2013 Merry Christmas and happy new Year

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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To everyone on the forum, I would like to send you all my best wishes for a great Christmas and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year! Have a good holiday everyone.
As ever I appreciate your support with my books and articles so much. Makes it all worthwhile.
Please extend our very best wishes to Tony. Each and everyone of his books is like Christmas to us!
Best wishes to all, from Santa!


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Seasons greetings from a stormy North Sea.

Chris and Adrian


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Seasons greetings to all and a happy and successful 2014. And a card from De Havilland's from 1950.


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Bon Nadal
Felíz Navidad

To all of the members and friends in this forum. Hope to enjoy a new year sharing research and the joy of discover.

Merry Christmas Mr Buttler and happy research for 2014.
Thank you for that wonderful books you gave us in 2013.

Frohe Weihnachten!
Geseende Kerfees!
Hyvää Joulua!
Krist Yesu Ko Shuva Janma Utsav Ko Upalaxhma Hardik Shuva!
Chuc Mung Giang Sinh!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Kung His Hsin Nien!


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Wishing you a wonderful Christmas from Far East! :D


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A Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and all the best for all of you !


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United 349, you want to file a report?

Uhhhh.... negative Chicago.

Merry Christmas to all


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Santa say's," we'll take 'Fitzgerald's 1849' octane please".

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to all.

thus spake Sferrin to all the "internetbois"
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Another great year learning and being educated by the great minds at SP

My wish for under the tree? A brand new ICBM for the US !! ;D
A Merry (and safe) Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Some seasonal material for your perusal:



Best wishes to all!


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From Tony Buttler:

Hi Guys.
Thank you for those very kind comments Stargazer2006 and pometablava. It is all very humbling I must say!!
I must add that the job you guys do on the forum in digging out so many obscure items is a great help to researchers like me - over the years you have filled a lot of gaps in my research or pointed me in the direction of projects about which I had previously known nothing.
And hopefully (with luck!!) Alan and I will have American Secret Projects: WW2 ready for you by next Christmas.
I would add thanks to Tony for his inclusion of the forum URL in his books, its appreciated.

The internet certainly adds new ways for enthusiasts/fanatics of all types to find each other, and for every bad thing that creates I think there are ten more positive things, even if these rarely make the news.
...And a Merry Christnukkah from everyone here at OMWorld Central, especially my grey cat, Buzz Aldrin, who's hanging over the monitor looking at my typing for some odd reason I can't fathom. Everyone have a Happy New Year, and let's keep the Secret Projects info flowing for another year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and hope 2014 will be an even more interesting (aviation enthusiast wise) than the last.
And hoping for end of wars and world peace (no joking).
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
From Tony Buttler:

Hi Guys.
Thank you for those very kind comments Stargazer2006 and pometablava. It is all very humbling I must say!!
I must add that the job you guys do on the forum in digging out so many obscure items is a great help to researchers like me - over the years you have filled a lot of gaps in my research or pointed me in the direction of projects about which I had previously known nothing.
And hopefully (with luck!!) Alan and I will have American Secret Projects: WW2 ready for you by next Christmas.
Oh!! :eek:
Merry Xmas and a happy New Year!


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A bit late for the first part, but anyway... :)


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