Merry Christmas and Peaceful 2022

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ACCESS: Above Top Secret
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27 September 2006
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Despite all the bad stuff around at this moment this site shows how amazing things can or could be in our world.
In that spirit and with my favourite animal below I wish you all, especially Paul and the moderators, a merry Christmas however you treat the time of year.
Thank goodness we will have this place in 2022 whatever things bring. But above all a peaceful year for all.


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Things are winding down here in New Zealand - tomorrow is my last day of work. Christmas here is also summer holidays, so a lot of businesses close down for a week or two or three. Will be going down to the family Kiwi fruit farm and doing a lot of swimming in the pool, some driving of the buggy around the orchard, some games will be played and good food cooked and consumed. New babies in the family will be admired, and toasts raised to those who are sadly gone.

We survived 2021. Hurrah for us. 2022 will doubtless throw more challenges. We'll meet them.

Best wishes to all members, whether you celebrate Christmas or not.
2020 6: The Undiscovered Cure
2020 7: Generations (as in it'll be around for...)
2020 10: Nemesis (ayup...)

You missed the obvious:

2020 8: Last Contact (with friends, family, co-workers, employers, customers...)
2020 9: Insurrection
Had to leave you the last word, my friend.
From our favourite Secret Projects author:

Dear Everyone.

Another year gone and once again it is time to send you all my best wishes for a great Christmas, and for a Happy and Healthy New Year. I hope each and all of you have managed to stay virus free and fit and well.

Currently working on a small book covering British Jet Fighters and Bombers used as engine test beds. It has been good fun putting it together, making use in part of revised versions of some of my old magazine articles. Some new photos as well.

My thanks to those of you who have helped me during the year (you know who you are) and, as ever, for all of you for your support. You know how much it is appreciated. Tony B
Merry Christmas to all, and may everyone have a peaceful and joyful 2022!

Hopefully 2022 will be a better year for all of us. Unfortunately, we are still under the grips of this pandemic, and many, including me, will have to self-isolate over Christmas and New Year's Eve/Day. I'm lucky, as I'm not alone, but there are many who are lonely. Try to reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a while, or who you know is going through a difficult time, I'm sure your message will be appreciated.

As for the upcoming year. Will it be challenging? Yes. Will we overcome it? Definitely. We will overcome whatever challenge is thrown at us, regardless of how difficult it is. May we all be determined to overcome anything in our path this upcoming year.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Here’s hoping for a less disaster movie-ish new year too!
Or at least one with better writers. "2020: the Motion Picture" and it's followup were written by *hacks.*
If Hollywood is any indicator 2022 will be a retread of 2020 & 2021 but with more woke and less humor.
From spaceflight POV 2021 was extraordinary. Do you realize NAUKA and WEBB have launched at least ? both had been started (and grounded) since 1996: 25 years, I was in high school.

50 years of cumulated massive delays and cost overruns have just vanished. Talk about BEATING the ODDS at least !

Unfortunately they seem to have passed their respective jinxes to Boeing Starliner. Shudders: will Boeing need 25 years to fix it ?

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