Mikoyan/Gurevich MiG Ye-150/-152('E-166')/-152A

The Ye-166 was used for exploration into the structural and aerodynamic requirements of flight at speeds of more than 1864 mph (3000 km/h).
This aircraft at Monino, although decorated as 'E166' is in fact the E 152M. The designation 'E166' was given to the E152-1 when it achieved a few world records and was certified by the FAI under that designation, but the aircraft at Monino is not the E152-1 that claimed the records. I guess the museum wanted to portray the type, so had the one they had painted up in its sister's markings. I took this photo years ago during a very rainy visit to Monino, in the days of real photos, hence the poor quality.

Mikoyan Gurevich Ye-152M Flipper 001
It was an interesting read and how he thought the canard made it like an F-16 at supersonic speeds, which I could see as being true in that the canard shifted the AC forward at super sonic speeds to limit supersonic trim drag. Whereas, the F-16 being unstable at subsonic speeds allowed the F-16 to be slightly stable at supersonic speeds, thereby limiting it's supersonic trim drag. However, I would argue that the F-16 took it a step further with it's subsonic maneuverability due to being unstable at subsonic speeds.

Although, I think it's safe to argue the entire MiG-21 program could be seen as the godfather of the LWF program.

The MiG-21 already outperformed the F-4 at slow speeds handily, the Ye-8 would have improved somewhat subsonically due to the higher thrust/weight ratio, while also doubling allowable G at high speed and high altitude, This would probably be enough to ensure superiority over the F-4 at all speeds and altitudes and it would have reigned supreme until the F-15 / F-16.

The USSR went totally the opposite way with the eventual MiG-23, .....
Interesting analogy, which I have a strong tendency to agree with overscan.


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