after nightfall, then climbed high enough so that the exhaust was lit by the sun. Since the sky was dark and the exhaust sunlit, it looked especially bright due to contrast. And the "widening" that occurs beyond the 20-second mark or so is the vehicle leaving the sensible atmosphere. No atmosphere = no "trail," just an unfettered expansion of the exhaust gasses.
White Sands?

Very red second stage ignition, or is that just low-level sun refraction?
Orionblamblam said:
Nothing particularly unusual, just unusual lighting. It launched shortly after nightfall, then climbed high enough so that the exhaust was lit by the sun. Since the sky was dark and the exhaust sunlit, it looked especially bright due to contrast. And the "widening" that occurs beyond the 20-second mark or so is the vehicle leaving the sensible atmosphere. No atmosphere = no "trail," just an unfettered expansion of the exhaust gasses.

It's a rocket or a missile ? seems like no suborbital news from New Mexico July 17 ?
Reminds me of a Patriot or THAAD launch. When the missile is higher up it does look like something enters the picture at the ten o'clock?
Gridlock said:
White Sands?

the Video show definitely a rocket launch
and next to Roswell lies White Sands missile range

the frist missile fly on july 1942 (by Robert Goddard)
after WW2 they test V-2 there
since then the US militray and NASA test rockets, missile, Spacehardware there
so over 300000 launchs and Hardware test were made since 1945
Orionblamblam said:
seruriermarshal said:
It's a rocket or a missile ? seems like no suborbital news from New Mexico July 17 ?

Just because someone says it was taken on July 17 doesn't mean it necessarily was. Or even necessarily White Sands.

Then where it ? Or it's fake ?
At about six seconds there is what seems to me to be a (inline?) booster separation. Alternatively it could have been something coming off (never a good sign). Around 14 seconds in, there is what looks like either a stage malfunction or a second stage kicking in
Note that the video is accelerated 5 to 10 times.
Similar beautiful videos of twilight launches from Russia or China, and a few from Florida too, are easy to find on Youtube. They all produce similar effects.
The guy who filmed this had clearly advance warning since he was pointing his camera in the right direction right after launch. Not very White Sandish...
LowObservable said:
Particularly interesting imagery starts at 0:50 ;D

I thoroughly agree. By far the best footage in the whole video!!! ;D
Funnily enough American Airlines crew sighted one in the last 24 hours

At approximately 1:19 CST on the Albuquerque Center frequency of 127.850 MHz or 134.750 MHz (recording wasn't frequency stamped) the pilot reported: "Do you have any targets up here? We just had something go right over the top of us - I hate to say this but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing - moving really fast right over the top of us."

According to Flight 24 an

Wondering if a missile Test from WSMR gone awry??


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