Statements on Passing of Michael Collins

The following is a statement from acting NASA Administrator Steve Jurczyk on the passing of Michael Collins:

“Today the nation lost a true pioneer and lifelong advocate for exploration in astronaut Michael Collins. As pilot of the Apollo 11 command module – some called him ‘the loneliest man in history’ – while his colleagues walked on the Moon for the first time, he helped our nation achieve a defining milestone. He also distinguished himself in the Gemini Program and as an Air Force pilot.

“Michael remained a tireless promoter of space. ‘Exploration is not a choice, really, it’s an imperative,’ he said. Intensely thoughtful about his experience in orbit, he added, ‘What would be worth recording is what kind of civilization we Earthlings created and whether or not we ventured out into other parts of the galaxy.’

“His own signature accomplishments, his writings about his experiences, and his leadership of the National Air and Space Museum helped gain wide exposure for the work of all the men and women who have helped our nation push itself to greatness in aviation and space. There is no doubt he inspired a new generation of scientists, engineers, test pilots, and astronauts.

“NASA mourns the loss of this accomplished pilot and astronaut, a friend of all who seek to push the envelope of human potential. Whether his work was behind the scenes or on full view, his legacy will always be as one of the leaders who took America's first steps into the cosmos. And his spirit will go with us as we venture toward farther horizons.”

The following is a statement from the Collins family:

“We regret to share that our beloved father and grandfather passed away today, after a valiant battle with cancer. He spent his final days peacefully, with his family by his side. Mike always faced the challenges of life with grace and humility, and faced this, his final challenge, in the same way. We will miss him terribly. Yet we also know how lucky Mike felt to have lived the life he did. We will honor his wish for us to celebrate, not mourn, that life. Please join us in fondly and joyfully remembering his sharp wit, his quiet sense of purpose, and his wise perspective, gained both from looking back at Earth from the vantage of space and gazing across calm waters from the deck of his fishing boat.”


RIP, Sir. You showed us what could be done and you will be missed.

Statement of President Joe Biden on the Passing of Michael Collins

Michael Collins lived a life of service to our country. From his time in the Air Force, to his career with NASA, to his service at the State Department, to his leadership of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum; Michael Collins both wrote and helped tell the story of our nation’s remarkable accomplishments in space.

Many remember him as the astronaut who was by himself, orbiting the Moon as Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong walked on the lunar surface. He may not have received equal glory, but he was an equal partner, reminding our nation about the importance of collaboration in service of great goals. From his vantage point high above the Earth, he reminded us of the fragility of our own planet, and called on us to care for it like the treasure it is.

Although, in his life of accomplishment, he earned many titles and achieved the rank of general, he demanded that everyone call him, simply, Mike.

Our prayers are with General Collins’ family. Godspeed, Mike.
As said in the tin. Now Buzz Aldrin is all alone as the last Apollo 11 crew still standing. The way things go, no Apollo crew veteran will be left by 2024 to see a tentative return to the Moon...

Sad to see another Apollo 11 crew member die, I only heard the news late last night. Let’s hope that Buzz Aldrin lives long enough to see the return to the Moon in 2024.
He was always one of my favorite astronauts. His interviews were always insightful and filled with humorous stories. His book, Carrying the Fire, is a must read for anyone interested in the Gemini and Apollo programs. Godspeed!
NASA has just lost its oldest living former Administrator - James Beggs has passed away, aged 95.
He was administrator from 1981 to 1985.
Seeing stars? `` I don`t remember seeing any``- M. Collins. -while spending half the time in absolute darkness in the far side of the moon .
He also had a great sense of humour


It is unfortunate that he is often forgotten when talking about the Moon landings, even when his role was vital to success of the mission. He was a man who was very humble and rarely thought highly of himself. He listened quietly as his colleagues were on the surface of the moon, while he as orbiting above their heads alone. He showed what was possible, and he made it happen.

He may be forgotten by many, but he'll never be forgotten by me.

Rest in Peace.
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From @Richard N post above:

I don't like countdowns. I don't like - I think you're nervous enough without someone yelling in your ear, 10, nine, eight, seven. I think what they ought to do instead of having those backwards numbers is have someone with a sweet voice [...], say, hey, I think it's about time to go.


Let's hope he had this.
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