Merry Christmas 2024

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ACCESS: Above Top Secret
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27 September 2006
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In a rather dark and sombre year Christmas offers a chance to be with family or friends and celebrate the fact that days now get longer and nights shorter.
This site is one of my favourite places to be but in the spirit of Christmas I would like to share with you another site which celebrates the care given to animals in zoos and parks, especially Polar Bears.
You can also see what I get up to when not re-living the 1960s!

To Paul and the mods Thank You and have a lovely peaceful Christmas.
Likewise, peace to all and a great season with 2025 giving us what we need and most of what we want.

"The universe speaks in many languages, but only one voice.

It speaks in the language of hope
It speaks in the language of trust
It speaks in the language of strength and the language of compassion
It is the language of the heart and the language of the soul.
But always it is the same voice
It is the voice of our ancestors, speaking through us,
And the voice of our inheritors, waiting to be born
It is the small, still voice that says
We are one
No matter the blood
No matter the skin
No matter the world

We are one
No matter the pain
No matter the darkness
No matter the loss
No matter the fear
We are one
Here, gathered together in common cause, we agree to recognize this
singular truth and this singular rule:
That we must be kind to one another
Because each voice enriches us and ennobles us and each voice lost
diminishes us.
We are the voice of the Universe, the soul of creation, the fire
that will light the way to a better future.
We are one".
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Well, here in New Zealand things are pretty different. Its summer, so Christmas is warm, we hit the beaches and warm up the barbeques. It's basically Christmas blended with summer holidays all at once.

We'll go to the family Kiwi Fruit farm, somewhere around 20-30 family members gathered together to eat, drink and have fun. Swim in the pool, drive the gokart or quad bikes round the orchards, shoot a pellet gun at some cans. Read books, watch some movies or sport, and this year we'll be celebrating the memory of my wife's uncle who recently passed away aged 90. His birthday was 31st December, so we'll raise a glass to him, and I'll also remember my cousin and my aunt who both passed away this year.

2024's done enough damage, good riddance, and welcome to 2025.
Well, here in New Zealand things are pretty different. Its summer, so Christmas is warm, we hit the beaches and warm up the barbeques. It's basically Christmas blended with summer holidays all at once.

We'll go to the family Kiwi Fruit farm, somewhere around 20-30 family members gathered together to eat, drink and have fun. Swim in the pool, drive the gokart or quad bikes round the orchards, shoot a pellet gun at some cans. Read books, watch some movies or sport, and this year we'll be celebrating the memory of my wife's uncle who recently passed away aged 90. His birthday was 31st December, so we'll raise a glass to him, and I'll also remember my cousin and my aunt who both passed away this year.

2024's done enough damage, good riddance, and welcome to 2025.
Sounds like a great bit of family escapism, go large, you earned it.
Merry Christmas everyone and very happy new year,

I confess that,in this year I lost my mother,my father and my favorite uncle, so I felt very sad and lonely, but when I spent in this great forum nice time,that makes me feel, I am in my second home, I like you all,no exception to anyone, and all best wishes.
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Merry Christmas everyone and very happy new year,

I confess that,in this year I lost my mother,my father and my favorite uncle,so I
felt very sad and lonely,but when I spent in this great forum nice time,that makes
me feel, I am in my second home,I like you all,no exception to anyone, and
all best wishes.
Cant find a suitable emoji so I am replying.
I lost my father in 2004 and my mother in 2015. I had already found this forum and in all the years since as you say, it has been a second home.
best wishes to you as well
Il-Milied it-tajjeb lil kulħadd!

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas to each and every one of you and your families. I hope that you are enjoying this time of year and that you are sharing it with friends and loved ones.

However, this time of year is often difficult for many people, so I do ask that you contact people who are struggling and show them love, compassion and forgiveness this season.

Let this time of year be one of rejoicing and rest, so that we may cleanse ourselves of the worries and struggles we picked up in 2024, and enter into the next year with a positive outlook, backed up by an increase in our experience.
... and yes, times are weird, dark and sombre ... but actually, that's what already my parents said. Maybe it's only human to have a look on the negative things only, but disregard the good ones. And to forget, that in the past it hardly was that much better.
A say here goes "It's astonishing, how quick the shitty past was turned into the good old days !" .

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you !

My very best wishes to you all for your help and support after yet another year of writing. Incredibly, next year will mark 30 years since my first magazine article was published? Where has the time gone????

I'm afraid I have made a very slow start to updating American Secret Projects: Jet Fighters, but things did get moving rather better over the last two weeks. Delivery date to the publisher is the end of May.
From Tony Buttler
Il-Milied it-tajjeb lil kulħadd!

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas to each and every one of you and your families. I hope that you are enjoying this time of year and that you are sharing it with friends and loved ones.

However, this time of year is often difficult for many people, so I do ask that you contact people who are struggling and show them love, compassion and forgiveness this season.

Let this time of year be one of rejoicing and rest, so that we may cleanse ourselves of the worries and struggles we picked up in 2024, and enter into the next year with a positive outlook, backed up by an increase in our experience.

Cry and you cry alone, laugh and the world laughs with you.

Trying out my new Ninja air fryer with a lidl turkey crown this year, £20. Bar and indeed gain.

As per usual, I shall be feeding and keeping an eye out for the elderly ex WRAF who has no family nearby. 95 yonks young and still manages to laugh at her day. May we all be able to do so in the same manner.
Every year we exchange greetings with each other and our loved ones and every year many of us leave and we realise that they're never coming back, so everyone should hold the one they love close to them because afterwards you can't kiss a memory.Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all.
Enjoy every bit of that wonderful time. Don't refrain to be exuberant or fairy with the kids. Those are golden dust for their memory that enforce their self to grow as good loving adults.

And for the Mums here cooking for the hungry many, Bravo! [clapping]
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Merry Christmas dear fellows.

During 2023 I faced myself a dire health situation. It's true that 2024 has been a year of uncertainty and hard rehab work. But I've succeed and I'm almost recovered. Thus, in retrospect, ends as a good year, feeling the love and support from many people to whom I show my whole gratitude and appreciation. Some of them are forum members.

The forum has been part of my treatment: learning and researching has been more pleasant than ever, enjoying that hobby with all of you. Thank you all for another year.

Loosing beloved family and friends is unavoidable. All my condolences for those who lived that bitter moments during the year. I lost my Mom in January 2021 and Dad died in January 2022. Live and love the moment with the ones you care about and make them know it. Keep alive on the heart those that passed away.

healh for all,
Merry Christmas dear fellows.

During 2023 I faced myself a dire health situation. It's true that 2024 has been a year of uncertainty and hard rehab work. But I've succeed and I'm almost recovered. Thus, in retrospect, ends as a good year, feeling the love and support from many people to whom I show my whole gratitude and appreciation. Some of them are forum members.

The forum has been part of my treatment: learning and researching has been more pleasant than ever, enjoying that hobby with all of you. Thank you all for another year.

Loosing beloved family and friends is unavoidable. All my condolences for those who lived that bitter moments during the year. I lost my Mom in January 2021 and Dad died in January 2022. Live and love the moment with the ones you care about and make them know it. Keep alive on the heart those that passed away.

healh for all,
Vaya tio, me has conmovido, por el icono yo creía que eras un robot¡;)
Merry Christmas dear fellows.

During 2023 I faced myself a dire health situation. It's true that 2024 has been a year of uncertainty and hard rehab work. But I've succeed and I'm almost recovered. Thus, in retrospect, ends as a good year, feeling the love and support from many people to whom I show my whole gratitude and appreciation. Some of them are forum members.

The forum has been part of my treatment: learning and researching has been more pleasant than ever, enjoying that hobby with all of you. Thank you all for another year.

Loosing beloved family and friends is unavoidable. All my condolences for those who lived that bitter moments during the year. I lost my Mom in January 2021 and Dad died in January 2022. Live and love the moment with the ones you care about and make them know it. Keep alive on the heart those that passed away.

healh for all,

Here, here.

I for one will be glad to see the back of 2024. It's been an absolute bastard. Lost my mother-in-law this summer, I got a cancer diagnosis (treatable, thankfully), my wife had major surgery, and too many other things to list. (On top of losing my dad and uncle 3 days apart in late 2022.)

That said, there were some bright spots. I got to visit Paris this summer; the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace was a high point. Also the topographical model exhibit at the French Army Museum. (Low point was working overnight shifts for three weeks straight and staying in a hotel room the size of a matchbox.)

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